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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Piperazinum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Uric acid conditions. Pruritus. Gout and urinary calculi. CONSTANT BACKACHE. Skin dry, urine scanty. Rheumatic arthritis. Give one grain daily in carbonated water. First and second decimal trituration three times a day.
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Piperazinum
Pip-n > general
Piper nigrum, L.
Cub > relationships
Compare: Cucurbita; Copaiva; Piper meth; Sandal.
Kreos > relationships
Complementary in malignant diseases: Ars.; Phos.; Sulph. Guaiacol (is the principal constituent of Kreosotum, and similar in action. Used in pulmonary tuberculosis. Dose 1 to 5M. Matico - Artanthe or Piper augustifolia, (Gonorrhoea, hemorrhage from lungs; catarrhal condition of genito-urinary organs and gastro-intestinal tract. Topically a hemostatic. Difficult, dry, deep, winter cough. Use tincture.)
Phys > relationships
Compare also: Muscarin; Conium; Curare; Gels.; Thebainum (tetanus); Piperazinum - (Uric acid conditions. Pruritus. Gout and urinary calculi. Constant backache. Skin dry, urine scanty. Rheumatic arthritis. Give one grain daily in carbonated water. First and second decimal trituration three times a day.)
Pip-m > appendix
Piper methysticum, Forst.
Pip-m > general
Piper methysticum (it is called Macropiper methysticum in most recent botanical works, but I retain the older name by which it is best known in homoeopathy) furnishes the root called Kava in Polynesia. The natives use it as a stimulant, either chewing the root or drinking a beverage made of it before undertaking any important business or religious rites. Excessive indulgence in it produces a skin disease like leprosy, called at Tahiti Arevareva. Lutz (quoted H. W., xxviii. 175) describes the disease as observed amongst natives of the Sandwich Islands "The skin, particularly that of the extremities, assumes the appearance of well-marked ichthyosis, associated with a certain degree of atrophy, such as is observed in senile skin. There is an absence of inflammatory symptoms." The mental symptoms of the" Intoxicating Pepper" (�έθνσις, drunkenness) are the most interesting feature of the drug's action. W. N. Griswold proved the third and second dilutions, and developed a large number of nervous, mental, and brain symptoms, among which are some which have proved to be keynotes. The drug causes a feeling of buoyancy, as if every nerve was strung up to the highest pitch.
Pip-m > general
feeling as though the head were enlarged even to bursting. The mental symptoms, excitement or depression, and the headache, were amel. by diversion of mind. This is one of the keynotes, and it has served to indicate Piper m. in connection with other symptoms. Griswold cured a case having burning in chest, amel. by diverting mind (Org., i. 229).
Pip-m > general
patient driven irresistibly to change position, which generally gives little or no amel." This italicised passage is the second keynote of Piper m. These cures were with the 1x or Ø tinctures. Skinner gave fractional doses of Ø tincture in water to a highly excitable young girl who had severe toothache and earache, and had worn out her family by the incessant day and night attendance she required. The pains were dragging, heavy, agg. at night in bed, and after or when eating, "forgets all about her pains if amused with anything, but directly she is tired of it she exclaims, 'Oh, my tooth or ear!' " In addition she had "Agonising pain with tossing, twisting, and writhing.
Pip-m > general
irresistibly driven to change position." The patient slept well that night the first time for a fortnight, and had no more pain. The remaining swelling was removed by Puls. 200. Skinner also reports this case Miss R., 20, has toothache in a decayed molar, amel. if attention is diverted by anything sufficiently exciting. When pain is at all violent she has no rest in any position, must keep continually changing it. Piper m. 500 (F. C.) was given, and there was relief very soon after the first dose. A few doses completely removed the pain (Org., i. 299).
Pip-m > general
Piper m. has much dizziness and vertigo.
Pip-m > general
amel. on closing eyes. The forehead was full, "solid with pain;" this shifted to occiput and cervical spine, where it became a compression, extending as a constricting sensation to stomach and chest. The sensation of enlargement of head was marked and persistent. Farrington says convulsions simulating catalepsy are produced. Cerna (quoted H. W., xxvi. 556) as a result of his investigations found Piper m. a general and local anaesthetic. It diminishes reflex action by its action on the cord, and kills by paralysing respiration. Cerna illustrated its relationship to Cubeba by citing cases of gonorrhoea, acute and chronic cystitis, gleet, prostatorrhoea, vaginitis, cured with it. The provings give the indications. The symptoms were agg. before meals (sour eructations).
