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Atropia Sulphurica

Atropia, Atropinum sulfuricum, Atropinum sulphuricum, Atro-s.

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Common symptom: Bedwetting..

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Atropia Sulphurica in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Dryness; inside



In women; during period


Extremities, limbs

Paralysis; upper limbs; partial

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Atropia Sulphurica

Dub > general
Acts chiefly on the nervous system, eyes, upper respiratory tract. Recommended in pharyngitis sicca, with black, stringy mucus. It dilates the pupil, dries the mouth, checks perspiration, causes headache and drowsiness. On the eye it acts more promptly than Atropia, much stronger as a mydriatic. Red spot floats in the field of vision. Sensation as if stepping on empty space. Vertigo with pale face; not gastric in origin. Scarlet fever; locomotor ataxia. Palliative in exophthalmic goitre.

DUBO > general
"I have little to add to your account of the effect on the eye of the local application of a solution of Pituri, except to note that, although the pupil was widely (not fully) dilated, the accommodation was almost unaffected. The patients could read well, and they did not complain of much mistiness. Except the smarting, a weak solution of Atropia, say 1/30 grain to an ounce, would produce the same symptoms as the one per cent. solution of Pituri."

Agar > relationships
Compare: Muscarine, the alkaloid of Agaricus (has much power over secretions, increasing lachrymal, salivary, hepatic, etc., but diminishing renal; probably neurotic in origin, stimulating the terminal fibres of the secretory nerves of all these structures, hence Salivation, lachrymation and excessive perspiration. Atropia exactly opposes Muscarine. Resembles Pilocarpine in action.) Agaricus Muscarius VERNUS- spring mushroom - a variety of Agaricus Phalloides - Death cup - active principle is PHALLIN< active like Muscarine. Amanita phalloides(Death Cup - Deadly Agaric.) The poison is a toxalbumin, resembling the poison in the rattle snake and the poison excreted by the cholera and diphtheria germs. It acts on the red blood corpuscles, dissolving them so that blood escapes into the alimentary canal and the whole system is drained. The amount of this toxic principle is small, even handling of specimens and breathing of spores affects some people unpleasantly. The poison is slow in development. Even 12 to 20 hours after taking it the patient feels all right, but vertigo violent choleraic symptoms with rapid loss of strength with death the second or third day, preceded by stupor and spasms. Fatty degeneration of liver, heart and kidneys, hemorrhages in lungs, pleura and skin (Dr. J. Schier). Vomiting and purging. Continuous urging to stool, but no gastric, abdominal or rectal PAIN. Intense thirst for cold water, dry skin. Lethargic but mentally clear. Sharp changes from rapid to slow and from slow to rapid breathing, extreme collapse, suppressed urine, but NO cold extremities or cramps.) Agaric. Emet ( severe vertigo; all symptoms Better, cold water; longing for ice-water; gastritis cold sweat, vomiting sensation as if stomach was suspended on a string. TAMUS (chilblains and freckles). Cimic.; Cann-i.; Hyos.; Tarantula.

Bell > relationships
Compare: Sanguisorba officinalis 2x-6x, a member of the Rosaceae family, (Profuse, long-lasting menses, especially in nervous patients with congestive symptoms to head and limbs. Passive Hemorrhages at climacteric. Chronic metritis. Hemorrhage from lungs. Varices and ulcers). Mandragora - (Mandrake). A narcotic of the ancients - Restless excitability and bodily weakness. Desire for sleep. Has antiperiodic properties like China and Aranea. Useful in epilepsy and hydrophobia, also Cetonia (A. E. alvine). Hyos ( less fever, more agitation); Stram ( more sensorial excitement, frenzy); Hoitzia - A Mexican drug, similar in action to Belladonna ( Useful in fever, scarlatinal eruption, measles, urticaria, etc. High fever with eruptive fevers. Dry mouth and throat, red face, injected eyes, delirium.) Calcar is often required after Belladonna.; Atropia. Alkaloid of Belladonna covers more the neurotic sphere of the Belladonna action ( Great dryness of throat, almost impossible to swallow. Chronic stomach affections, with great pain and vomiting of all food. Peritonitis. All kinds of illusions of sight. Everything appears large. Platina opposite.) Hypochlorhydria; pyrosis. Motes over everything. On reading, words run together; double vision, all objects seem to be elongated. Eustachian tube and tympanic congestion. Affinity for the pancreas. Hyperacidity of stomach. Paroxysms of gastric pain; ovarian neuralgia.

Phys > relationships
Antidote: Atropia. In full medicinal doses will relieve most of the effects of Physostigmine.

Urt-u > general
Hypodermic injections of Morphia and Atropia had to be resorted to.

