The ABC Homeopathy Forum
My friend keeps on getting a recurrent skin abscess located directly across from his anus but on his inner thigh.Deep, hot, red, swollen, painful area. He goes to the doctor who says it is from an infected hair follicle and ends up draining it and giving him steroids and antibiotics.
He is short, blonde haired, greasy acne-prone skin, heavier in his midsection, but his arms and legs are scrawny and have no muscle,loves sweets, loves to sleep, could sleep all day. Loves alcohol and cannabis as well. Very insecure, uses comedy to make people like him, cannot handle confrontation or rejection, very lazy and unmotivated about his life and those in it.
Looking for any homeopathic suggestions constitutionally or for the abscess itself. Also looking for information as to what causes recurrent abscesses.
Namaste29 on 2004-10-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Berberis Aquifolium Q
5 drops in some water twice daily for about 15 days.
Will clear up the tendency.
Namaste !
Pankaj Varma
5 drops in some water twice daily for about 15 days.
Will clear up the tendency.
Namaste !
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Abscesses indicate low body health. The body is trying to get rid of the junk and toxins someway. Got to take out the garbage or it really starts to stink. You already know your friend needs a healthier life and that steroids and antibiotics can cause problems with suppression.
Good old Sulphur has been known to help recurrent abscesses in the same area. But try the other remedy recommended first. It is known to help in anal fistula. I have used Sulphur successfully for a cat with anal glands that abscess repeatedly. I used the 30C.
Good old Sulphur has been known to help recurrent abscesses in the same area. But try the other remedy recommended first. It is known to help in anal fistula. I have used Sulphur successfully for a cat with anal glands that abscess repeatedly. I used the 30C.
museon 2 decades ago
The best way is to start with Pankj's prescription.
Come back after 15 days, and we can discuss further about sulphur or any other medicine that may be suggested by other members.
Only caution is don't take the two together.It will do more harm than good.
The best way is to start with Pankj's prescription.
Come back after 15 days, and we can discuss further about sulphur or any other medicine that may be suggested by other members.
Only caution is don't take the two together.It will do more harm than good.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Mucho gracias to everyone who posted; your information means so much and each of you put together a nice picture for me to inform my friend of.
Pankaj, I will order that remedy. You're a real blessing!
Pankaj, I will order that remedy. You're a real blessing!
Namaste29 2 decades ago
recurring-painful abceses= hepar sulphuris calcareum
he will need stop alcohol use as that is part causation/complication---most probable has antibiotic use in health history (besides what has been mentioned)
also need start daily probiotic supplementation---(udo's choice super 5) or equivalent...
well-cannabis not help situation ---but most like sulphur condition under all this..
he will need stop alcohol use as that is part causation/complication---most probable has antibiotic use in health history (besides what has been mentioned)
also need start daily probiotic supplementation---(udo's choice super 5) or equivalent...
well-cannabis not help situation ---but most like sulphur condition under all this..
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
In order to prescribe Hepar Sulph calcarea you have to do the full case taking and symptom analysis....finally be sure that what the patient needs is
Hepar Sulp. Calcarea and not Mercurius or Belladona or Sulphur or some thing else.
Where as Berberis Aquifolium you can give straight away and it will bring forth results in clearing the abcess. Also get rid of the tendency. It works for 100% of the cases.
Will also give a glow to the skin.
Best of luck.
Pankaj Varma
Hepar Sulp. Calcarea and not Mercurius or Belladona or Sulphur or some thing else.
Where as Berberis Aquifolium you can give straight away and it will bring forth results in clearing the abcess. Also get rid of the tendency. It works for 100% of the cases.
Will also give a glow to the skin.
Best of luck.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Don't get confused.Use what Pankaj prescribed.Come back after 15 days.We shall discuss various options then.
Till then leave the field open for experts and so called non experts to discuss the issue.
Just observe what is being said.
Don't get confused.Use what Pankaj prescribed.Come back after 15 days.We shall discuss various options then.
Till then leave the field open for experts and so called non experts to discuss the issue.
Just observe what is being said.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thanks again everyone, including John. I understand there is not one path for all and I am going with Pankaj's suggestion. I have been using homeopathy for 27 years and studying it for 8, so I know where to go from here. I ordered that remedy from ABC and my friend is willing to take it.
For now, his abscess opened and drained from the previous incision that was made a week ago. He is no longer in pain, but in need of preventing a reocurrence. I am sure he could use constitutional treatment and a healthier lifestyle, but this will do for now.
I just want all of you to know I value all of your opinions, seeing that I know your intentions are pure.
For now, his abscess opened and drained from the previous incision that was made a week ago. He is no longer in pain, but in need of preventing a reocurrence. I am sure he could use constitutional treatment and a healthier lifestyle, but this will do for now.
I just want all of you to know I value all of your opinions, seeing that I know your intentions are pure.
Namaste29 2 decades ago
incorrect pankaj---recurrent painful abcess enough to know to justify hepar--as well as background -alcohol use..
pankaj--no need protect your prescription--i am no threat...only clarifying ------
pankaj--no need protect your prescription--i am no threat...only clarifying ------
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Why do you get irritated if the patient prefers other's advice rather than yours.
How can you say Pankaj is not correct?
Did you try Berberis any time for abscesses?At least I have not.
Pankaj must have prescribed in many cases and got good results.That is why he says"100% of cases".
