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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Post for Just Sayin Page 6 of 6

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Hello JustSayin,
I had a dose of Kali Mur 30 C the day before yesterday. I haven’t seen any improvement in my right side hearing, so far.
I feel some kind of void inside my hear which is blocking any sounds hitting my ear and my brain. I am irritated because I am not able to hear easily.
I feel pressure in my head at the moment. Feels like I am in a different world or in a dream.
Please suggest
depression1 last month
Try Verbascum Thapsus 6c and use Mullein ear drops locally.
JustSayin2 last month
Hello JustSayin,
II am still waiting on my order for the remedies .
Also , Please suggest the dosages for the Ear drops.
Should I just take one dose of the 6c potency as well for Verbascum ?
Thank you.
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-08-14 21:12:47]
depression1 last month
Yes, take one dose of Verbascum Thapsus 6c a day with Mullein ear drops 3 times a day, putting two drops in the affected ear. Slowly reduce the dosage as you see improvement.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-08-15 09:10:13]
JustSayin2 last month
Hello JustSayin,
Just wanted to update you.
I took a dose of Verbascum 6c and put 3 drops of Mullein in my right ear, couple of minutes ago. When the drops got inside my ear, my ear started hurting a lot.
This also happened, when I put few drops of Oil into my ear about 2-3 weeks ago. It started hurting right after I put the oil in.
So basically whenever some liquid goes into my right ear it starts hurting a lot.(e.g. water, oil, ear drops etc) I wonder what could be the reason.
Do you still want me to continue the ear drops ?
Please suggest
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-08-16 03:20:09]
depression1 last month
If the pain is really bothersome, take Merc 30c once and stop the ear drops for now. Continue with Verbascum Thapsus 6c daily.
JustSayin2 last month
Merc Sol 30 didn’t help me at all. My ear is continuously hurting now, since after I put the Mullein drops last night. My right ear is hurting inside out now.
I barely hear from that ear now.
Please help.
depression1 last month
Try Belladonna 6c-30c (whatever potency you have).
JustSayin2 last month
Hello JustSayin,
I had to go to Urgent care (4days ago)as the pain was unbearable and whatever sound I was hearing was muffling.
The doctor said, my ear drum was perforated and I had infection on the ear. So he prescribed me antibiotics drops and pills for 7 days.
I am on antibiotics now.
Will update you further
Thank you.
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-08-22 14:23:58]
depression1 3 weeks ago
Sorry to hear that. How are you now, hows the pain?
JustSayin2 3 weeks ago

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