Carb-s > eyes
At one time was seized with violent inflammation of the right eye, kerato-iritis, treated by Calomel and Atropia,

Jab > general
Atropia seemed to be a perfect antidote,.

Atro > eyes
I have myself once or twice experienced slight congestion of the entire conjunctiva, with dryness of the membrane and dull aching pain in the eyeball, after the use of a very weak solution of Atropia. On one occasion this condition followed the instillation of 12 drops of a solution of 1 part of Sulphate of Atropia in 400,000 parts of water,

Atro > general
but they readily pour out abundance of secretion when an appropriate stimulus reaches them. In a patient who was suffering from severe neuralgia of the face, associated with profuse salivation, the secretion was in no degree diminished when, as occasionally happens, a severe paroxysm of pain came on during the action of a full dose of Atropia,.

Atro > mouth
After many days action of Atropia, there manifested itself a slowness and embarrassment of articulation of words,

Atro > extremities, limbs
In proportion as the doses of Atropia augment, the limbs, and especially the lower, though still under control of the will, become heavy and inactive,

Morph > general
relieved by injection of atropia,.

Atro > appendix
1, Eidherr, A. H. Z., 60, 11 et seq. (proved 3d and 4th trits.); 2, W. S. Moffatt, Hale's provings, Trans. of Hom. Med. Soc. of N. Y., 6, 83 (proved the 2d dec. trit.); 3, C. S. Fahnenstock, ibid. (1st dec. trit.); 4, C. H. Chamberlin, ibid. (1st dec. trit.); 5, J. M. Smith, ibid. (1st dec. trit.); 6, Shroff, Lehr. d. Pharm. (took .005 gramme); 7, Kafka, A. H. Z., 52, 178 (took 1/60 grain); 8, Harley, Old Veg. Neurotics (effects from subcutaneous injection of 1/160 to 1/20 gr.); 9, Lusanna, A. H. Z., 55, 157 (general statement of effects); 10, Homan (took part of solution 2 grs. to 1 oz.), (prepared for the eye), N. A. J. of Hom., 1, 115 (N. Y. J. of Med.); 11, Sharpey, Mon. Hom. Rev., 18, 39, from Lancet (took a sol. of Atrop. by mistake); 12, Blackley, M. Hom. Rev., 17, 481 (Rose E. took a teaspoonful of a lotion, 2 grs. to 1 oz.); 13, Andrew, Ed. Med. J., 1852 (girl 21 years took 2/3 gr.); 14, Piffingskold, A. H. Z., 54, 180 (took 6 drops of a sol., 5 grs. to 1 oz.); 15, Holthouse, A. H. Z., M. Bl., 1, 38 (child took 1/2 gr.); 16, A. H. Z., M. Bl., 11, 59 (child took a sol., 1/2 gr. to 1 oz.); 17, Weil, A. H. Z., 1873 (Effects of Atrop. on conjunctiva); 18, Virch. Arch., 49, 450 (1/2 gr. in sol.); 19, Virch. Arch., 48 (Effects of instillation into eye); 20, Chittenden, Med. Invest., 11, 478 (Effects from applying a sol. of 1 gr. to 1/2 dr. of water to a hollow tooth); 21, Hughes, poisoning of a boy 3 1/2 years old, by a solution of 1/2 gr. of Atropia, B. J. of Hom., v. 20; 22, Grandi, in Pereira, Experiments with Atropine, 1/16 to 1 gr. (see Hughes's Monograph on Belladonna); 23, Leach, Med. Times, 1865 (from Hughes); 24, Am. Journ. Hom. Mat. Med., Nov., 1872, from Atropia, gr. 1/200, bisquater die, in a case of ulcer of stomach in a man of 40 (from Hughes); 25, Rose, Brit. Journ. of Hom., 27, 225 (from Hughes); 26, Pereira, Elem. of Mat. Med., 4th ed., London, 1855 (from Hughes); 27, Trousseau and Pidoux (from Hughes); 28, Practitioner, 4, 372 (from Hughes); 29, Ringer, in Practitioner, vol. 9 (from Hughes).

