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Dr Rishimbha or Nawaz Khan whoever is available for my poplys, cyst case Page 7 of 15
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Please follow directions and perform all needed actions on time to get well soon.
You need Kreosotum 30C at this time.
Many prayers for you.
Please follow directions and perform all needed actions on time to get well soon.
You need Kreosotum 30C at this time.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawazji.
Reporting from hospital. Thought to inform you.
I got some upper abdomen pain, just like The one I usually keep mentioning to you, on 19th early 3:00am. I didn't want to confuse you too much as you were prescribing me for so many things and had asked to preorder a Med. So I thought the pain should eventually fade and I will wait it out. I had eaten gluten previous day and that's the pain I get whenever j eat American gluten. But pain lasted more than 12 hours. I even threw up the morning cereal breakfast and couldn't eat since then. My primary care physician was MIA. So we went to emergency. They immediately did CT, ultrasound and blood test. Found that appendix is enlarged and 17000 wbc count. They admitted me immediately and operated. The doc said the appendix had to be removed as there could be stool or something in it. If it's stool we are thinking its due to a stomach bug. Initially doctor said it looks Taht stomach bug before they operated. But the blood work didn't show any such thing.
Now we have to see if the problem I came here with is actually addressed or not. It's sort of unusual to get upper stomach middle of ribs pain for appendix. But it's still possible. I also felt the Pain spreading to middle abdomen left side before surgery. Now after surgery also the pain is in left side middle and radiating towards my back from there.
There is no pain where the appendix was.
I am on heavy pain killers now. Started some solids today. Ate after 2 full days.
Thanks for listening.
Take care.
Prayers for you.
Reporting from hospital. Thought to inform you.
I got some upper abdomen pain, just like The one I usually keep mentioning to you, on 19th early 3:00am. I didn't want to confuse you too much as you were prescribing me for so many things and had asked to preorder a Med. So I thought the pain should eventually fade and I will wait it out. I had eaten gluten previous day and that's the pain I get whenever j eat American gluten. But pain lasted more than 12 hours. I even threw up the morning cereal breakfast and couldn't eat since then. My primary care physician was MIA. So we went to emergency. They immediately did CT, ultrasound and blood test. Found that appendix is enlarged and 17000 wbc count. They admitted me immediately and operated. The doc said the appendix had to be removed as there could be stool or something in it. If it's stool we are thinking its due to a stomach bug. Initially doctor said it looks Taht stomach bug before they operated. But the blood work didn't show any such thing.
Now we have to see if the problem I came here with is actually addressed or not. It's sort of unusual to get upper stomach middle of ribs pain for appendix. But it's still possible. I also felt the Pain spreading to middle abdomen left side before surgery. Now after surgery also the pain is in left side middle and radiating towards my back from there.
There is no pain where the appendix was.
I am on heavy pain killers now. Started some solids today. Ate after 2 full days.
Thanks for listening.
Take care.
Prayers for you.
Nitz7 9 years ago
Hi, I am worried about your health. Please follow the directions of your doctors very carefully.
Sorry for the late reply due to my overseas travel.
Many many prayers for your good health.
Sorry for the late reply due to my overseas travel.
Many many prayers for your good health.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Thanks for your concern Nawaz ji.
I am resting it out. This was totally uncalled for. Accepting it as Gods will. I feel better since surgery. They asked me to keep walking and be active. I am totally following everything they asked.
I will update you. Once I am better hopefully you can resume the treatment.
Loads of prayers for you.
I am resting it out. This was totally uncalled for. Accepting it as Gods will. I feel better since surgery. They asked me to keep walking and be active. I am totally following everything they asked.
I will update you. Once I am better hopefully you can resume the treatment.
Loads of prayers for you.
Nitz7 9 years ago
Please get well soon.
l am constantly praying for you, Shukar ALhamdulillah.
Please get well soon.
l am constantly praying for you, Shukar ALhamdulillah.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz ji,
Hope you are doing well.
I want to update my health situation. Hopefully you can help.
