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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair fall

Hi ! Needed some help on excess hair fall..have lost half of my hair in the last three weeks. I believe its change in the weather - dry-slightly cold. Could also be because of dehydration and stress. I have made an attempt to increase liquids in my diet - however..plz do let me know if lycopodium will help curtail this or any other medicine.


  neetu05 on 2022-01-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr. Reckeweg R89 Hair Care Drops(have as per directions listed in the wrapper) + Lycopodium Dilution 30-five drops ones a day.

SBL JABORANDI HAIR OIL be applied at night thrice a week.

Feedback every 15 days.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Anuj,

I have tried lycopodium 30 - 5 drops and Jaborandi hair oil. Also R89 - used it on the hair but did not ingest. However, now much change is what I noticed. I am still losing hair.

How about Wiesbaden 200 ? Has anyone had success in growth of hair with this medicine and also Adel 9 Cri-Regen Drops ?

Thank You,

[Edited by neetu05 on 2022-02-11 00:44:24]
neetu05 3 years ago
Also, Miranda Castro suggests Lyc., Carb.v.,Each.,Pho-ac, Phos.,Sep., ad Sul. - obisously the powers and dosage is not mentioned in the book
neetu05 3 years ago
Is the hair is painful while touched?

You mentioned- due to stress -what kind of stress?

Any emotional issues?

Any other symptom you may like to add.

Dr. Reckeweg Hair Care Drops did you take them orally or used externally?
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-02-11 12:50:21]
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Emotional Stress. I did't not take the Hair care drops orally..I used it for the hair externally.

My head feels hot time to time..but sometimes I feel its notional. So maybe internal heat.


neetu05 3 years ago
I did't not take the Hair care drops orally-START HAVING IT ORALLY.


The Success of the prescription depends largely upon your ability to describe your symptoms. Let modesty not prevent a full statement.

What stands out are the most striking, uncommon, peculiar, rare and strange characteristic signs and symptoms, which indeed are the pointers towards individualising a person, the key for the selection of the most suited medicine ..PQRS or Rare,Uncommon,Peculiar, Striking ((RUPS)
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-02-11 13:53:50]
anuj srivastava 3 years ago

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