The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Herpes on ONE spot on body
I've read other reports where herpes sufferers were asked about specific body parts because that affected the remedy.I have had herpes for over 10 years now, the first 5 or 6 years breakouts were always on my lower pelvis and genitals. That almost never happens now, for the last four years breakouts have happened almost exclusively on my LEFT buttock (butt cheek). Usually in large clusters. I have never had one on my right side (of my backside).
Medical history... in the past only real problem was irritable bowl, officially diagnosed as Chroans, but couldn't have been since it went away eventually with probiotic use. Currently very healty, good diet, only problem dealing with now seems to be an ADD-like lack of focus and lack of motivation.
honarse on 2007-05-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
...oops as far as medical history, the only other 'problem' going on is that I've had a flabby chest for years no matter how much I work out. Had hormones tested and ends up my estrogen is okay, but I have low testosterone, though not low enough for the doctor to worry about (thought I'm not pleased).
honarse last decade
No suggestions? Is Dulcamara the best option?
honarse last decade
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