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Dr Rishimbha or Nawaz Khan whoever is available for my poplys, cyst case Page 8 of 15

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Sure Nawazji. Thanks a ton !
Nitz7 9 years ago

You are more than welcome.

More prayers........
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear nawaazji

This is urgent. Could you suggest me a remedy for now. I was doing some housework yesterday which triggered a terrible pain in the left side of my back. It's not feeling like a muscular pain or a nerve pain. It's just stabbing constant pain from middle extreme left to upper part of back near ribs beside left shoulder Bone . I am unable to twist my body to the right. Or bend much or raise the left arm towards the right much. The right side is totally ok. No difficulty in breathing. I cannot toss and turn in bed easily. It hurts a lot. I applied some bengay at night and it didn't help at all. Couldn't sleep due to this.

Thanks I shall update of the previous Med course you gave and condition related to that later.

Nitz7 8 years ago

I've replied to your email.

Many prayers for your speedy recovery.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawazji ,

I am updating this after having 2 doses of arsenic album 200 you last suggested. I have one more dose to go.

I am again getting upper stomach pain. This used to happen till before the appendix operation. Then I didn't really get this pain until 2 days back. I got very constipated and then I started getting the upper stomach pain inbetween the ribs mainly. It's very intense. My stomach is getting very bloated.
Today my motions was like my food just didn't get digested at all. If I delay eating, even by 20 min, all the symptoms start coming.
I had to take pantoprazole today.
It hardly helped.
I am so scared to eat most things.

Regarding the back pain. It's getting better. It's 85% better. But I have pain running down the left leg siatic nerve. And also left hip. But it's bearable.

Also, my seasonal spring allergies are at its worst and I take eye drops and Claritin.

Thank again for everything.

Lots of prayers
Regards Nita.
Nitz7 8 years ago

Please take Colocynthis 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thanks Nawaz ji.

I did the needful.
Nitz7 8 years ago
I forgot to mention an important thing.
I have been having vaginal discharge (not smelly) since a week too.
Nitz7 8 years ago
Nawaz ji,

I just realized that you said colocynth 200c DROPS. But I took pellets of the same potency mixed in water.

If I have to order mother tincture. It will take minimum 7 days. What should I do ?
Nitz7 8 years ago

Pellets are Ok, but, a little less effective. Please always use mineral water to prepare a dose.

"If I have to order mother tincture."
No need at this time. Only use 200C.

"I have been having vaginal discharge (not smelly)"
Please get hold of Borax 30c asap.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thanks Nawaz Ji
Nitz7 8 years ago
Hi, You are welcome Nita! Stay Blessed!

Many prayers for your good health and happy life.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
I got borax 30 c. Please guide me how to dose.

Thanks Nawaji.
Lots of prayers and love towards you.
Nitz7 8 years ago

Please take this remedy, 3 times a day, for 4 days.

Many prayers for your good health and happy life.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thanks again.

Appreciate everything. You have become like a therapist too for me.
Nitz7 8 years ago

You are welcome. I would like to pray more for your happy and healthy life.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawazji,

After taking borax 30 for one day (3doses), I seem to be getting a little bloody in the vaginal discharge. I am not sure if this is due to periods. Last month I got it on 13 March. So it's still early. But I do have lot of leg pains like I get during PMS.
So, I wanted to ask if it's still ok to continue borax for 3 more days.

Thanks again
Nitz7 8 years ago

I would like to suggest to stop this remedy at this time.

Please take Mag Phos 6x, 4 tablets, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Ok Nawaz ji.

May Gods love be with you.

Lots of regards
Nitz7 8 years ago
Great! Thanks a bundle!
More prayers......
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawazji,

Hope you are in khariyat. I took mag phos since I last spoke. It's 4 days now.
Last time k said I was getting a little bloody discharge and you asked me to discontinue borax 30. I did that. The discharge was the pre menses discharge. I finally got my periods yesterday.

Now the major issue is my stools are very untimely and frequent. I am going several times in a day only to release a little.(. From my history I am more constipated type. ) This Ofcourse was happening even before I started borax or mag phos. But, I though I ate something so it occurred. But it's been so many days and I am still having same issue. Stool looks undigested mostly. Sometimes not. But I just feel the need to keep going and I go 4-5 times a day. Only once today it was loose motion. Otherwise it's not.
My body aches are bad. Leg pains and lower back. Moods are super temperamental. I feel like crying a lot.
I am tapering of my cymbalta which I mentioned month back. So I am left with just 5,6 tabs and I take them alternate day. I feel the emotional take could be from withdrawal effects.

Thanks a lot.
I appreciate your service and love
May god be in your home and family always.
Nitz7 8 years ago
Sorry Nawaz ji.

Messaging again. My health got so bad that's why. I again had the worst headache ( for more than 15 hrs) with stomach bloating. I haven't slept even an hour since 2 days. Tongue is white. Mostly towards the inner side. Clearly the head achefeels from indigestion.

Please take your time. I know you have lots to handle.

Thanks lots of prayers for your health n happiness.

Nitz7 8 years ago
Dear Nita,

Sorry to know about your current health issues.

Please take Nux Vomica 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Bohot shukriya..
May God be with you.
Nitz7 8 years ago
A bundle of Thanks Nita Jee. You are more than welcome. Please get well soon.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz ji,

I finished having the Nux Vom 200 for 3 days. Yesterday I felt lot better. I was feeling I am recovering well. But today again was a very bad day. Had severe bloating. Loose motion. And a sense of hunger and rumbling all day.
I also have been feeling out of place as my new eye glasses are giving me strain and nausea.
I am still having my periods.
Energy wise feel I am getting better.
Tapering cymbalta is hell of a ride though. Emotionally drained .

Thanks and respect for you hearing me out each time.

Regards prayers
Nitz7 8 years ago

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