Cetrararia Islandica
Cetraria Islandica, Iceland Moss, Cet.Have you ever used Cetrararia Islandica? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Cetrararia Islandica in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Chronic diarrhoea, phthisis, bloody expectoration. Is used as a decoction and boiled with milk as an expectorant and nutrient in bronchorrhea, catarrh, etc.
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Compare: Datura arborea - bougmancia candida (cannot concentrate thoughts; brain floats in thousands of problems and grand ideas. Floating sensation as if ideas were floating outside of brain. Headache, heartburn. Burning sensation around cardiac end of stomach, extending to oesophagus with sense of constriction. Heat and fullness over liver region.) Certraria - Iceland Moss (chronic diarrhoea, phthisis, bloody expectoration. Is used as a decoction and boiled with milk as an expectorant and nutrient in bronchorrhea, catarrh, etc.) Also compare: Eryng.; Dros.; Stilling.; Rumex; Sambucus.