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Dr Rishimbha or Nawaz Khan whoever is available for my poplys, cyst case Page 14 of 15
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Fortunately I Had THUja 1M at home. It must be a bottle from 2009/2010. I took one dose. It was an unopened bottle. Hope it's ok that it's so old??
It had a strong taste which homeo meds usually have.
It had a strong taste which homeo meds usually have.
Nitz7 8 years ago
You are welcome! Thanks for your prayers that we desperately need at the moment.
"It had a strong taste which homeo meds usually have.
Sorry, I do not agree with the above statement. Only some remedies like Berberis Vulgaris have strong taste. Please order the new one from the USA.
I would like to look at your symptoms in a couple of days.
Do you have Carbo Vegetabilis 30C at home?
Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 07 Mar 2017 04:57:42 UTC]
"It had a strong taste which homeo meds usually have.
Sorry, I do not agree with the above statement. Only some remedies like Berberis Vulgaris have strong taste. Please order the new one from the USA.
I would like to look at your symptoms in a couple of days.
Do you have Carbo Vegetabilis 30C at home?
Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 07 Mar 2017 04:57:42 UTC]
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawazji
By strong taste I didn't mean it had sweet or bitter or any taste. My miscommunication. I meant it seemed just like any homeo medicine when fresh vs dried out there is a difference and this seemed v fresh.
But if you still feel then I can order another one.
I have carbo veg 30 at home.
Prayers your way
By strong taste I didn't mean it had sweet or bitter or any taste. My miscommunication. I meant it seemed just like any homeo medicine when fresh vs dried out there is a difference and this seemed v fresh.
But if you still feel then I can order another one.
I have carbo veg 30 at home.
Prayers your way
Nitz7 8 years ago
Ok, then, it sounds good.
Please take Carbo Veg. 30C, 3 times a day, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
Please take Carbo Veg. 30C, 3 times a day, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Sorry I am late on updating. I actually searched and didn't have carbo veg 30 at home. So finally was able to get it at a store today. Will start tommrow.
As of now my symptoms are-
1. Digestion was better until 2 days back. The entire nausea and aversion to food got much better after thuja. But since today I feel heaviness again in lower stomach. Slight pain in middle of upper stomach like gas pain which I didn't have before. I did eat out after long last night and today so that triggered.
Eating out or slightly rich foods is absolutely off limits.
2/ tongue color is partially white. Keeps getting better and worse. Have bit of constipation.
3. I am on birth control pills for last 3,4 months and this month I had v scanty periods and the month before had nothing
4. Feeling stressed and wasted most time with bouts of anger.
Prayers for you.
My parents are very greatfull to you.
As of now my symptoms are-
1. Digestion was better until 2 days back. The entire nausea and aversion to food got much better after thuja. But since today I feel heaviness again in lower stomach. Slight pain in middle of upper stomach like gas pain which I didn't have before. I did eat out after long last night and today so that triggered.
Eating out or slightly rich foods is absolutely off limits.
2/ tongue color is partially white. Keeps getting better and worse. Have bit of constipation.
3. I am on birth control pills for last 3,4 months and this month I had v scanty periods and the month before had nothing
4. Feeling stressed and wasted most time with bouts of anger.
Prayers for you.
My parents are very greatfull to you.
Nitz7 7 years ago
Thanks for the update. Please continue with the suggested remedy Carbo Veg 30c asap.
Please convey my regards, thanks and prayers to your father.
Many prayers for you.
Thanks for the update. Please continue with the suggested remedy Carbo Veg 30c asap.
Please convey my regards, thanks and prayers to your father.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawazji
Finished with carboveg 30 - 3 / day today.
I actually feel v sick again after eating brown rice at dinner and parathas for lunch (I am gluten intolerant as I mentioned many times but if I eat once in a while I am fine ) . But I got Same nausea feeling , burps and then diarrhea happened by night. I also notice my first food aversion in recent times was brown rice and slowly everything else.
After the last time episode of major nausea for days and stomach pain in bottom left, I ate v light diet with white rice only as I can't eat gluten. That helped in calming me. But today I feel pretty bad and same like 20 days back.
Regarding stomach pain in the left corner. It's more likely muscular as I went for physio therapy and the therapist said my lower back is very bad and it can't do more motions. The pain is apparently spreading in front left of stomach. I am for 2 months unable to sit without pain in entire lower hip area including front of stomach pain. Not even 5 min. I can only lay in certain positions and stand and walk without pain. But can't do anything for more than half hour.
My doctor insisted on sleep study too as they saw my tongue muscles give no space of breathing and I have complained of choking and shortness of breath since I was 20. Which also contributes to my insomnia. Along with restless legs when I am idle. They said lack of breathing at night caused many issues.
Physio asked me to avoid sitting for most part and keep changing my activity throughout day and stretch. I am doing so. But all falls apart when I am depressed and get body pains all over and feel fatigued.
