Arum Italicum
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Arum Italicum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Brain-fag, with headache in occipital region. Arum maculatum inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes. Nasal irritation with polypus.
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Arum-d > general
Arum Dracontium, Linn.
Arum-d > general
Note. -Most Arum pains are observed to be very transient in any one part, and to course along the extremities, sometimes in one direction, sometimes in the opposite one.
Arum-t > general
Arum Maculatum, Italicum, Dracontium, have the same action as the Triphyllum. They all contain an irritant poison, causing inflammation of mucous surfaces and destruction of tissue. Acridity is the keynote of the kind of action characteristic of Arum.
Calad > general
Caladium seguinum. Arum seguinum. Dumb Cane. (South America.) N. O. Araceae. Tincture of whole fresh plant.
Arum-t > general
Cina has more of the congestive and nerve symptoms. The nostrils are really so sore from the acridity of the fluids inside of the nose that it feels as if the nostrils were filled with fire. This is the language of the patients who narrate their symptoms in an Arum triphyllum case.
Arum-t > general
At times when a lawyer has had a long case and he is making a final effort, and has been speaking three or four hours, and while in a sweat has got into a draft or gone out, he finds himself hoarse and cannot finish Ids speech, a dose of Arum triph will enable him to go on with his speech in a clear voice.
Arum-t > general
If clears up the hoarseness. In public speakers and singers who have been compelled to strain the voice and have taken a little cold and the voice is hoarse after prolonged exercise; this is the most striking feature of the Arum triph voice.
Bell > general
When going over Arum triphyllum I told you it had been pronounced "strawberry tongue"
Bell > general
The intense dryness of the mucous membranes and skin. Coldness of the extremities with hot head. In Arum triphyllumthere is a constant picking of the mouth, with suppressed or scanty urine.
Bell > general
the itching of the fingers, toes, nose and lips will lead you to prescribe Arum.
Arum-t > general
Hering's "Guiding Symptoms", gives it in the best rendering. Let us quote a few of the best symptoms "Appearance of raw, bloody surface, on lips, buccal cavity, nose, etc." "Patients often pick and bore into the raw surfaces, though doing so gives great pain, and they scream with it but keep up the boring.". (Hellebor. nig.) There is also one other symptom not so well expressed in Hering, viz. That these raw surfaces are very red, like a piece of fresh beefsteak in appearance. Notice that in Hering these symptoms of mouth, tongue and nose are given in connection with Scarlatina mainly. I want to say that they are also found in typhoid and typhus fevers. Whenever, in any disease, this red, raw condition of the mouth, nose and lips, at which the patient bores and picks, continually appears, give Arum triphyllum. Another important use of this remedy is in affections of the larynx and bronchia. Hoarseness or loss of voice, or voice uncontrollable; it breaks when trying to sing or speak in a high tone or key. This is often found in clergyman's sore throat, or in operatic singers. Aggravation of hoarseness from singing is also found under Argentum nitricum, Arnica, Selenium, Phosphorus and Causticum.
Arum-d > relationships
Arum Italicum (Brain-fag, with headache in occipital region). Arum Maculatum (inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes. Nasal irritation with polypus).
Wye > relationships
Compare: Arum; Sang.; Lach.
Arum-t > appendix
Arisaema triphyllum, Torr. (Arum triphyllum, Linn). Nat. order, Araceae. Common names, Indian turnip, Jack-in-the-pulpit. Preparation, Tincture from the root.
Calad > general
Caladium seguinum, Very. (Arum seguinum, Linn.). Nat. order, Araceae. Preparation, Tincture of the root.
Arum-m > general
The leading symptoms of Arum mac. are as follows Inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes. Violent irritation of nose and eyes. Pain left side of nose. Nasal polypus. Bleeding from mucous membranes and cavities. Tongue swollen, pricking, stinging, burning, excoriated. Burning, stinging pains in mouth and lips "as with a hundred needles" Tickling and burning in throat. Sensation of a swelling in left side above larynx. Hoarseness. From abdomen ascending to chest an oppression over whole chest, with hot breath.
Ictod > general
the leaves as an application to ulcers. The seeds are also considered to be anti-spasmodic, and useful in coughs." Hering and others proved it, and largely confirmed its popular reputation, as also its clinical relationship to the Arum family. Burning sensations from fauces down throat.
Raph > general
The leaves of Rap. are said to antidote its roots, and the arum root is said to antidote the effects of Radish leaves (Cooper).
Arum-t > relationships
Arum has in high degree soreness and cracks in corners of mouth but Condurango not be neglected for the same site; especially if there is also superficial ulceration of the cornea.
Mill > relationships
Millef. is said to antidote Arum mac.
Ail > relationships
Compare Am. c., Arn., Arum tr., Aloe (dull frontal headache), Bap., Bry., Gels., Hyo., Lach., Nit. ac., Nux v., Phytol., Hydrocy. ac., Rhus t., Stram., Echin. a. SYMPTOMS.
Ars-i > relationships
Compare Bacil.; in acrid discharges, Nit. ac., Ailanth., Arum, Ars., Arsen. metal. and its salts. Useful after Sulph. in phthisis pulmonalis, and after Conium in sensitive lump in breast.
