Avena Sativa
Avena Sat, Oat, Avena.Have you ever used Avena Sativa? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Avena Sativa in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Oat. N. O. Gramineae. Tincture of fresh plant in flower.
Alcoholism. Cholera. Debility. Influenzinum Influenza. Neurasthenia. Opium habit. Palpitation. Sexual excess. Sleeplessness. Tuberculosis. clinical
Avena has been used empirically in substantial doses (5 to 15 drops of the tincture, preferably in hot water) in a large number of cases of nerve weakness. The leading indications are Irregularities of the male sexual system. Nervous exhaustion. General debility. Nervous palpitation. Insomnia. Inability to keep the mind fixed on any one subject, especially when due to masturbation or sexual irregularities. It is most valuable in enabling a patient to overcome the morphine habit. It appears to exert the same kind of soothing action, without creating a habit of its own. When not more than four grains of morphine have been taken daily it may be discontinued abruptly, 15 drops of Avena in a wineglass of hot water being given four times a day instead. The only symptom that has been observed to be caused by it is a pain at the base of the brain from 20-drop doses. An alkaloid, Avenin (C56 H21 NO18), has been isolated from oats. It is easily soluble in alcohol. No clinical observations with this have been recorded.
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Avena Sativa
Alfa > relationships
Compare: Avena Sat.; Dipodium punct.; Gels.; Hydr.; Kali-p.; Ph-ac.; Zinc.
Anan > relationships
Compare Avena, Arundo, Anthox. (botan.); Bell., Can. ind., Stram., Staph., Merc., Lach., Thuj.
Morph > relationships
Antidoted by Avena, Atrop., Bell., Strong Coffee; Aco. and Ipec. especially useful for secondary effects.
Pip-m > relationships
Compare Cubeba, Piper nig., Matico (botan.). In amel. by diverting mind, Ox. ac. amel. By motion, Rhus. Feeling of buoyancy, Coff. (but with Coff. the reverse condition of brain-fag does not quickly follow). Neurasthenia, Pic. ac., Arg. n., Avena. Unbearable pains, Coff., Aco., Cham.
Anthro-o > relationships
Compare Cepa, Arsen., Naphthal., Sabad., Psorin.; and its botanical allies, Ananth., Avena, Arundo, Lolium, and Sacch. off.