Currently I am highly emotional , feel abandoned and needy. Feel lack of compassion in marriage and highly stressed. You know my state from before.
I can't concentrate to work or read.
When I sit, I feel my entire lower back and abdomen froze and I can't move. It takes time to get motion.
I am sick of my sicknesses.
Sorry for the ranting.
I always thank you and pray for your happiness.
Lots of love
Finished with carboveg 30 - 3 / day today.
I actually feel v sick again after eating brown rice at dinner and parathas for lunch (I am gluten intolerant as I mentioned many times but if I eat once in a while I am fine ) . But I got Same nausea feeling , burps and then diarrhea happened by night. I also notice my first food aversion in recent times was brown rice and slowly everything else.
After the last time episode of major nausea for days and stomach pain in bottom left, I ate v light diet with white rice only as I can't eat gluten. That helped in calming me. But today I feel pretty bad and same like 20 days back.
Regarding stomach pain in the left corner. It's more likely muscular as I went for physio therapy and the therapist said my lower back is very bad and it can't do more motions. The pain is apparently spreading in front left of stomach. I am for 2 months unable to sit without pain in entire lower hip area including front of stomach pain. Not even 5 min. I can only lay in certain positions and stand and walk without pain. But can't do anything for more than half hour.
My doctor insisted on sleep study too as they saw my tongue muscles give no space of breathing and I have complained of choking and shortness of breath since I was 20. Which also contributes to my insomnia. Along with restless legs when I am idle. They said lack of breathing at night caused many issues.
Physio asked me to avoid sitting for most part and keep changing my activity throughout day and stretch. I am doing so. But all falls apart when I am depressed and get body pains all over and feel fatigued.
Currently I am highly emotional , feel abandoned and needy. Feel lack of compassion in marriage and highly stressed. You know my state from before.
I can't concentrate to work or read.
When I sit, I feel my entire lower back and abdomen froze and I can't move. It takes time to get motion.
I am sick of my sicknesses.
Sorry for the ranting.
I always thank you and pray for your happiness.
Lots of love
Nitz7 7 years ago
Dear Nawazji , I'm guessing you have lot of work and the internet is bad there. Whenever you can, let me know the next course of action.
Symptoms still pretty same as above.
Thanks a lot
Symptoms still pretty same as above.
Thanks a lot
Nitz7 7 years ago
Hello Nita Jee, I am really extremely sorry for the late reply due to circumstances beyond my control.
Please forgive.
Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Many many prayers for you.
Please forgive.
Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Many many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 7 years ago
Please never be sorry to me. I totally understand you do your best amidst all your work and life.
Thanks a lot
May god give you more power
Thanks a lot
May god give you more power
Nitz7 7 years ago
Dear nawaz ji
I finished the course day before.
Current symptoms.
- tongue is white
- constipation
- the lower back pain which leads to the front of stomach (left) is better when I do physio excercises but other wise still same. It increases with sitting more than 15 min or long hours of standing or work.
- spinal pain is pretty same. It keeps shifting from neck to lower back wherever the slip discs are there
- stress is the same. Very high. But I may be bit calmer than before.
- allergies are high due to pollen season. Teary eyes and nazal dryness. I am taking drops for that.
- sleeping problems same. Hard falling asleep.
- old problems stay obviously the cyst on the left ovary. Cyst on the left kidney.
Thanks a lot
Prayers for you.
I finished the course day before.
Current symptoms.
- tongue is white
- constipation
- the lower back pain which leads to the front of stomach (left) is better when I do physio excercises but other wise still same. It increases with sitting more than 15 min or long hours of standing or work.
- spinal pain is pretty same. It keeps shifting from neck to lower back wherever the slip discs are there
- stress is the same. Very high. But I may be bit calmer than before.
- allergies are high due to pollen season. Teary eyes and nazal dryness. I am taking drops for that.
- sleeping problems same. Hard falling asleep.
- old problems stay obviously the cyst on the left ovary. Cyst on the left kidney.
Thanks a lot
Prayers for you.
Nitz7 7 years ago
Nitz7 7 years ago
♡ nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawazji before having thuja 1M I wanted to confirm again because I am not sure if you remember you prescribed it last month and I had it also.
Just let me know if I need to take again ?
Just let me know if I need to take again ?
Nitz7 7 years ago
♡ nawazkhan 7 years ago
Nitz7 7 years ago
♡ nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Nawazji ji,
How are you doing ? Still extremely busy I assume. Must be hard to do so much. Lot of respect sir.
My currents symptoms since I had Thuja. I took same day as you asked.
- very bad insomnia. (It's worst now). I feel extremely rested if I sleep for an hour or two at night. I can't sleep at a stretch for more than an hour without waking up. I am awake most nights completely except for 1-2 hrs. In day I might catch 1- 1.5 hrs more.
- lower back pain radiating to piroformis and legs is still same. Keeps shifting to middle or upper back depending on activity.
