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Pimenta officinalis

Pimenta, Pim-o.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Pimenta officinalis in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Pimenta officinalis, Lindl.

(Myrtus pimenta, L.; Eugenia pimenta, D. C.)

Common names, Pimento, Allspice, Jamaica pepper ("Capsicum Annuum Capsicum Jamaicum.")

Preparation, Tincture of the fruit.

Authority. Dr. Bechet, Journ. de la Soc. Gall, ser. 1re 3, p. 399, effects of 6 to 12 drops of the tincture.

They were followed by semi-lateral neuralgic lesions, especially on the head.

In moderate doses, it causes an appetite, or rather a very imperious desire to eat.

Slight alterations in calorification and sensibility.

thus, when not exposed to any chilling influence, certain parts of my body felt burning hot, while other parts seemed more or less cold. This cold feeling was peculiar.

it seemed as if a large or small sponge filled with water, more or less cold, passed here and there over the surface of my body, and the succeeding sensation of heat was a good deal like the cutaneous reaction after a cold bath. A dose or two developed these symptoms in a slight degree, but after continuing the proving for several days, they became more striking.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Pimenta officinalis

Puls > relationships
Compare: Cyclamen; Kali-bich.; Kali-sulph.; Sulphur. Pimenta - Allspice - (one-sided neuralgias, parts of body hot and cold). Anagyris (headache, amenorrhoea).

Pimenta officinalis has never been mentioned on our forum.

Pimenta officinalis is not available to buy over the counter.

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