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Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber

, Merc-p-r.

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HPUS indication of Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber: Skin irritation
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Suffocative attacks at night on lying down WHILE ON THE POINT OF FALLING ASLEEP, obliged to jump up suddenly which relieves; gonorrhoea; URETHRA FELT AS A HARD STRING; chancroid; phagedenic ulcer and bubo; pemphigus, mucous patches, eczema with rhagades and fissures, barber's itch; blepharitis, internally and externally; leaden heaviness in occiput, with otorrhoea

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Growths, blisters, swellings

ulcers; spreading

ulcers; dead skin separated from living tissue

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Extremities, limbs

Cramps; lower limbs

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber

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Compare: Capparis coriaccea (polyuria, glandular affections, mucous diarrhoea; influenza); Epilobium - Willow herb - (chronic diarrhoea with tenesmus and mucous discharges; ptyalism, dysphagia; wasting of body and much debility; cholera infantum); KALI-Hyd ( in hard chancre); Mercur. Acet ( Congestion with stiffness, dryness and heat of parts affected. Eyes inflamed, burn and itch. Lack of moisture. Throat dry, talking difficult. Pressure in lower sternum; chancre in urethra; tenia capitis favosa margin of ulcers painful: Mercurius Auratus (Psoriasis and syphilitic catarrh; brain tumors; lues of nose and bones; ozaena; swelling of testicles); Mercurius Bromatus (secondary syphilitic skin affection); Mercurius Nitrosus - Nitrate of Mercurius Vivus - (especially in pustular conjunctivitis and keratitis; gonorrhoea and mucous patches, with Sticking pains; syphilides); Mercurius Vivus Phosphoricus (nervous diseases from syphilis; exostoses); Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber (suffocative attacks at night on lying down While on the point of falling asleep, obliged to jump up suddenly which relieves; gonorrhoea; Urethra felt as a hard string; chancroid; phagedenic ulcer and bubo; pemphigus, mucous patches, eczema with rhagades and fissures, barber’s itch; blepharitis, internally and externally; leaden heaviness in occiput, with otorrhoea); Mercurius tannicus (syphilides in patients with gastro-intestinal diseases, or, if very sensitive, to ordinary mercurial preparations); Erythrinus - South American Red Mullet Fish - (in pityriasis rubra and syphilis; red rash on chest; pityriasis); Lolium Temulentum (in Trembling of hands and legs); Mercur. cum kali (inveterate colds, acute facial paralysis). Henchera - Alum root - (Gastro-enteritis nausea, vomiting of bile and frothy mucous; stools watery, profuse, slimy, tenesmus, never get done feeling. Dose, 2 to 10 drops of tincture).

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Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber is not available to buy over the counter.
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