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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Fall

Dear Dr. kadwa,

I am getting wiser! Actually, I started this thread to address my hair fall issue. :-). I am not bald but have receded moderately over the years.

Also in the recent past few years, I was having bad dandruff issue and tried various home remedies I.e. oil, lemon etc.. different shampoos as well and the latest iteration is the prescription strength Selenium Sulfide 2% shampoo. I use it for a week or less and it knocks out the dandruff but seems to come back a month or so later.

Added, I find lot of hair that falls on pillow and bed after waking up in the morning. Hair also shedding during daytime and can be found on sofa. And, more hair lost after taking a head bath.

My hair is cut short, not that it makes a difference; just very concerned that at this rate, I might lose it all quickly...

Both my grandfathers were bald and my father was bald. Older brother had lost much and is 2/3 bald. I am still doing relatively well here but would like to stop further loss.

Further, my wife is also dealing with her hair loss issue. Hers is more pronounced and can be thought of female pattern baldness. It has thinned out significantly on top and she is only 34 years old. She is extremely concerned as her mother also had the same issue and lost lot of her hair.
You name it, we tried any and all shampoos etc. At one time my wife even used monoxidil for women. She hadn't used it in past 3+ years and I am against it as we are planning to have a baby and hear it is not a good thing to use during pregnancy etc.

Please suggest a remedy for both of our issues.
  alfabeta on 2012-05-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Let us discuss your wife's case here.

Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
kadwa last decade

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