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, Kino.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Kino in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Discharges from ear; pus

Inflammation; inside

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Kino

Elaps > relationships
Compare: Kino from Pterocarpus (Haemoptysis and haemorrhage from intestines). Eucalyptus rostrata (offensive dark discharge from right ear). Crotalus; Alumen; Carbo; Ars; Lach.

Eucal > relationships
Compare: Oil of Eucalyptus Globulus ( Produces remarkable bodily exhaustion, no desire for any motion, unable to do any real mental work, study, etc. The volatile oil possesses, in common with other, the property of converting water, in presence of air and sunlight, into hydrogen peroxide, or to convert oxygen into Ozone, which is the explanation usually given of its deodorizing and antiseptic properties ( Merrel.) (Locally, in catarrhal affections, especially when of a suppurating or putrid nature.) Eucalyptus tereticortis (menstrual cough and Prostration). Eucalyptol (depresses temperature of healthy body more than Quinine; acts on kidneys like Terebinth.); Anacard.; Hydrast.; Kali-sulph. Eucalyptus neutralizes ill effects of Strychnin. Angophora-Red Gum (dysentery, pains, tenesmus; better lying flat on face; obstinate constipation). Eucalyptus rostrata; Kino.

Kali-m > relationships
Compare: Bellad. Which Kali Muriaticum. follows well in catarrhal and hypertrophic conditions. Kino (otorrhoea, with stitches in right ear); Bry.; Mercur.; Puls.; Sulph.

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