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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Fall

Im Arunkumar aged about 32 and Im having some hair fall when I apply shampoo, I tried different shampoos but they dont work.I have little dandruff. Im right now taking homoeopathy after consulting a homoeopath. Please tell me what can be done to arrest this. Only during shampooing it falls, otherwise it is OK. I have been taking medicines for the past 1 month.
Any advice for specific medicines?

  arunsoundar on 2005-05-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
how much falls out? it is normal to lose 100 hairs or more daily washing/combing.
erika last decade
Oh!!!. Definitely not 100 or more, its about 25-30 while washing. But I want to grow more hair and I have lost some hair in the front part - basically like a mini 'U'. Can you please suggest some remedy or some kind of diet to follow, I read a lot of responses for others and see wonders happening in this forum. Request you to help me out in this case.

arunsoundar last decade
Oh!!!. Definitely not 100 or more, its about 25-30 while washing. But I want to grow more hair and I have lost some hair in the front part - basically like a mini 'U'. Can you please suggest some remedy or some kind of diet to follow, I read a lot of responses for others and see wonders happening in this forum. Request you to help me out in this case.
arunsoundar last decade
as you are presently on meds from a homeopath it is not a good idea to suggest alternative - wait and see what happens...do you know what you are taking homeopathically?
erika last decade
Today Im going to meet the doc, I will ask him exactly what this is. Yes, i have been taking this for the past 1 month. He has also guaranteed me to get back some 30-40% of regrowth. Can this be true? Or else can I suggest him based on the medicines given in some of the replies? Im a little worried.

Also, can you please update me with some good diet? He has adviced me - some good dry fruits, lots of Milk and Yogurt, green veg's and Im taking them very holily. Please advice more if you have anything in your mind.
Will WIESBADEN 200C will work on me? Can I tell him about this?

arunsoundar last decade
the suggestions on this forum are individual as is your prescription from your homeopath. trust your homeopath or otherwise why are you seeing him?
Unfortunately I am not a nutritionist so make sure your doctors suggestions for your diet are based on good nutritional advice - is he/she trained also as a nutritionist?
erika last decade
i would be interested to know later what homeopathic remedy has been recommended for you? :)
erika last decade
Went and met the doc. Here is the prescrption
1. Natrum Muraticum
2. Kali Sulphuricum.

Please give me more info on this.

arunsoundar last decade
you can read about these remedies on the abc site here. they are good remedies -
are you taking them frequently, both together or alternating them? do you know what potency are you taking?
erika last decade
Thanks for the information. Potency is 50-75 and Im taking them together and daily 3-3-3. Is this OK?
arunsoundar last decade
do you mean you are taking them 3 times daily for three days?
erika last decade
No it means 3 tablets 3 times a day. Also, 50-75 data is incorrect, that was some other number written on the prescription. Please dont get confused with that.

arunsoundar last decade

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