Etherum, Ether.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Ether in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
raging, raving
Delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions
environment and surroundings; is with companions of youth
environment and surroundings; of travelling; through worlds
hears sounds; ringing bells; his funeral
hears sounds; music; unearthly
Emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition
laughing; silly
laughing; spasmodic
Insecure, uncertain, scared
fear; of impending danger
fear; of disease
Talking, conversation
speech; extravagant
speech; incoherent
speech; nonsense
speech; strange
≡ more ...Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Ether
METH > general
Methylene ether, C3H8O.
Anil > general
pulse extremely small and irregular. The only pain of which he complained was in the head and chest. He recovered under the free use of brandy, ammonia, chloric ether, and cold affusions to the head, and mustard sinapisms on legs and thighs.
Dig > general
, forming most of the soluble part of the commercial Digitaline, a glucoside, C31H53O17 (very closely allied to Saponine C32H54O18), Digitaline, not precipitated by ether from aqueous nor from alcoholic solutions (as is Digitonine), a glucoside, C5H8O2.
ETH > general
Nitric ether, C2H5ONO2 (not to be confounded with Nitrous ether, C2H5ONO, which is the principal ingredient of Sweet spirits of nitre).
Lyc > general
Lycopodium clavatum. Muscus terrestris repens. Pes ursinus. Clubmoss. Wolf's-claw. (Hilly pastures and heaths in Central and Northern Europe, Russian Asia, and North America. Common in Great Britain, especially the North.) N. O. Lycopodiaceae. Trituration of spores. Tincture of spores. Tincture of fresh plant. Etherial tincture of spores (ether dissolves the spore cases).
Nit-s-d > general
Spiritus aetheris nitrosi. Nitrous Ether. Sweet Spirit of Nitre. Dilution.
Kam > general
Croton coccineus. Rottlera tinctoria. (India, South Arabia, Tropical Australia.) N. O. Euphorbiaceae. Tincture. Solution in Ether. Trituration.
Led > general
it is suitable in old prolonged cases of inflammation of the kneejoint, of rheumatic knee-joint. You will find such patients sitting with the joint exposed to the cold, fanning the joint, or putting evaporating lotions upon the joint, such as chloroform, or ether, which give relief to the joints while evaporating to dryness.
Benz > relationships
Compare: Benzin. - Petroleum Ether - not as pure a compound as Benzene (Benzinum). It is the same, but with a mixture of hydrocarbons. It seems to exercise a special influence on the nervous system and on the blood. Oxyhaemoglobinaemia. Physical weakness, cramps, exaggeration of knee jerks, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, Heaviness and coldness of limbs. Tremor of eyelids and tongue. Benzin. dinitricum - D.n.b. - (The most obvious results of poisoning by skin absorption are changes in the red blood corpuscles and liver degeneration in amblyopia, color-blindness, retinitis. Field of vision contracted. Black urine). Benzin. Nitricum. Mir bane ( Dark, black blood, coagulates with difficulty; venous hyperaemia of the brain and general venous engorgement. Burning taste in mouth. Blue lips, tongue, skin, nails and conjunctive. Cold skin, pulse small, weak, breathing slow and irregular, unconsciousness, symptoms of apoplectic coma. Rolling of eyeballs in their vertical axis; pupils dilated. Nystagmus. Respiration very slow, difficult, sighing.) Trinitrotoluene (T.n.t.), Trotyl - is a high explosive, obtained by nitrating toluene - a product of coal tar distillation. When the skin or hair is exposed to T.N.T. by contact a characteristic yellow or tawny-orange stain is produced, which lasts for some weeks. Indicated in graver forms of anemia (pernicious) and jaundice. Produces fatal toxic jaundice.
Chlf > relationships
Ether Post-operative Bronchitis (Prof. Bier). Spiritus Aetheris Compositus. - (Hoffman’s Anodyne) - (Flatulence; angina pectoris. Dose 5m to 1 dram in water.)
Hep > relationships
Compare: Acon.; Spongia; Staphis.; Silica; Sulph.; Calc. Sulph.; myristica. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum antidotes bad effects from Mercury, Iodine, Potash, Cod-liver Oil. Removes the weakening effects of Ether.
Phos > relationships
Antidote to Phosph. Poisoning: Turpentine with which it forms an insoluble mass. Also Potass permang. Nux. Phosphorus. antidotes the nausea and vomiting of Chloroform and Ether.