Arum-m > relationships
Compare Arum t.
Bell > relationships
Antidotes To effects of large doses, Vegetable acids, infusion of galls, or green tea, Coffea., Hyoscy; to effects of small doses, Camph., Coff., Hep., Hyo., Op., Puls., Sabad. (salivation), Vinum. It antidotes Aco., Arum t., Atrop., Chi., Cup., Fer., Hyo., Jaborandi, Merc., Op., Plat., Plumb., sausage poisoning; oil of turpentine. It follows well Ars., Cham., Hep., Lach., Merc., Phos., Nit. ac., Cup. Is followed well by Chi., Cham., Con., Dulc., Hep., Hyo., Lach., Rhus, Seneg., Stram., Valer., Verat. Similar to Acon., Alcohol (merry craziness); Ars. (pains of cancer); Bry. (rheumatism agg. by motion. In pleurisy and pneumonia it is distinguished from Bry. in that it has agg. lying on affected side whilst Bry. has the opposite); Calc. c., Cham., Cicut., Coff., Cup., Eupat. purp. (diuresis and vesical irritation, but Eupat. has more hyperaemia and vesical inflammation); Gels., Hep., Hyo., Lach., Lil. tig. (Lil. has amel. by motion; Bell. agg. by motion), Merc., Nux v., Op., Puls., Rhus, Stram. (rage), Tereb., Verat.; Arn. (whooping cough).
Bor > relationships
Antidoted by Cham., Coff. Similar to Am. c. and Mag. m. (right nostril stopped); Calc. (inclination to breathe deeply); Kali bi. (tough mucus); Aur. and Puls. (laughter alternately with weeping); Sars., Lyc., Benz. ac. (strong urine, crying before urination; but these three have gravel with Borax it is from inflammation of mucous membrane); Arum tri. (sore mouth); Graph. (trichiasis); Bell. (hot leucorrhoea); Sep. (small ulcers about joints); Bar. c. (cobweb-sensation); Nat. sul. (cheerful after stool).
Canth > relationships
Compare Doryph., Coccus cact., Coccionella, Apis, Bell., Bry., Can. s. (more burning and smarting; Canth. more tenesmus); Petros. (sudden urging); Caps; Puls. (retained placenta); Ars. (delayed urination after parturition); Thuja (erections; those of Canth. prevent urination; those of Thuja do not); Merc. (semen mixed with blood); Sarsapar. (urine burns like fire, shreddy particles and blood in it); Arum, Arn., Rhus, Ranunc. scel. (Teste classes Canth. with Senega and Phos. ac. in his Conium group.) SYMPTOMS.
Cond > relationships
Compare Ant. tart. (pustular eruptions); Arum tri. (corner of mouth cracked; sore throat); Bapt. (sore throat; open cancers with very offensive discharges); Ars., Con., Hydrast., Phytol., Trifol. prat., Kreos. (cancer, especially of breast); Hydrast., Kali sul., (rodent ulcer, lupus, cancer of stomach); Thuja (epithelial cancer, fissures at muco-cutaneous outlets); Silic. (fistulous ulcers).
Grin > relationships
Compare Amm. mur., Ant. t., Kali bi.; Lach. (agg. from sleep; left then right); Gels. (agg. from sleep). Gels. has waking up feeling the heart has stopped, must keep moving to keep it going; Grind. feels respiration has stopped; Stram. (fear of the dark). Op., Lach., Carb. an. (fears to go to sleep.) Dyspnoea on falling asleep Am. c., Ant. t., Arum t., Badiag., Bry., Cadm. s., Carb. an., Carb. v., Graph., Lach., Nux m., Op., Ran. b., and both the Grindelias.
Ictod > relationships
Compare Arum t., Asaf., Meph.
Mill > relationships
Antidotes Arum mac.
Mur-ac > relationships
Compare In typhoid states, Bry. (Bry. has agg. motion), Rhus (restlessness, amel. by motion; Rhus has less debility), Phos. ac. (Phos. ac. has less prostration, is apathetic, indifferent, Mur. ac. taciturn), Apis (Apis has blisters on tongue, and it catches teeth when attempt is made to protrude it), Ars. (Ars. has scanty evacuations), Bapt. (Bapt., has besotted look, tongue red on edges), Bell. (Bell. more active, hyperaemia), K. permang. (throat symptoms, oedematous uvula), Sul. ac. (Sul. ac. has not amel. uncovering), Gels. (with Gels. the muscular prostration is expressed, with Mur. ac. it is unconscious), Nit. ac. (thin, excoriating discharge from nose, intermittent pulse and loss of appetite), Arum tri. Piles during menses, Amm. c., Collins., Graph., Pho., Pul., Sul. Piles sensitive, Bell., Caust. Early morning hunger, Ant. c., Calc., Saba., Lyc. Cannot bear the thought or sight of meat, Nit. ac. Irritable, disposed to anger and chagrin, Nux. Cracked lips; sore mouth; agg. after sleep, Nat. m.; coryza, Chlorum. Tendo-Achillis, affection of, Val. Mur. ac. is a constituent of the gastric juice, and must therefore be considered as allied to the Sarcodes and proximate principle of the tissues, e.g., Cholesterin. Causation.