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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Dear Doc, i am 30 years old male suffering from prostatitis since last 9 months. Below symptoms has made my life pathetic, please suggest me some cure:-

Blood in seman, dribbling, bladder and rectal pain, genital pain, erectile dysfunction, irritation and pain after passing the urine. i shall appreciate your advise about above.
  faheem1 on 2018-08-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take cantharis 30c three times a day
For three days

One dose is 2 drops in one cup of water

Please do not take anything 20 min before and after the medicine.
Avoid camphor, coffee, garlic, mint, perfumes..
Do not take any other homoeopathic medicine along with this.

Report back after 5 days
Mister.4 6 years ago
Thank you so much, i ll get back.
faheem1 6 years ago
Dear Doc, hope this reply finds you well. I have used the cantharis 30c for 3 days as advised above. This medicine worked well on me and I was 60 % relieved from my symptoms. Now today after 5 days, my symptoms are: burning and pain after urine in my bladder area and urinary tract. And anal pain with burning as well, should I keep using the cantharis or you have some further instructions for me.

And yes thank you so much for advising me this medicine which gave me relieve from that intensity of pain and symptoms.

May god bless you with a healthy life.

Thanks.... Faheem
faheem1 5 years ago
And the reason I replied you late, I couldnt find this medicine in my area.
faheem1 5 years ago
Hello There ...?
faheem1 5 years ago

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