Anil > general
brandy, ammonia, chloric ether
Chlf > general
Chloroform is the well-known anesthetic, the general effects of which in arresting sensation need no description. Unlike Ether and Nitrous oxide, which require to be administered without air, chloroform vapour must have abundance of air inhaled with it, or asphyxia results. Its most noteworthy effect is complete relaxation of all the voluntary muscles of the body. It may cause death by paralysing the respiration or the heart. Its use is contraindicated where there is brain softening.
Chol > general
Cholesterine is a substance crystallising in leaflets with a mother-of-pearl lustre and a fatty feel. It is soluble in alcohol and ether. It occurs in the blood and brain, yolk of eggs, seeds and buds of plants, but most abundantly in the bile and biliary calculi. Ameke, who did much to introduce the proximate principles of the tissues as remedies, anticipating the practice now so much in vogue in the old school, recommended Cholesterine as a remedy in cancer of the liver. Burnett has recently adduced conclusive evidence in support of the correctness of this assertion.
Kali-cy > general
but it has also been proved by Lembke and others. The apoplectic and epileptic symptoms of Hydrocy. ac. were reproduced in the salt, and one very pronounced symptom was slow breathing. Loss of consciousness and vision occurred, and as consciousness and vision returned, vision was double. Strong tetanic convulsions. In one poisoning case the fingers were stretched out and spasmodically contracted. In another case, after the failure of all efforts to restore the patient (a photographer) with ether injections and repeated washings out of the stomach, he was placed in a hot bath and ice-cold water was poured over head and nape. Each time water was poured on his head, the patient drew deep inspirations, which gradually grew deeper and more regular till consciousness was restored. He complained of sharp occipital and gastric pains. Convalescence was rapid, but a general muscular weakness and impairment of speech lasted a long time (C. D. P.). The chief clinical uses recorded of K. cy. have been in epithelioma of the tongue, apoplectic and epileptic conditions, respiratory disorders, rheumatism of the joints, and neuralgias. Cattell recorded in the early volumes of the Brit. Jour. of Homoeopathy (xi. 348) several remarkable cases of neuralgia cured by K. cy. I quote them from Hering's Guiding Symptoms "Agonising attacks of neuralgic pains between temporal regions and ciliary arch and maxilla, with screaming and apparent loss of sensibility, as if struck with apoplexy.
Ter > general
causes lumbar pain, burning in urethra, painful micturition, haematuria. Among the uses of Ter., Brunton mentions the treatment of biliary colic. For this it is given in ether in the proportion of one part of the Oil of Turpentine to three of Ether. Homoeopaths have confirmed the value of this. Throughout this list of effects burning is a constant note, and gives the key to many cases calling for Ter.
Curc-p-s > general
An excellent remedy for tapeworm which may be given with safety to children. The seeds are scalded. The outer skins being softened are peeled off, the green inner pulp being the part used. Two ounces of the seeds, yielding an ounce of the pulp, should be used for each patient. The pulp should be rubbed in a mortar or some other vessel to make a smooth mass. It may be mixed with milk or cream, and sweetened and taken like porridge. It should be taken in the morning after a twelve to sixteen hours' fast, and be followed in two hours by a castor-oil purge. Hale's method is as follows The patient to eat but little of the lightest food all day, take no supper, and on going to bed eat one ounce of the peeled seeds, bruised with milk or cream. In the morning on waking, to take a tablespoonful of castor oil, mixed with half a teaspoonful of pure Sulphuric ether. No breakfast to be taken
Queb > general
Quebracho is a Brazilian fever remedy from which the alkaloid Astidospermine has been isolated. This is in small, very brilliant, white crystals, sparingly soluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol and ether. Hale says Queb. produces in animals respiratory paralysis, slowed heart, and paralysis of extremities. It relieves dyspnoea in phthisis and pleurisy, but without influencing the fever. The 1x relieved asthma with livid face.
Ran-r > general
ether in milk gave much amel. Great weakness in feet remained behind. R. rep. has furrowed flower-stalks like R. bulb., but it has a spreading calyx and creeping scions. SYMPTOMS.
Thio > general
Thios. belongs to the same chemical group as Urea. The colourless bitter crystals are soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Thios. has been used externally and internally in cases of lupus, chronic glandular tumours, and for dissolving scar tissue.