Dub > appendix
1, Mr. Gerrard, Pharm. Journ. and Trans., April, 1878, p. 157, Mr. Blake instilled into the eye a solution of the alkaloid; 1a, injected hypodermically 1/60 of a grain into two patients; 2, J. Tweedy, Lancet, 1878 (1), p. 304, Dr. Ringer injected subcutaneously 1/2 a grain and 1 grain respectively into two men; 3, Dr. Tweedy, experiments on himself, by instilling into the eye a drop of a solution of the extract (1 in 20); 4, W. W. Seely, M.D., Cincin. Lancet and Obs., 1879, p. 125, 3 or 4 drops of Duboisin (4 grains to 1 ounce) were instilled into the left eye of a lady patient; 5, M. Gaubler, Bull. Gén. de Thérap., May, 1878, quoted by Dr. Seely, ibid., an injection was made into a young man suffering from tuberculosis; 6, Galezowski, L'Art. Méd., 1879, vol. xlix, p. 149, a person, aet. seventy-three years, operated on for cataract, and suffering from consecutive iritis, with closure of the pupils, could not endure Atropia on account of cerebral symptoms; four months afterwards, after removal of the second cataract, 2 drops of a solution of Duboisin (5 centrigrams to 10 grams of water) ware put into the eye each day; 7, same, a second case; 8, Win. F. Norris, M.D., Amer. Journ. of Med. Sci., April, 1879, p. 447, as a mydriatic.

Dub > appendix
Case I. -Dr. J. W., aet. twenty-five years, whose left eye had been last year carefully examined under Atropia, and found to have a hypermetropic astigmatism of 1/60. With this corrected, his vision was 20/xx and his near point 4 3/4". Three minute drops of a 4-grain solution of Sulphate of duboisia were instilled into the conjunctival sac of the left eye. In six minutes the pupil had commenced to dilate, and was ovoid, with its long diameter at 50°. At nine minutes pupil is nearly round, and measures 6 mm., and he can read Jaeger VI inside of 20". At twelve minutes is unable to read without convex glass, and with + 1/10 half an inch in front of the cornea cannot bring Jaeger I inside of 8 3/4". At thirteen minutes pupil measures 7 mm., and is immobile; at fourteen minutes with + 1/10' punctum proximum is at 9 1/2". At fifteen minutes pupil dilated ad maximum, and measures 8 mm. At eighteen minutes with + 1/10 Jaeger I from 9 1/2"-13", sharpest at 11 1/2". At twenty minutes the same. At twenty-five minutes + 1/60 Cy. axis at 15° V= 20/xx', and with + 1/10, combined with same cylinder Jaeger I, from 9"-12 1/2", best at 9 1/2". He was examined at thirty-five and forty-five minutes, but there was no further change either in the size of the pupil, acuity of vision, or in the range of accommodation. He complains of dizziness on rising to walk, feels as if his legs would give way under him, and of slight dryness of the throat. Twenty-four hours after the application with + 1/10 + 1/60 Cy., near point at 9". In forty-eight hours, with same glass, near point of 6 1/4", and pupil has contracted to 6 1/2 mm. On the third day, with same combination, near point is at 5 1/2", and without a glass can read Jaeger I up to 9". On the fourth day, with his cylinder alone, near point is at 5". On the sixth day, with his cylinder, the near point is at 5", pupil measures 3 mm., while that of the other eye measures only 2 mm. On the ninth day pupil is still a trifle larger than that of the right eye, and with his cylinder the near point is at 4 3/4".

Dub > appendix
Case II. -Miss M. K., aet. twenty-six years, V = 20/xx in each eye, and reads Jaeger I from 5"-18". Two drops of a 4-grain solution of the Sulphate of atropia were dropped into the left eye, and as soon as practicable thereafter a similar quantity of a 4-grain solution of Sulphate of duboisia into the right eye.

Dub > appendix
Lefteye. -Atropia. At eleven minutes pupil ovoid and responsive to light, 5 by 3 mm. At fifteen minutes nearly round, 5 mm., with scarcely perceptible motion. At eighteen minutes can read with difficulty Jaeger I. At twenty-three minutes pupil 8 mm.; can still read Jaeger I at 11". At thirty minutes can no longer read "brilliant," but spells out Jaeger II. At thirty-five minutes Jaeger IV, with difficult, at 11", and with + 1/10 Jaeger I, from 6" - 9 1/2". In one hour and a half V = 20/1, and with + 1/10 reads Jaeger I, from 9" - 12"; pupil measures 8 mm. The instillation was repeated on the following day, and with + 1/10 patient could read Jaeger I, from 10 1/2" - 13"; and again, in the third day, with the same result. She says that with this eye she could not spell out any newspaper print until the morning of the fifth day after the last instillation of Atropia. Twelve days after this pupil measured in strong, light 2 1/2 mm., and with her correcting glass + 1/42 reads Jaeger I, from 5 1/2" - 16".

Dub > appendix
A woman, aet. fifty-eight years, with double chronic iritis, on account of conjunctivitis from Atropia, was prescribed Duboisin. The poisonous effects were slow in appearing, were characterized by frequent desire to sleep, preventing the patient from continuing her work. Heaviness of all the limbs, especially of the lower extremities. Gastric symptoms and complete loss of appetite,