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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cold in 3.8 years son

My son is having sneezing and white thick discharge from his nose. He gets up every morning and sneezes in the morning and has running nose in the morning especially in winters. His nose getd blocked at night. He is very active and sweats profusely. He has very low immunity. Citrus fruits, refrigerated foods, chocolates aggravates the cold. With little change of temperature he sneezes. After having rich foods, he also sneezes . We stay in Bangalore. I have tried with Calcarea Carb, Ferrum Phos, Nat Mur 6x, Cal Phos, ANTIM TART, Eupat Perf...so many combinations butnnothing seems to work. Please advice. His current problem is thick dis barge from nose with sneezes and has hoarse qnd chocked voice when he wakes up in morning. He doesn't like to put any wrapper around him.
  Piyabhattacharya on 2014-09-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
don't give medicines without proper diagnosis give him nat mur 6x for now also give him a home remade take 2-3 clove in one glass of water and boil it for 5 min and give one does in morning .The cold may be due to eosinophils i am not sure better
do blood test :
1-D.C (Differential Complete Blood Count)
2-Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
after getting report update the information.
after that i can give him proper medicine .
[message edited by gaintrox on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:37:53 BST]
gaintrox last decade
All tests have been done and are normal. In Bangalore weather every kid seems to have this problem because of too much pollen in the air. I will try the home remedy for sure. Thanks.
I have NatMur 200, can I give that as well instead of Nat Mur 6x.

Aslo please advise on which medicine to take for the above mentioned problems.
Piyabhattacharya last decade
nat mur 6x two times a day will work better .
And give
him one dose of belladonna 30c before he go to sleep . Reply after two day observation.
[message edited by gaintrox on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:18:43 BST]
gaintrox last decade
Sure thank you
Piyabhattacharya last decade
The running nose has been replaced by cold sticking on nostrils, congestion. Sneezing too much and also sniffles. Should I continue Natrum or stop. Which medicine should I give now for congestion and sneezing. Thirst is less. Sleep is not hampered. But there is wheezing all the time.
Piyabhattacharya last decade
continue the medicines.The sneezing and sniffles is due to the cold is coming out of his body which is a good sing .Don,t worry .

reply after 3 days observation.
gaintrox last decade
pardon me priyabhattacharya,
i see ur previous records u are discontinuing many treatments for ur son which is not good it will make his health worse by changing too many courses of homeopathy treatment it is dangerous it is more dangerous in case of small kids like.
gaintrox last decade
If iam not replying that does not mean im discontinuing the medicines. Dont think negative. Iam following ur advice. I will give u report after 3 days. And dont write ill things about my sons health becoming worse. What kind of a person ur.
Piyabhattacharya last decade
what ever i wrote after studying all posts u along with the treatments .If u have not discontinuing any treatment so i am really sorry .
i did not mean to say ill thing about ur son .
Apologizing again.
But i will prefer to give this case to a doctor who has treated ur son before because he know the situation better than me from the beginning.So, stop taking my medicines. .
plz forgive me if i say something wrong
gaintrox last decade
You created many post for the same baby and got advise from:
Dr. gaintrox, http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/445794/
Dr. Rishimba, http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/417151/
Dr, Kashif, http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/422667/
Dr. simone, http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/440442/
Dr. R.P. Tamhankar,
mahmoodjnu last decade
Dear Piya,

Please stay on one post with Rishimba and he also
said you could email him.

You cannot do multiple advices or things won't work
correctly. You cancel things out- and then Rishimba
will think that what he is giving is wrong due
to not knowing what else you gave. So you will
end up with more things that will not work.
simone717 last decade
I have not made multiple posts . Its that my child has fallen ill multiple times. And every time it was cold so.u guys are getting confused. I didn't know that I have to stick with ome.of.u. whoever replied I.took their advice. I would be glad to get advice from Rishimba as he was the first to know my childs case. I dont know why everyone all.of a sudden is after me. I thought anybody can reply so specifically I didn't wait for rishimba. But I would be glad to work with rishimba.
Piyabhattacharya last decade
Hi Piya,

this is your latest advice from Rishimba-
as of today.


Rishimba thinks he is supervising on your child overall-so in the future,
just post on the above thread everytime something comes up or email him.
It is good to have everything about a person on one thread so the prescriber
can see the overall pattern of how the person is doing. Rishimba is a qualified
homeopathic Dr. , fyi.


[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:06:28 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thank u simone. I will do so in furure
Piyabhattacharya last decade

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