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Posts about Fatigue

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Husband suffering from sensation of lump in throat, trouble breathing anxiety, fatigue

My husband has been suffering for about 2 months now and is getting worse. He has a sensation of a lump in his throat, cough, trouble breathing, anxiety, constant fatigue. All of his bloodwork and tests have come back normal. They have done thyroid, oxygen, heart tests, scope down nose to top of throat and everything looks normal. They won't let us see a gastro doctor to do a scope down his throat until he has been taking Prilosec for 6 months. We never take prescriptions unless we absolutely think it's necessary, so he finally broke down and has been taking the Prilosec for 2 weeks and there has been zero improvement. They also prescribed an Albuterol inhaler, an anxiety pill called Ativan and Zoloft. None of these have done anything to help him with his issues and he actually had severe side effects from the Zoloft. Since nothing has helped they are now referring him to a Therapist as they keep saying it's in his head. We do not think it is in his head and his neck is slightly swollen around the Thyroid area. He also suffers from mild Afib from time time.

I know he needs to answer some questions for you to better evaluate him. I greatly appreciate your time and help.

Thank you, Cara
  cara1967 on 2018-05-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give him
1. Pulsetilla-200 6 pills twice a day for 10 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
I do not have it in 200.
I have Pulsatilla Nig. in 6x, please advise.
cara1967 6 years ago
you can procure from any on line stores
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
He has taken the pulsatilla for 10 days.

His cough has been diminished greatly, but he still coughs once in a while.

The pressure in his throat has diminished as well, but there is still some pressure.

He still has fatigue that varies by the day and some muscle weakness.

The anxiety is lessening, but not 100% gone.

He hasn't slept through the night in weeks and the amount of sleep varies by night.

Some characteristics as of right now:
Not thirsty, but forces himself to drink water and drinking small amounts makes him feel really full.

To give has a patchy look to it.
Eyes are slightly red, but less red than they were before.

He is currently taking Focus Factor, Chloroxigen and Ashwaganda. Please let me know if he should discontinue use of any of these.

Thank you
cara1967 6 years ago
In previous post change "to give" to tongue.
cara1967 6 years ago
He also wanted to add that he's had stomach pain off and on for the last 3 days.
cara1967 6 years ago
Also, he still isn't able to get a full breath when he breathes in. Only about 80%.
cara1967 6 years ago
Please give him
1. Aresenic Album-200 6 pills twice a day for 10 days and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
Unfortunately I do not have Arsenicum Album in 200 and remedies that high are hard to find in my area. I already have a lot of remedies on hand and do not want to spend more money on remedies I already have.

I have Arsenicum Album in 30x, please advise.
cara1967 6 years ago
if you can order it online, do it or use whatever (30x) potency u have. Please give feedback after 10 days
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago

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