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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Brain stroke

Hallo Doctor,
My Aunt,71y,is suffering from extreme forgetful ness.She can't recall daily events but her old memories are still live.
The CT scan shows brain stroke.
Is that be treated in homeopathy? Please help me.
  Toal on 2018-04-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Toal said Hallo Doctor,
My Aunt,71y,is suffering from extreme forgetful ness.She can't recall daily events but her old memories are still live.
The CT scan shows brain stroke.
Is that be treated in homeopathy? Please help me.
Toal 6 years ago
Please give her Muriatic Acid 30 in evening for 15 days and see how that affects.

One dose means 2 pills or drops.
kadwa 6 years ago
Thank you sir.
Toal 6 years ago
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
On completion of medication for last 15 days,
I am pleased to inform you that we see some improvement in her.
Now she is able to remember little bit,such that ,what she have eaten in lunch? Or whether anybody visited our house or not.
But almost everyday she failed to recognise that her Husband is dead,she asks everyone about him.
Became restless on sunset.
Complaints for pain in lower abdomen. The USG shows retention of 160 ml urine in bladder and so she goes toilet very frequently.
This urinal issue I missed to report you earlier, I am sorry for that.
Please guide further.
[Edited by Toal on 2018-05-16 02:04:14]
Toal 6 years ago
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
On completion of medication for last 15 days,
I am pleased to inform you that we see some improvement in her.
Now she is able to remember little bit,such that ,what she have eaten in lunch? Or whether anybody visited our house or not.
But almost everyday she failed to recognise that her Husband is dead,she asks everyone about him.
Became restless on sunset.
Complaints for pain in lower abdomen. The USG shows retention of 160 ml urine in bladder and so she goes toilet very frequently.
This urinal issue I missed to report you earlier, I am sorry for that.
Please guide further. ✎
Toal 6 years ago
Please give her causticum 30 in morning and muriatic acid 30 in evening for 15 days and report back.
kadwa 6 years ago
There is significant changes in her.She became more panicky. Always fears something adverse going to happen. Never can stay loanly.Fears every nutritious foods.Apprehend that people surrounding her are making some conspiracy. Always blaming others for her mistakes.
We followed your advice for Acid Mur & Causticum.
Please do further.
Toal 6 years ago
Please give her Hyos 30 in evening for 7 days and report back.
kadwa 6 years ago
Sorry to report that patient is not improved.
Toal 6 years ago
Please give her Nux Vomica 30 and Muriatic Acid 30 in evening for 15 days and report back.

One dose means 2 pills or drops each of both the remedies at a time.
kadwa 6 years ago
Sorry for interference.Is it curable Dr.Kadwa.Is there any way to regain the dead Brain cells after stroke?
I am eager to know the logic behind the remedies you prescribing?
[Edited by Dr R Basu on 2018-08-14 07:52:07]
Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Thanks to Dr kadwa,
Will I buy two medicines separately or in one ample of one drum quantity.
Reply me sir.
Toal 6 years ago
Remedies should be bought separately. You may give remedies at a time but you should not store remedies as a mixture.
kadwa 6 years ago
Thank you Sir.I have giver her those remedies for last 2 days.No improvement noticed.
She don't sleep for almost 22 hours.Palpitation and suspicion always with her.Can't recognise her daughters. But always search her daughters as if they are still child.
[Edited by Toal on 2018-08-17 10:07:40]
Toal 6 years ago
Please give her Natrum Mur 30 and Muriatic Acid 30 twice a day for 10 days and report back.
kadwa 6 years ago
Since last evening she is slightly improved.Within this duration she got her 5th does of Acid Mur+ Nux Vom.Should I continue this or switchover to Nat M+ Acid M.Moreover I have given her Brahmi Q 15 drops Three times daily in addition of your prescription.
Please guide me further.
Toal 6 years ago
You may continue with your present plan of medication. Natrum Mur may be used later on need.
kadwa 6 years ago

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