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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair fall


I had an extensive hair fall for last one and half year and due to that my hair left half of what I had dense hair,rather on let hand side of scalp there is more of baldness some in pathches and on firehead too.

1 I have extremely dry skin ,skin allergy get red rashes on skin and sometimes blood start coming out on itching.And in winters,In winters it become more dry, can't wear blanket or woolen sweater.

2.I have dandruff on scalp not yellow but white and it is in th roots on scratching also it doesn't comes out.Even dandruff has come on face alo on my eye brows on my skin on face.

remedies- I am taking Nat mur 200 - one drop in early morining for skin and after one hour phosphourous 30c 2 drops early morning.
my hair has stopped falling but on oiling sometimes they comes on handful.

MY Detail

age-29+, unmarried
weight- 43kgs
sweating - okie, not too much.
Eyesight- okie
Tea & coffee- stop having for last 2 months.
constipation problem- sometimes.
Bronchitish problem - at the age of 16 which was cured and doesn't persist.
Allergy- yes, on skin and sneezing ( problem has been reduced after practising yoga for last 3 years)usually doesn't have.

SURGERY-I had surgery a year back in Nov 2008 , been almost a year,but my hair are falling since Aug2008 before the surgery.

Doctor- Please TELL me medicine for HAIR GROWTH as by next year i need to ge married, I have very thin hair line on oiling I almost seems to be bald.moreover my hair falls out in bunches on oiling my hair.
phosphorous - I ma taking it for last 10 days, 2 drops early morng and change is there , upto max 10 hair falls. I am afraid ,if stop having it will start falling again. Till one moth should I have it or stop after 15 days.DOES PHOSPHOROUS 30C LEADS TO HAIR GROWTH.
  Ritsy on 2009-12-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Lycopodium 30 for 5 days and follow it by Sulphur 30 for 3 days. Take Sulphur only in the daylight.

probono last decade
Thanks probona for your reply.I can only buy one medicine . So Sulpher 30 would be the best option & will it cure dandruff on my face and skin allergy.

Ritsy last decade
and how many drops of sulpher should be taken early morning ? can it be taken with phosphorous because of it my hair fall has almost ended. it has been a week or so that it has shown termendous effect. Can I stop having phosphorous?
Ritsy last decade

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