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Benzolum Dinitricum, DNB, Benzoin, Benzo.

Not available to buy through our store.

HPUS indication of Benzoinum: Frontal headache

Have you ever used Benzoinum? Yes No

Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Benzoinum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



The most obvious results of poisoning by skin absorption are changes in the red blood corpuscles and liver degeneration in amblyopia, color-blindness, retinitis. Field of vision contracted. Black urine.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Benzoinum

Benz-ac > general
Benzoic Acid. C6 H5 CO. OH. Obtained, by sublimation, from Gum benzoin; or artificially from several aromatic hydrocarbons. Tincture or trituration.

Benz-ac > general
Complaints The complaints then, of Benzoīc acid are such as are changeable, and we know why they are changeable.

Benz-ac > appendix
Benzoic acid, C6H5,CO,OH. Obtained, by sublimation, from Gum benzoin, or artificially from several aromatic hydrocarbons. Preparation for use, Tincture or trituration.

Benz-ac > chest
When the fumes of Benzoin alone are produced they occasion a cough. (Schroeder, Arneischatz.)

Benzoinum is not available to buy over the counter.

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As a gesture of goodwill to all our customers from the past 20+ years, we'll keep the site live for the time being but it is no longer viable to run the store.