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Posts about Fatigue, Prostatitis

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Post orgasmic illness syndrome, Sexual weakness, fatigue, chronic prostatitis like symptoms

Dear Doctors,

I have been suffering with symptoms which are similar to post oragasmic illness syndrome, I feel extremely tired, fatigued after the ejaculation, I am tired almost all the time, I feel like my nerves are firing day and night. Symptoms usually gets worse after the ejaculation, I have weak and painful erection and a lot of my symptoms are similar to chronic prostatitis pelvic pain syndrome (nonbacterial prostatitis), I feel pain my urethera and I feel like I am also getting numb when it comes to cognitive tasks, I cannot focus on work, I procrastinate. My stomach is a mess and I have all the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, with poor bowel movements which is also gets worse with ejaculations, as I either get diarrehea or constipation with bloated sotamch
I am 33 years old male, 78 kg and about 5 feet 10, kindly advise me what to do ?
I am also taking anxiety medicines and antidepressants like Clonazepam and Zoloft as I am suffering with sevre anxiety as well
  mumairb on 2019-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
is someone there who can help me with my predicament ?
mumairb 4 years ago

Describe your main suffering in details as much as you can. Plus answer (shortly) the following questions (mostly YES / NO Type).

Age, weight, gender, occupation.

From how long you have this problem ?
Do you have diabetes or blood pressure problem ?
What is your daily routine ? from morning till evening ? active or sedentary ?
do you feel marked weakness in body ?
Any constipation or foul smelling gases (abdomen) ? If smelly please mention.
do you feel more thirsty or less ?
feel cold in body or hot ?
Any other thing / symptoms you notice ?
Which homeopathic medicines you used in past ? name and potency ?
Any reports or pics ? Please send.
Gentle1 4 years ago
Age, weight, gender, occupation.
I am 33 years old, Male and currently not doing anything

From how long you have this problem ?
Almost 8-9 years

Do you have or blood pressure problem ?

What is your daily routine ? from morning till evening ? active or sedentary ?
do you feel marked weakness in body ?
Yes, marked would be an understatement, I feel weak almost all the time.

Any constipation or foul smelling gases (abdomen) ? If smelly please mention.
I would say my bowel movement is disturbed but would be afraid to call it constipation, as I do have bowel movement once or twice a day but still I feel that I have not fully excreted the toxins out of my body as stomach is bloated, I usually get diarrhea like situation right after the ejaculations but it last for 1 or 2 days

I sometime have strange and foul smell with my urine, like oily smell or fish but it usually go away after 2-3 days post ejaculation.

do you feel more thirsty or less ?
More thirsty
feel cold in body or hot ?

I am not sure how best to answer this question but my symptoms gets worse in the winter or in the cold, pain in the pelvic region is increased and especially after the ejaculations it takes longer me for to recover
Any other thing / symptoms you notice ?
I have anxiety and depression and also my hair have started to grey very recently i.e. within last 6 months, I never had this problem before but within six months it feels like if I have aged 10 years, as icing in the hair is not just on the head but also on the check and facial hair

Which homeopathic medicines you used in past ? name and potency ?
I have spent last years in China doing PhD, so I dind’t have any access to any homeopathic medicines but before that I have taken some prescribed here in this forum or by homeopath practitioners in my country
Damiana, Ashwagandha, Nux Vomia, Staphysagaria 200, Selenium 6x and etc

Any reports or pics ? Please send.

mumairb 4 years ago
Your overall health is deteriorating very slowly. You should change your life style and diet plans quickly and work on it "STRICTLY" ... one egg (boiled) in the morning with toast, along with milk or tea. One piece of fish daily (fish smoked only). Avoid oily, deep fried, salty, spicy, junk foods completely.

Morning walk or a little walk anytime is also a must. A little exertion 30-60 minutes daily is a must. you can walk at home as well .. no worry. but exertion is a must.

you said your symptoms get worse in winter, can I ask your origin / country ? the climate ? I feel you have had a lot of masturbation history as per your symptoms. If you could precisely answer this ? Try natrum.sulph 200c ... 4 drops only. once only. one dose only. no more no repeat. in a separate disposable glass with some water in it. Do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking the homeopathic medicines as a general rules. wait and notice changes in the next 3-4 days and you can update after ..
Gentle1 4 years ago

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