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Agaricus Semiglobatus


Not available to buy through our store.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Agaricus Semiglobatus in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



A. semiglobatus, Batsch. Common on dung, England and United States. Stem, 2-3 inches high.

Authority. Poisoning cases.

Spirits exhilarated.


Tongue parched; slightly streaked with white.

Severe pains in bowels, increased by pressure, with violent purging and vomiting.

Urine scanty.

Miscarriage in second month.

Pulse 100-120.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Agaricus Semiglobatus

Agar-em > appendix

Agar-em > appendix
t, Toxicological (numerous scattering cases). No poison cases accepted unless the species of Agaricus was certainly known.

Agar-em > appendix
36, Voigtel, general statement of the effects of Agaricus; 37, Murray, ditto; 40, Pharm. Lex.; and 41, Lerger, not accessible; S. 48, not found; S. 70, old people remain stupid after the intoxication has passed off; S. 2267. after drinking their own urine passed during the intoxication; S. 2309, reaction after the intoxication.

Agaricus Semiglobatus is not available to buy over the counter.
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