Salo > general
Salol was primarily used as an anti-rheumatic, especially in the treatment of acute cases. It was given as an antipyretic, in 30 to 45 grain doses, in powders or tablets. It is soluble in ether and petroleum spirit.
Dig > relationships
Antidotes of large doses sweet milk with Foenum graecum; vegetable acids, vinegar, infusion of galls, ether, Camphor.
Hyos > relationships
Complaints from inhaling ether.
Aml-n > relationships
Compare Glon., Aco., Ether., Cact., Nit dulc spir., Laches., Coca (flushing when excited, as in company); Bell. It antidotes Chloroform (failure of respirations); Strychnine (convulsions).
Hep > relationships
Antidoted by Acet. ac., Bell., Cham., Sil. It antidotes Metals, and especially mercurial preparations, Nit. ac., Calc., Iod., Kali iod., Cod-liver-oil. It removes the weakening effects of Ether. Compatible with Aco., Arn., Bell., Lach., Merc., Nit. ac., Sil., Spo., Zinc.
Hyos > relationships
Antidoted by Vinegar, Citric acid, Bell., Chi., Stram. It antidotes Ether, Bell., Stram., Merc. Is followed well by Bell., Puls., Stram., Ver., Phos. Follows well Bell., Nux, Op., Rhus.
Lact > relationships
Antidoted by Vegetable acids and Coffee. (In a proving of Lactucarium, Acetic Ether and Hock were more effectual than Coffee.)
Cann-i > general
They then brought a mixture of ether; camphor, etc.; I told them it would only make matters worse; I took it, however, at their persuasion.
Cann-i > general
But, as I am melting through the purification of that sublime ecstasy into oneness with the Deity himself, one by one those pealing lyres faint away, and as the last throb dies down along the measureless ether, visionless arms swiftly as lightning carry me far into the profound, and set me down before another portal.
Glon > general
relief was only obtained at length by the inhalation of large quantities of Ether, the insensibility produced by which was followed by broken and disturbed sleep, lasting until the following day, which was marked by weakness, exhaustion, and slight headache.
Cham > eyes
Transient twitchings in the eyelids and limbs (ether. oil),
Verat-v > mouth
Faint odour of chloroform or ether in mouth.
Glon > mouth
Sweet to the taste and warm, and imparted a flavor or odor somewhat resembling Chloric ether,
Glon > mouth
Taste slightly like Ether and aromatic; it left a fatty taste in the mouth,
Cham > abdomen
A kind of hysterical movement around navel (ether. oil),
Cham > abdomen
Pains like labor pains, lasting several days (ether. oil),
Naja > extremities, limbs
Numb pain and feeling as if ether had been allowed to evaporate.
Cham > extremities, limbs
Cramps in calves (ether. oil),
Glon > extremities, limbs
Lightness and buoyancy of the body, as from the inhalation of Ether, followed immediately by a full, crowding, pressing sensation in the brain, accompanied by dizziness and whirling,
Glon > extremities, limbs
Feeling as after inhaling Ether,
Agar-ph > general
she could not remain in bed. Thirst was intense, but she vomited everything she took. The next day, at 5 P.M., the skin was cold and dry, there was profound prostration, and the stomach and abdomen were painful. There was incessant hiccough, from time to time, accompanied by regurgitations. Pulse small, rapid. Heart's action very feeble, but not irregular. Diarrhoea very profuse, without odor. There was no urine. Pupils contracted, but mobile. Skin cool, temperature 37.8°. She received syrup of ether, coffee, and digitalis.
