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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

After fever

I have got mild fever on 01/05/21 morning for only 2days having nose block , pain. Visit dr allopathy on 03 /05 morning.After 3 days smelling power gone.
Taken allopathy
CEPODEM XP 325 5 Days
Azithro 500 3days
Wsoline 5days
Ambrodil plus syrp
Fever stay only two days.
After taken above feel better now.
But following problem arises.
Weakness, headache heavy, dry sore caugh and slight white caugh productivity, all smell like smoke.
i am a chronic allergic patient and caught cold frequently.
Test report negative
Pls suggest.
[Edited by Wuerzowsh on 2021-05-12 11:41:11]
  Wuerzowsh on 2021-05-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arsenic Album 200
05 drops in some water / 05 pills once a day for one week
Revert after one week or as and when u feel change in your symptoms
Kaps 3 years ago

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