- I am my emotional worst. Extreme sadness, hurt and anger (even throwing some things around occasionally ). I still feel like I control the physically violent feeling but landing up doing a little in anger and rage. I cry a lot when hurt and can go on for like an hr with same amount of anger which is fairly new. I used to be quick tempered and would cool down v easy. I feel I suppressed my feelings too long and now it's an emotional outburst I am unable to control. Feel depressed all day for months.
- adding weight in stress (6 pounds in last 20 days)
- not able to run chores due to emotional turmoil. Bearly can talk or socialize. Can't speak on phone as usual. Have anxiety about people's questions. Hardly go out.
- my head is getting completely wet at night with sweat. Earlier, a year back you had solved this for me and I was good for a long time.
Thanks a lot for very help
May god be with you
How are you doing ? Still extremely busy I assume. Must be hard to do so much. Lot of respect sir.
My currents symptoms since I had Thuja. I took same day as you asked.
- very bad insomnia. (It's worst now). I feel extremely rested if I sleep for an hour or two at night. I can't sleep at a stretch for more than an hour without waking up. I am awake most nights completely except for 1-2 hrs. In day I might catch 1- 1.5 hrs more.
- lower back pain radiating to piroformis and legs is still same. Keeps shifting to middle or upper back depending on activity.
- I am my emotional worst. Extreme sadness, hurt and anger (even throwing some things around occasionally ). I still feel like I control the physically violent feeling but landing up doing a little in anger and rage. I cry a lot when hurt and can go on for like an hr with same amount of anger which is fairly new. I used to be quick tempered and would cool down v easy. I feel I suppressed my feelings too long and now it's an emotional outburst I am unable to control. Feel depressed all day for months.
- adding weight in stress (6 pounds in last 20 days)
- not able to run chores due to emotional turmoil. Bearly can talk or socialize. Can't speak on phone as usual. Have anxiety about people's questions. Hardly go out.
- my head is getting completely wet at night with sweat. Earlier, a year back you had solved this for me and I was good for a long time.
Thanks a lot for very help
May god be with you
Nitz7 7 years ago
Dear Nita,
I am very sad to read your post. I just got back to USA after a lengthy successful trip. Thanks to our creator.
I promise to pray for you at nights. Inshallah, you will be healthy soon.
Please take Pulsatilla 200C, only if not in period? Otherwise take Staphysagria 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Also, get hold of Berberis Vulgaris 1x, for future use.
Many prayers for you.
I am very sad to read your post. I just got back to USA after a lengthy successful trip. Thanks to our creator.
I promise to pray for you at nights. Inshallah, you will be healthy soon.
Please take Pulsatilla 200C, only if not in period? Otherwise take Staphysagria 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Also, get hold of Berberis Vulgaris 1x, for future use.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 7 years ago
Thanks Nawazji for enquiring.
Post taking pullsitilla that you asked , I am slightly better with the back related pain. I am able to do more activities.
Mentally of course it isn't much different. But slightly feel more tolerant than until one week before. I am going for psychological therapy and it is the only thing which helps me apart from remembering the divine. I am taking a Muscle relaxant given by psychiatrist and it's helping me relax and sleep since few days. That itself is positive. Just to sleep without interference is good.
I am still getting night sweats though.
Occasional constipation.
REgarding beberis vulgaris 1x... this website dosent have it. The store in Chicago who are the biggest supplier here dosent. They said they can arrange 2x potency. And abc hiemopathy has 3x. What do you suggest?
Many prayers for all the good work you do here and for your country.
Post taking pullsitilla that you asked , I am slightly better with the back related pain. I am able to do more activities.
Mentally of course it isn't much different. But slightly feel more tolerant than until one week before. I am going for psychological therapy and it is the only thing which helps me apart from remembering the divine. I am taking a Muscle relaxant given by psychiatrist and it's helping me relax and sleep since few days. That itself is positive. Just to sleep without interference is good.
I am still getting night sweats though.
Occasional constipation.
REgarding beberis vulgaris 1x... this website dosent have it. The store in Chicago who are the biggest supplier here dosent. They said they can arrange 2x potency. And abc hiemopathy has 3x. What do you suggest?
Many prayers for all the good work you do here and for your country.
Nitz7 7 years ago
You are welcome Nita Jee. Please take care of yourself. Be brave and wise at all times.
Please go for BV 3x asap. This remedy must never be taken during period.
Many many prayers for your good health and a happy life.
Please go for BV 3x asap. This remedy must never be taken during period.
Many many prayers for your good health and a happy life.
♡ nawazkhan 7 years ago
Thanks nawaz ji. I am sorry I wasn't able to msg. Once I tke BV 3x after I receive it I will notify.
How many doses of 3x should I take ?
May god shower his blessing on you and your family
[message edited by Nitz7 on Wed, 17 May 2017 07:13:29 UTC]
How many doses of 3x should I take ?
May god shower his blessing on you and your family
[message edited by Nitz7 on Wed, 17 May 2017 07:13:29 UTC]
Nitz7 7 years ago
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