Post appendix surgery- I had it on Jan 18. It's been 20 days now. My laparoscopic incisions seems to have almost healed from out. However, if I sit too long putting pressure on my stomach or walk too much I feel a slight ache inside the stomach where the cuts are made. It's not terrible. Just a slight ache.
I have been prescribed a antiacid called pantoprazole 40 mg to take for one month. This was given because I had gone with the complaint of gas bloating abdomen pain related issues which I have been telling you too.
Hope you are doing well.
I want to update my health situation. Hopefully you can help.
Post appendix surgery- I had it on Jan 18. It's been 20 days now. My laparoscopic incisions seems to have almost healed from out. However, if I sit too long putting pressure on my stomach or walk too much I feel a slight ache inside the stomach where the cuts are made. It's not terrible. Just a slight ache.
I have been prescribed a antiacid called pantoprazole 40 mg to take for one month. This was given because I had gone with the complaint of gas bloating abdomen pain related issues which I have been telling you too.
Nitz7 9 years ago
Please ignore previous post. It's not complete
Dear Nawaz ji,
Hope you are doing well.
I want to update my health situation. Hopefully you can help.
Post appendix surgery- I had it on Jan 18. It's been 20 days now. My laparoscopic incisions seems to have almost healed from out. However, if I sit too long putting pressure on my stomach or walk too much I feel a slight ache inside the stomach where the cuts are made. It's not terrible. Just a slight ache.
I have been prescribed an antiacid called pantoprazole 40 mg to take for one month. This was given because I had gone with the complaint of gas bloating abdomen pain related issues which I have been telling you too.
Currently, I am also taking qvair inhaler and Claritin for seasonal allergy prescribed by primary care. This was given as they had detected asthma most likely due to my seasonal allergy long back. I resumed these meds 2 days back as I was unable to breathe well and felt so weak Taht I couldn't do anything. I didn't have post operative weakness. But after 10 days of surgery my weakness started and I got so weak. I am feeling better since today morning with Claritin. The allergies weigh me down like anything.
My digestion feels v bad. I have a white coating most days on tongue. I can't eat anything gassy like cauliflower, pulses etc. I am Ofcourse gluten intolerant. And get severe pain from that.
Now I am hoping I don't have to do another surgery for my left ovarian cyst ( Dermoid ). I was told that if it grows soon than it can hinder things inside. Which could also come in way for fertility.
My periods should end by tommrw. I am still on those horrible 5 days a month progesterone by the gynac for inducing it.
I have reduced cymbalta to 30mg and next month will taper to 20mg then another month 10mg to stop taking it.
I am not sure if I should mention this- I have been having horrible vision problems. blurred vision for far things. I can see close things well. But can't read anything on TV or can't see faces sometimes. It feels more like nerve problem than eye sight. Because some days I see better than other. I got this first in 2014 when I was on high dose of cymbalta 60mg. I started noticing that I can't see tv well especially with one eye. Then in 3,4 months it got fine and I was able to see totally ok. I did read online Taht people have complained about blurry vision with cymbalta. Doctors never agree.
But since last 7,8 months my blurry vision never got better. I kept hoping it will be fine like before. Now I am confused if i really got eye sight issues. Can homeopathy give Med for negating such side effects of powerful drugs?
Dear Nawaz ji,
Hope you are doing well.
I want to update my health situation. Hopefully you can help.
Post appendix surgery- I had it on Jan 18. It's been 20 days now. My laparoscopic incisions seems to have almost healed from out. However, if I sit too long putting pressure on my stomach or walk too much I feel a slight ache inside the stomach where the cuts are made. It's not terrible. Just a slight ache.
I have been prescribed an antiacid called pantoprazole 40 mg to take for one month. This was given because I had gone with the complaint of gas bloating abdomen pain related issues which I have been telling you too.
