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Calcarea Muriatica

Calcarea Muriaticum, Calc. Mur., Rademacher's Liquor, Calc-m.

Available in 3X-30X, 12C-30C, 1M-10M from $6.59
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HPUS indication of Calcarea Muriatica: Anxiety
Common symptom: Apprehension..

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Calcarea Muriatica in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



1 part to 2 of distilled water, of which take 15 drops in half a cup of water, five times daily. Boils. Porrigo capitis. Vomiting of all food and drink, with gastric pain. Impetigo, glandular swellings, angioneurotic oedema. Pleurisy with effusion. Eczema in infants.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Calcarea Muriatica

Wies > general
The Spring at Wiesbaden, in Prussia. (Contains in sixteen ounces Carbonic acid 6.416 cubic inches, Nitrogen 0.103 cubic inches; of the following solids, in grains, Nat. m. 52.49,K. mur. 1.119 Li. mur. 0.00138, Am. mur. 0.128, Calc. mur. 3.617, Mag mur l.566, Mag. bro. 0.027, Calc. sul. 0.692, Calc. ph. 0.0029, Calc ars. 0.0015, Calc. c. 3.210, Mag. c. 0.079, Fer. c. 0.043, Mang. c. 0.004, Silicic acid 0.46, Alumina silicica 0.603; traces of Mag. iod., Stro. c., Cup. c.) Dilution.

VOS > general
Mineral Spring at Voeslau, in Austria. (Contains in 100 cubic inches 15.2 gr. of solid constituents Calc. C. 4.9, Calc. Sul. 2.7, Calc. mur. 0.5, Mag. C. 2.7, Mag. sul. 1.8, Mag mur. 0.4, Nat. Sul. 0.9, Nat. m. 0.4, Alumina and Silica 0.4, Fer. C. 0.2, gummy substance 0.1.) Dilution.

Calc > relationships
Compare: Aqua calcar. - Lime-water - (1/2 teaspoonful in milk); (as injection for oxyuris vermicularis), and Calc. Caust. - slaked lime - (pain in back and heels, jaws and malar bones; also symptoms of influenza). Calc. Brom ( removes inflammatory products from uterus; children of lax fiber, nervous and irritable, with gastric and cerebral irritation. Tendency to brain disease. Insomnia and cerebral congestion. Give 1x trituration). Sulph ( differs in being worse by heat, hot feet, etc.). Calcar. calcinata - Calcinated oyster-shell - a remedy for warts. Use 3d trituration. Calcarea Carbonica ovorum. Ova Tosta - Toasted egg-shells - (backache and leucorrhoea. Feeling as if back were broken in two; tired feeling. Also effective in controlling suffering from cancer). Calc-lac ( anemias, hemophilia, urticaria, where the coagulability of the blood is diminished; nervous headache with oedema of eyelids, lips or hands; 15 grains three times a day, but low potencies often equally effective). Calcar. lacto-Phosph ( 5 grains 3 times a day in cyclic vomiting and migraine). Calc. Mur. - Calcium chloratum - Rademacher’s Liquor - (1 part to 2 of distilled water, of which take 15 drops in half a cup of water, five times daily. Boils. Porrigo capitis. Vomiting of all food and drink, with gastric pain. Impetigo, glandular swellings, angioneurotic oedema. Pleurisy with effusion. Eczema in infants). Calc-pic., (perifollicular inflammation; a remedy of prime importance in recurring or chronic boils, particularly when located on parts thinly covered with muscle tissue, as on shin bones, coccyx, auditory canal, dry, scurfy accumulation and exfoliation of epithelial scales, etc., styes, phlyctenules. Use 3x trit.)

Calc-m > general
convulsions. paralysis. In scrofulous cases it promotes the action of mercury. Under its use glandular swellings and indurations soften and disappear. Hence its use in scrofula and boils. "C. W." has recorded a remarkable instance of the action of this remedy (Hom. W., March, 1891). A scrofulous and rheumatic woman had suffered from abscess of cornea, followed by rheumatic iritis, and a dense opacity was left. An old-school practitioner had treated her with mercurials during two years in a vain endeavour to "touch her mouth." C. W. put one grain of Calc. mur. in an 8-oz. bottle, and directed the patient to take a tablespoonful three times a day. The medicine had not been taken ten minutes before she felt it at her fingers' ends. The mercurial action was evoked, and she was in bed a fortnight, terribly salivated. The condition of the eye was unchanged. Calc. mur., in the form of the liquor (1 part to 2 of distilled water), was one of Rademacher's "Stomach Remedies," and was used with great success by him in cases of obstinate vomiting. He gave 15 drops of the liquor in half a cup of water five times a day. The indications were Vomiting of all food and drink.

Kali-chs > relationships
Compare K. chi., Calc. mur., Chlorum, Nat. hypochlor.