Can you give such assurence with your prescriptions?
All of us know hepar is a good remedy for recurrrent boils.Namaste says he himself knows homeopathy.Despite that he says he wants go along with Pankaj.
And one more thing.Where did you learn that alcohol causes boils.
Hanneman says at many places that moderate amounts of alcohol doesn't affect the efficacy of homeopathic medicines.
May be there are some specific situations like Arnica and wine.
I agree it is always better if we lead a healthy life style.But the way you put on restrictions, only saints can think of taking homeopathic medications. practical.
You know the subject well,and I appreciate you for that.
But.come out of your ill conceived notions about diet restrictions etc.You will then be respected much more,and will be listened to.
Warm regards
Why do you get irritated if the patient prefers other's advice rather than yours.
How can you say Pankaj is not correct?
Did you try Berberis any time for abscesses?At least I have not.
Pankaj must have prescribed in many cases and got good results.That is why he says"100% of cases".
Can you give such assurence with your prescriptions?
All of us know hepar is a good remedy for recurrrent boils.Namaste says he himself knows homeopathy.Despite that he says he wants go along with Pankaj.
And one more thing.Where did you learn that alcohol causes boils.
Hanneman says at many places that moderate amounts of alcohol doesn't affect the efficacy of homeopathic medicines.
May be there are some specific situations like Arnica and wine.
I agree it is always better if we lead a healthy life style.But the way you put on restrictions, only saints can think of taking homeopathic medications. practical.
You know the subject well,and I appreciate you for that.
But.come out of your ill conceived notions about diet restrictions etc.You will then be respected much more,and will be listened to.
Warm regards
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Dear Namaste
I was not knowing that you are so knowledgeble in homeopathy.
I know,how foolish I would have seemed to you.
As you rightly said,our intentions are pure.Sometimes as we don't know the writer's background,we may overdo it.
Pl.don't mind.
I was not knowing that you are so knowledgeble in homeopathy.
I know,how foolish I would have seemed to you.
As you rightly said,our intentions are pure.Sometimes as we don't know the writer's background,we may overdo it.
Pl.don't mind.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
murthy why do you assume ?
i clarified that pankaj is incorrect in saying "not enough information to prescribe hepar"....
and besides my irritation is my own (if indeed i am irritated at all)...and what is it to you? my results and lack of results speak for them selves--just as your words speak ---and they speak of un-observance...this is not a most likable contest--in which i certainly would not win nor wish to ---maybe you seek some ill founded glory --just for glory sake--and so you are would have been wiser you research berberis and hepar and see for your self --instead of pretty words---study more-practise what you think you know--and stop the nonsence--can you tell now if i am irritated or not--or if i am smiling--perhaps maliciously writing this--or perhaps telling you something noone else will---research the facts for yourself and stop remaining in others shadows--
i clarified that pankaj is incorrect in saying "not enough information to prescribe hepar"....
and besides my irritation is my own (if indeed i am irritated at all)...and what is it to you? my results and lack of results speak for them selves--just as your words speak ---and they speak of un-observance...this is not a most likable contest--in which i certainly would not win nor wish to ---maybe you seek some ill founded glory --just for glory sake--and so you are would have been wiser you research berberis and hepar and see for your self --instead of pretty words---study more-practise what you think you know--and stop the nonsence--can you tell now if i am irritated or not--or if i am smiling--perhaps maliciously writing this--or perhaps telling you something noone else will---research the facts for yourself and stop remaining in others shadows--
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
and as for restrictions--not a saint is needed to follow but only one whom is sincere in seeking wellness---small price is it not---if least chance of effecting cure-------and to use hahnemann's name as though you have actuaaly read and studyied in earnest his writings---to defend your own predjudices-there are many quotes you could quote which would leave you looking foolish --for not studying and attempting to practise what has been given---instead or broadcasting your own opinions---if you know more then teach and lead--if not then quiet yourself and study....
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Blessings to all,
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink. The age old saying that rings true with many, especially when it comes to health recommendations.
No offense was taken at all by anyone, I just feel that time on this forum will be better spent with everyone knowing that they cannot change anyone but themselves, no matter how deep their passion to help other runs.
We are all here to learn and share and the recipients of your advice will go with the teacher they feel suits them best no matter what the texts say.
By the way, I am a woman.
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink. The age old saying that rings true with many, especially when it comes to health recommendations.
No offense was taken at all by anyone, I just feel that time on this forum will be better spent with everyone knowing that they cannot change anyone but themselves, no matter how deep their passion to help other runs.
We are all here to learn and share and the recipients of your advice will go with the teacher they feel suits them best no matter what the texts say.
By the way, I am a woman.
Namaste29 2 decades ago
Hello all ,I really need help with my abscess . I developed 3 after I had a cosmetic procedure . I had silicon filler put in my buttocks, I know I am stupid for this. But anyways I had 2 of them cut open by doc and the 3 rd I did not want to open. I burst on its own and is leaking the silicon out its been about a week , no smell, its clear but hurts a lot. And area is red a little hard around edges . One of the abscess has closed , 2 moths after it still leaks fluid sometimes. The other that was cut open about 3 weeks hurts a lot its about 2 cm . I can see flesh and it still leaks not much ..can someone five me a remedy for this . I don't want to take antiobiotics. I have no other health issues no diabetes, I am 38 year old female.
jroc1330 last decade
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