Currently, I am also taking qvair inhaler and Claritin for seasonal allergy prescribed by primary care. This was given as they had detected asthma most likely due to my seasonal allergy long back. I resumed these meds 2 days back as I was unable to breathe well and felt so weak Taht I couldn't do anything. I didn't have post operative weakness. But after 10 days of surgery my weakness started and I got so weak. I am feeling better since today morning with Claritin. The allergies weigh me down like anything.
My digestion feels v bad. I have a white coating most days on tongue. I can't eat anything gassy like cauliflower, pulses etc. I am Ofcourse gluten intolerant. And get severe pain from that.
Now I am hoping I don't have to do another surgery for my left ovarian cyst ( Dermoid ). I was told that if it grows soon than it can hinder things inside. Which could also come in way for fertility.
My periods should end by tommrw. I am still on those horrible 5 days a month progesterone by the gynac for inducing it.
I have reduced cymbalta to 30mg and next month will taper to 20mg then another month 10mg to stop taking it.
I am not sure if I should mention this- I have been having horrible vision problems. blurred vision for far things. I can see close things well. But can't read anything on TV or can't see faces sometimes. It feels more like nerve problem than eye sight. Because some days I see better than other. I got this first in 2014 when I was on high dose of cymbalta 60mg. I started noticing that I can't see tv well especially with one eye. Then in 3,4 months it got fine and I was able to see totally ok. I did read online Taht people have complained about blurry vision with cymbalta. Doctors never agree.
But since last 7,8 months my blurry vision never got better. I kept hoping it will be fine like before. Now I am confused if i really got eye sight issues. Can homeopathy give Med for negating such side effects of powerful drugs?
Nitz7 9 years ago
Please take Staphysagria 200c, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Please give at least 5 hours gap between the other medicine.
I hope and pray that the above remedy will remove all bad effects of surgery, reduce pain, help in all other issues and give you mind control.
Many prayers for you.
Please take Staphysagria 200c, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Please give at least 5 hours gap between the other medicine.
I hope and pray that the above remedy will remove all bad effects of surgery, reduce pain, help in all other issues and give you mind control.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz Ji,
Hope you are well. Thankyou so far for everything you are doing for me.
Last time you asked me to take satphsgria 200c. I had it on feb 9 for 3 days.
Here is the current update since I had it.
My motions have been more regular post dosage.
I just finished the antiacid course by my surgeon two days back. Since then my motions seems constipated again. As I missed yesterday and today.
Also I am still suffering with bloating and flatulence. Problem is that my periods are ideally due. But the progesterone my genac had given is over and I didn't take this month. So I am still expecting my periods. Hence I do get constipated and bloated while PMS.
I am supposed to visit my gyneac for another ultrasound so she can see how is the Dermoid on the ovary and judge what has to be done.
My eye sight like I said before is still very bad /same. I see blurry far things like tv.
I reduced cymbalta to 30 mg. I feel more fibro symptoms and pains . Like lower back pain. Bothering enough to hinder sleep. The pain radiates to buttocks. Restless legs asisual. May be even more recently.
Little Gluten makes me so gassy and uncomfortable.
Emotionally, I feel very overwhelmed these days. With family issues back home etc. I feel like my mind and body needs a break. I got my work permit some time back but I am just not able to gather courage to even update my resume for months now. I get so scared and depressed Taht I can't just touch anything related to career. Even though I would love to get back to a life more normal with job etc.
I am pushing myself a lot to walk everyday and do evry chore etc so I am active always. I am atleast successful on that front.
I am just hoping I don't need another surgery and relying greatly on you and your blessings. Ofcourse Gods help is primary.
Thankyou v much Nawaz ji.
Prayers for you.
- Nita
Hope you are well. Thankyou so far for everything you are doing for me.
Last time you asked me to take satphsgria 200c. I had it on feb 9 for 3 days.
Here is the current update since I had it.
My motions have been more regular post dosage.
I just finished the antiacid course by my surgeon two days back. Since then my motions seems constipated again. As I missed yesterday and today.
Also I am still suffering with bloating and flatulence. Problem is that my periods are ideally due. But the progesterone my genac had given is over and I didn't take this month. So I am still expecting my periods. Hence I do get constipated and bloated while PMS.