Ptel > abdomen
Slight but persistent nausea, not at all disagreeable, somewhat resembling the effect of a few inhalations of sulphuric ether, at 9.30 A.M. (first day),
Form > appendix
1, C. W. B. took 1 drop of 30th dil., N. Am. J. of Hom., N. S., 1, p. 486; 2, A. H. C. took same; 3, J. P. H. took 1 drop of 3d dil.; 4, W. H. H. N. took 1 drop of 6th dil.; 5, same, took 1 dose of 30th dil.; 6, C. W. B. took 1 drop of 30th dil.; 7, same, took 1 dose 200th (Jenichen); 8, W. W. took 1 dose 200th (Jenichen); 9, C. G. took 200th dil.; 10, same, took 30th; 11, J. R. E. took 1 dose 30th; 11b, same repeated; 12, W. L. G. took 1 dose 30th dil.; 13, Miss B., aged 35, took 200th (Jenichen); 14, C. Hering, N. Am. J. of Hom., N. S., 2, p. 22, effects of inhalation of Formic ether; 15, same, effects of inhalation of Formyl acid; 15b, same, took several drops of Formyl acid; 16, N. Koller, effects of inhalation of Spiritus formicarum, ibid; 16b, same, took several drops; 17, J. A. Stiles took of Spiritus repeated doses of 4 to 7 drops, on first, second, sixth, and seventh days, ibid.; 18, Ch. A. B. took drop doses, then 30 and 60-drop doses, ibid.; 19, effects of Spiritus Formicarum given to a man for rheumatic pains, ibid.; 20, a young lady took Spiritus Formicarum several days, ibid.; 21, a lady took 3 drops first day, 6 drops second day, and more fourth day, ibid.; 22, L. N., effects when taken for a blister on face, ibid.; 23, N. Koller took tincture of Formica subsericea; 24, E. W. Berridge, effects of bite of "Formica rufa" (Australian black ant), N. Eng. Med. Gaz., 9, p. 402; 25, C. Hering, N. Am. J., N. S., 2, 21 (Dr. Herz, Nass. Med. Jahrb., 1859 and 1861), effects of gathering ants with bare hands; 26, C. Hering, ibid. (from Martina), an anaemic woman died from the effects of an ant vapor bath.
Glon > appendix
I touched my tongue with the cork moistened with the 1st cent. dil., but experiencing no effects beyond that which usually follows the application of Alcohol or Ether to the tongue, I put 2 drops into my mouth At first I felt a kind of sweet and burning sensation, and soon afterwards a sense of fulness in head and slight tightness about throat, but without nausea or faintness. In a minute or two these effects went off, and could not help thinking that they were partially due to imagination. I now took 5 drops more, and as these did not cause any increased uneasiness, I took in the course of a few minutes 10 more drops. Being at the time quite alone, I became somewhat alarmed lest I should have taken an overdose, and very soon my pulse rose to above 100. The fulness in head and constriction in throat I thought were more marked than before. In a minute or two my courage returned, and the pulse soon fell to 90. The fulness in head lasted some time, and was followed by a slight headache. I took a drop of pure Glonoin by degrees, and found that on bringing it in contact with the tongue it at first gave rise to a sweet flavor, which was rapidly followed by a most disagreeable acrid burning sensation, lasting several minutes. Immediately after taking the drop the pulse was 105. I imagined, too, that I felt fulness in head and some tightness about, throat; but as the effects gradually passed off in the course of a few minutes, I thought they were most probably due to fear and imagination. March 29th, at 12.45 P.M.; my pulse being 80 and my breathing 22, I took a solution containing 1 part of Glonoin to 6 3/4 of spirit, a quantity equal to 1/6 drop of pure Glonoin. At 1 P.M. pulse was 90. I felt some fulness in head and slight tightness about throat. At 1.5 P.M. I took 1/3 drop of pure Glonoin. In three minutes more pulse was 98. At 1.16 P.M. I took 1/2 drop, and in four minutes afterwards, my attention having been directed to another subject, the pulse was 94. At 1.30 P.M. I took a drop of pure Glonoin, and in six minutes the pulse was 106. In ten minutes more, when I had become convinced that I ran no risk, the pulse fell to 78, the breathing being 18. The effect on the heart's action I consider to be entirely due to fear. The head and neck symptoms are too constant to be attributed to the same cause, though I have no doubt the imagination exaggerates them,
Nit-s-d > appendix
