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Liatris Spicata

Serratula, Colic Root, Liatris.
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HPUS indication of Liatris Spicata: Diarrhea

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Liatris Spicata in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



A vascular stimulant. Increases functional activity of the skin, mucous membranes.

Of use in dropsy due to liver and spleen diseases, also renal dropsy. Here the suppressed urination is most favorably influenced. General anasarca due to heart and kidney disease. Diarrhoea, with violent urging and pain in lower part of back. Colic. Locally, applied to ulcers and unhealthy wounds.

A prompt diuretic.


1 to 4 drams of tincture or infusion.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Liatris Spicata

Alet > general
Star Grass Blazing Grass. Colic Root. Unicorn Root. (United States.) N. O. Haemodoraceae. Tincture of root.

Acet-ac > relationships
Compare: Am-acet ( Profuse saccharine urine, patient is bathed in sweat.) Benzoin oderiferum - Spice-wood (night sweats.) Ars.; China; Digitalis; Liatris. General anasarca in heart and kidney disease, dropsy, and chronic diarrhoea.)

Dig > relationships
Compare: Nerium Odorum (resembles in heart effects Digitalis Purpurea, but also has an action like Strychnia on spinal cord. Spasms appear more in upper part of body. Palpitation; weak heart will be strengthened by it. Lock-jaw). Adonia; Crataegus (a true heart tonic); Kalmia; Spigel; Liatris;

Alet > appendix
Aletris farinosa, L. Nat. order, Haemadoraceae. Common names, Colic root, Star grass. Preparation, Tincture from the root.

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