I am supposed to visit my gyneac for another ultrasound so she can see how is the Dermoid on the ovary and judge what has to be done.
My eye sight like I said before is still very bad /same. I see blurry far things like tv.
I reduced cymbalta to 30 mg. I feel more fibro symptoms and pains . Like lower back pain. Bothering enough to hinder sleep. The pain radiates to buttocks. Restless legs asisual. May be even more recently.
Little Gluten makes me so gassy and uncomfortable.
Emotionally, I feel very overwhelmed these days. With family issues back home etc. I feel like my mind and body needs a break. I got my work permit some time back but I am just not able to gather courage to even update my resume for months now. I get so scared and depressed Taht I can't just touch anything related to career. Even though I would love to get back to a life more normal with job etc.
I am pushing myself a lot to walk everyday and do evry chore etc so I am active always. I am atleast successful on that front.
I am just hoping I don't need another surgery and relying greatly on you and your blessings. Ofcourse Gods help is primary.
Thankyou v much Nawaz ji.
Prayers for you.
- Nita
Nitz7 9 years ago
Hi, Thanks.
Please take Alumina 200c, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
Please take Alumina 200c, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Haha. Pls aap Humhe jee na kahe. I'm sure aap umra aur takaze mein humse bade hain. ;)
I took the alumina 200 on feb 24 ,25, and 26th. I was constipated till 26th, then onwards I am regular and normal.
But I still didn't get my periods in whole of feb. now I am getting vaginal discharge which typically happens while I have PMS. It's a thick whitish yellow discharge. No itching or burning.
My vision is just as bad. I don't know if I should see a doctor for Taht. It's getting harder to watch tv or see anything at a distance.
I'm getting lots of acne again.
Even though I am trying to be very active and watch my food, I am not loosing weight and Infact slowly increasing.
My lower back pain is at its worst and the pain radiating to legs are just making the nights unbearable to sleep. So sleep is suffering.
Thanks Nawaz ji for all ur blessings and prayers. Every happiness in world for you.
I took the alumina 200 on feb 24 ,25, and 26th. I was constipated till 26th, then onwards I am regular and normal.
But I still didn't get my periods in whole of feb. now I am getting vaginal discharge which typically happens while I have PMS. It's a thick whitish yellow discharge. No itching or burning.
My vision is just as bad. I don't know if I should see a doctor for Taht. It's getting harder to watch tv or see anything at a distance.
I'm getting lots of acne again.
Even though I am trying to be very active and watch my food, I am not loosing weight and Infact slowly increasing.
My lower back pain is at its worst and the pain radiating to legs are just making the nights unbearable to sleep. So sleep is suffering.
Thanks Nawaz ji for all ur blessings and prayers. Every happiness in world for you.
Nitz7 9 years ago
Hi, I greatly appreciate your comments. Thanks. Yes, I am almost 68. But, you are taller in good deeds, life tests and wisdom. Please stay blessed!
Please take Pulsatilla Q or 1x, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days. Stop the remedy if period starts?
"getting vaginal discharge"
Get Borax 30C, if there is no smell? Otherwise get Kreosotum 30C, for later use.
Many prayers for your good health and very happy life.
Please take Pulsatilla Q or 1x, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days. Stop the remedy if period starts?
"getting vaginal discharge"
Get Borax 30C, if there is no smell? Otherwise get Kreosotum 30C, for later use.
Many prayers for your good health and very happy life.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Oh no sir, I am a super commoner. You are special because you are serving the human kind. No better deed than that. Thanks for always morally uplifting me and many others. That just shows the kind of human you are ~humble and modest.
One must take inspiration from you.
Someone like me is very self involved and is always tied up with daily things in life. It's no good reason to not help others or look outside oneself. I have a long way to work on myself.
I checked my entire kit. I have about more than 300 /400 meds at home. I was hoping I have what you asked. But don't have pullsitilla 1x or Q. I have P6, 30 and 200. If I order even in express it will minimum take 5-7days.