Delirious and incoherent in his manner, drowsy as if he had been taking alcohol. When he was roused he could answer questions, complained of headache, and said he found it difficult to walk straight of late. He could see clearly, the irides being somewhat dilated, acting feebly. Skin and tongue dry, breath smelling strongly of ether. Pulse 60, small and hard. Constipation well marked. Urine had not passed since early morning, and had been scanty of late. Bladder empty on pressure above pubes,
Zinc-m > appendix
(1 and 2, Franz, Archiv. f. Hom., 6, Part 2); 1, Hancke, Rust's Mag., 22, p. 75, effects of internal use of a solution of 1 gr. of Zinc with 2 drachms Spirit muriate ether, 5 drops every four hours; 2, same, external application of 2 grs. Muriate of zinc to 1 oz. water. on lint; 3, Orfila, two persons ate Chloride of zinc in food, instead of salt; 4, Thos. Stratton, M.D., Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1848 (2), 335; Elisabeth R., aet. seventeen, took a solution of about 12 grs. Chloride of zinc; 5, same, Jas. C., aet. fifty-four years, drank a solution of about 200 grs. Chloride of zinc; 6, H. Letheby, Lancet, 1850 (2), p. 23, a girl, aet. fifteen months, drank a quantity of Burnett's Disinfecting Fluid, death in ten hours after beginning of symptoms; 7, Meinel, Deutsche Clin., 1851 (S. J., 73, 167), the Muriate; 8, John Milton, Times and Gaz., 1851 (2), p. 382, John W., drank a glass of a solution of the chloride; 9, T. O. Ward, ibid., p. 497, a woman, aet. forty years, took a solution of the chloride; 10, Cattell, Edinb. Med., 69, 496, and Gaz. Méd. de Par., 1845 (Brit. Journ. of Hom., vol. xi, 1853, p. 173), effects of the chloride; 11, Richard Hassall, M.D., Lancet, 1853 (2), p. 159, a man swallowed 3 ozs. "Burnett's Fluid" on an empty stomach; 12, Wm. Thorn, M.D., Lancet, 1854 (2), p. 259, a boy, aet. twenty months, drank a teaspoonful of "Crew's Disinfecting Fluid;" 13, Geo. Willis, M.D., Association Med. Journ., 1855, p. 743, Mr. P., swallowed about 1 oz. of same; 14, F. Cornelius Webb, M.D., Med. Times and Gaz., 1856 (2), p. 59, Mr. W., took a fluid oz. of "Burnett's Fluid;" 15, G. R. Cubitt, Beale's Archives of Med., vol. i, 1857, p. 194, H. V. L., aet. fifty-six years, took on an empty stomach 2 tablespoonfuls of Morell's solution of Chloride of zinc; 16, Henry Porter, M.D., Brit. Med. Journ., 1859, p. 651, Mr. F., took at least 2 ozs. Burnett's Fluid (more than 6 drachms Chloride of zinc); 17, J. T. Clover, Pharm. Journ., vol. xviii, 1859, p. 140, a man swallowed some of same; 18, Dr. Wilks, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1859, p. 128, a woman, aet. forty years, drank a glass of same, death in fourteen weeks; 19, Henry G. Wright, M.D., Lancet, 1861 (1), p. 29, a girl, aet. one year and a half, swallowed 1 1/2 drachms of same; 20, same, a girl, eat. thirteen years, while suffering with scarlatina, drank a saucer of same; 21, J. W. Cousins, M.D., Med. Times and Gaz., 1862, (2), 404, a woman drank some of same, death in seven hours and a half; 22, Mr. Crossing, Lancet, 1864 (2), p. 267, a woman, aet. sixty-three years, swallowed 1 1/2 ozs. of same, death in fifteen hours and a half; 23, J. R. Wardell, M.D., Lancet, 1864 (1), p. 35, a lady, aet. twenty-one years, drank some of same, death on the second day; 24, H. M. Tuckwell, M.D., Brit. Med. Journ., 1874 (2), p. 297, a girl, aet. twenty-one years, swallowed about 3/4 teacupful of same, death after one hundred and sixteen days; 25, Lucien Dreyfus, Bul. de la Soc. Anat. de Paris, 1876, p. 122, effects of the muriate.
KERO > appendix
1, Dr. Ephraim Cutter, Am. Med. Times, 1861, p. 86, effects in a man cleaning out the still; 2, same, experiments on self and others, with about 4 ounces each trial; 3, same, effects in a man (on whom formerly a large amount of ether had failed); 4, Dr. G. P. Cady, Am. Med. Times, 1861, p. 250, effects; 5, Dr. H. J. Bigelow, Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., 1861, p. 494, effects of inhalation; 6, same, effects of inhalation in a girl; 7, same, in a woman; 8, Dr. Bowditch, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 65, p. 48, effects of inhalation; 9, same, second case; 10, Dr. Andrews, same journal, p. 63, inhalation; 11, Dr. Toothacker, same journal, p. 202, inhalation; 12, Dr. Wakefield, same reference, inhalation; 13, Dr. Hodgdon, same reference, inhalation; 14, A. Horr, Am. Med. Times, 1862, effects of inhalation; 15, same, in son, aged 19.