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Ovarian Extract, Ovininum, Ov.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Ovinine in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Suffering following excision of the ovaries. Climacteric disturbances generally. Ovarian cysts. Cutaneous disorders and acne rosacea. Prurigo.


Low triturations.

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Compare: Orchitinum - Testicular extract - (after ovariotomy, sexual weakness, senile decay).

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aversion to certain foods or drinks; meat; mutton


nausea; from odours; mutton

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Eating and food; mutton

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Ovinine

Ooph > general
Ovarian Extract. A Sarcode. Trituration of expressed juice of ovary of sheep or cow.

Ovi-g > general
This preparation was made by Swan, and proved by a young lady, a patient of J. C. Boardman. Swan's paper was read before the Denver Homoeopathic Club, and published in a number of Med. Visitor, the date of which I have lost, with additions from H. P., xiii. 323. Under Calc. ov. test. I have given an account of the action of Egg-shells in leucorrhoea, and Swan adds that it has an ancient reputation for "immoderate flux of the courses" (like our Calc. c.), and for nocturnal enuresis. The Egg-shells were anciently used powdered fresh or roasted, and as such were and are much used in the treatment of oxyuris vermicularis. Swan prepared the membrane. As an ovarian product it might be expected that all parts of the egg should have an action on ovaries. It is recognised that as an article of diet in some forms eggs have a stimulating effect on the sexual functions. The provings of Ovi g. p. bear out this relation. The first prover was a young lady who was known to be unable to bear any extra exertion, but the details of this were not known until after she had taken the first dose of the c.m. sent by Swan. This had the effect of removing suddenly the whole of the trouble which prevented her from exerting herself

Ovi-g > relationships
Compare Calc. ov. test. (leucorrhoea, &c.). In pains in heart and left ovary, Naja. Clinkers in catarrh, K. bi.. Sensitiveness to touch and pressure, Lact., Lyc. Suddenness of pains, &c., Bell., Lyc. Symptoms amel. by flow, Lach. Causation.

Ovinine is not available to buy over the counter.

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