I do have borax 30 and kerosutum 30 (you had asked me to keep it ). I don't have any Oder with discharge. So when should I take the dosage ?
Should I still order Pullsitilla q or 1x?
another thing I wanted to mention is. Yesterday I had a very emotionally stressful day. I don't know I f Taht had anything to do. But I did eat about 1 hr off the regular time and fell super sick. I got vv bloated and gassy. I don't know if the food did t suit me. Then I got excruciating head ache. I wasn't able to sleep till 4am and was forced to take Tylenol after 1 month of not using since operation. I had bad acid reflux. Then by Morning I felt better. I had diarrhea in the morning once. It's v uncommon for me. And now my tongue is having heavy coating. White color more to the inner side. I feel v sick since lunch again. Weak legs and v mild stomach ache on upper abdomen. I feel so bad in a long time since the surgery.
One must take inspiration from you.
Someone like me is very self involved and is always tied up with daily things in life. It's no good reason to not help others or look outside oneself. I have a long way to work on myself.
I checked my entire kit. I have about more than 300 /400 meds at home. I was hoping I have what you asked. But don't have pullsitilla 1x or Q. I have P6, 30 and 200. If I order even in express it will minimum take 5-7days.
I do have borax 30 and kerosutum 30 (you had asked me to keep it ). I don't have any Oder with discharge. So when should I take the dosage ?
Should I still order Pullsitilla q or 1x?
another thing I wanted to mention is. Yesterday I had a very emotionally stressful day. I don't know I f Taht had anything to do. But I did eat about 1 hr off the regular time and fell super sick. I got vv bloated and gassy. I don't know if the food did t suit me. Then I got excruciating head ache. I wasn't able to sleep till 4am and was forced to take Tylenol after 1 month of not using since operation. I had bad acid reflux. Then by Morning I felt better. I had diarrhea in the morning once. It's v uncommon for me. And now my tongue is having heavy coating. White color more to the inner side. I feel v sick since lunch again. Weak legs and v mild stomach ache on upper abdomen. I feel so bad in a long time since the surgery.
Nitz7 9 years ago
"Should I still order Pullsitilla q or 1x? "
Yes, for sure.
Please keep Borax 30C for later use.
You need to take Ars Album 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days to correct your current condition.
Thanks for your comments.
Many prayers for you and your family.
"Should I still order Pullsitilla q or 1x? "
Yes, for sure.
Please keep Borax 30C for later use.
You need to take Ars Album 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days to correct your current condition.
Thanks for your comments.
Many prayers for you and your family.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Nitz7 9 years ago
Dear Nawazji,
Last I took arsenic album 200 from March 4 th to 6th. That's 3 days one dose.
Current condition :
5, 6th I had decent motions. I was feeling ok. 7th I got my periods finally. But yesdaterday, I again had severe indigestion after having toor dal which I don't have much. I felt extremely bloated, giddy and weak. Again yesterday and today's I haven't had a bowel movement. My tongue has a thick white coat. I still feel bloated and light heachache.
I am fearing eating most foods these days as I don't know what it will lead to.
Atleast I got my periods. Thanks god.
Thanks a lot of everything again.
Lot of prayers your way
Last I took arsenic album 200 from March 4 th to 6th. That's 3 days one dose.
Current condition :
5, 6th I had decent motions. I was feeling ok. 7th I got my periods finally. But yesdaterday, I again had severe indigestion after having toor dal which I don't have much. I felt extremely bloated, giddy and weak. Again yesterday and today's I haven't had a bowel movement. My tongue has a thick white coat. I still feel bloated and light heachache.
I am fearing eating most foods these days as I don't know what it will lead to.
Atleast I got my periods. Thanks god.
Thanks a lot of everything again.
Lot of prayers your way
Nitz7 9 years ago
Dear Nita,
Please take Staphysagria 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Keep Borax 30C for later use.
Many prayers for your happy and healthy life.
Please take Staphysagria 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Keep Borax 30C for later use.
Many prayers for your happy and healthy life.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
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