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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

4 year old fever

My daughter was showing symptoms of a cold yesterday (sneezing and runny nose), and now this morning she woke with a fever 38.8.
I just gave oscillococcinum.
What else can I give her?
We are going away on vacation in 2 days so I would really like to heal her before that.
I also have vitamin c and d
  Mariarico on 2017-02-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start giving her ferrum phos 6x 2tabs
Every 3 hours for 2 days..

If she has a clear mucous runny nose you can add in nat mur 6x 2 tabs and stop dosing when the mucous stops.

You can also squeeze a half lemon into hot/warm water with honey and
Get some c into her that way- very soothing too.
simone717 7 years ago
Thank you
Unfortunately I don't have Ferr phos right now and I can't go out.

Is there another remedy??

Her symptoms are:
1x of vomit
very clingy and restless.
Little runny nose clear, but not much.

Fever was at 39 until she vomited then to 38.6

I have aconite, nux vom, and arsenicum and pulsatilla all in 30ch....
Can I give any of these
Mariarico 7 years ago
You can try one dose of arsenicum,
Dissolve a couple pills in two tablespoons of water and give a tsp.

See how she does. If she improves do not give another dose unless you see things getting worse again.
simone717 7 years ago
Oops I followed the bottle and it said 5 pellets under the tongue so I did that before I saw this message
Is that ok?
How quickly would I see a change if it was the right remedy?
Mariarico 7 years ago
5 is ok.

I would say in the next 4 hours see what she says.
simone717 7 years ago

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