Pip-n > general
The Peppers are tropical climbing shrubs. Piper nig. yields the pepper of commerce. The fruit when ripe is red. It is gathered before it is fully ripe and spread on mats in the sun, when it loses its red colour and becomes black and shrivelled. This is Black pepper. White pepper is the same fruit freed from its outer skin by maceration in water and subsequent rubbing (Treas. of Bot.). The symptoms of the proving are Houat's. The only additional symptom is one recorded by Berridge as having occurred in a lady on two occasions from taking a large quantity of pepper "Feeling as if temples and malar bones were pressed in, agg. on left side." This confirms one of Houat's symptoms. The full, heavy headache of Houat's provings I can confirm by personal experience I get the headache whenever I take food highly peppered.
Cub > relationships
Compare Copaiva (with which it is compatible). Piper methyst. Piper nigrum and Matico (botanical). Capsic; Canth. (irritable bladder in females); Tereb.; Cannab. sat.; Iod. (membranous croup).
Ox-ac > relationships
Compare Kali ox. In cholera infantum, Ars., Ip., Ver. In gastralgia, Colch. Gastric symptoms, Kre. In spinal disease, Pic. ac. (Pic. ac. more heaviness; Ox. ac. more numbness, blueness; and pains in small spots), Arg. m., Phos. ac. Induration of testicles, Puls. Headache agg. from wine, Zn. Faintness during scanty stools, Crot. t., Dulc., Pet., Sars., Sul. (stools not scanty, Apis, Nux m., Pul., Spi., Ver.). Pain lower lobe left lung, Sul. agg. From sugar, Arg. n. Backache, Variol., Ant. t. agg. Shaving, Carb. an., Ant. c. agg. Thinking of ailments, Oxytr., Piper meth. (amel. thinking of them, Camph.). Causation.
Pip-m > relationships
Compare Cubeba, Piper nig., Matico (botan.). In amel. by diverting mind, Ox. ac. amel. By motion, Rhus. Feeling of buoyancy, Coff. (but with Coff. the reverse condition of brain-fag does not quickly follow). Neurasthenia, Pic. ac., Arg. n., Avena. Unbearable pains, Coff., Aco., Cham.
Pip-n > relationships
Compare Piper m., Cubeba (botanical; also mental, genito-urinary, skin, and general symptoms).
Anh-lew > relationships
Compare Can. ind. (time sense disordered; fantastic visions); Gelsem. (paralysis of accommodation); Bell., Stram., Op., Pic. ac., Piper methyst., Coffea, Coca; Plat. (objects seem small and distant); Pso. (amel. lying down).
Chin > appendix
1, Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 3; 2, Anton, ibid.; 3, Bachr, ibid.; 4, Becher, ibid.; 5, Clauss, ibid.; 6, Franz, ibid.; 7, Gross, ibid.; 8, Harnish, ibid.; 9, Hartmann, ibid.; 10, Hartung, ibid.; 11, Herrmann, ibid.; 12, Hornburg, ibid.; 13, Langhammer, ibid.; 14, Ch. F. Lehmann, ibid.; 15, J. G. Lehmann, ibid.; 16, Meyer, ibid.; 17, Michler, ibid.; 18, Stapf, ibid.; 19, Teuthorn, ibid.; 20, Wagner, ibid.; 21, Walter, ibid.; 22, Wislicenus, ibid.; 23, to 56, revised by Dr Huges. Alpinius, in Murray's App. Med., "general statement from observation;" 24, Baglivus in Berger, q. v., "results of suppression of intermittents by China;" 25, Baker, Med. Trans, iii, 162, "effects of Cinchona rubra;" 26, Baner, Act. Med. Cur., III, 0, 70, "as Baglivus;" 27, Berger, Diss. de Cinch. ab iniquis judiciis vindicata, 1711, "all S. (save S. 262) mentioned only to reject them;" 28, Bresl. Samuel, 1728, p. 1066, "as Baglivus;" 29, Cartheuser, Diss. de febr. interm. epid. Francof., 1749, "as Baglivus;" 30, Cleghorn, Diseases of Minorca, "effects of China in agues;" 31, Cruger, Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. III, ann. 3, "as Baglivus;" 32, Ettmuller, diss. de usu et abusu praecip., "as Baglivus;" 33, Fischer, in Hufel. Journ., iv, 652, "as Cleghorn;" 34, Forney, Med. Ephem., 1, 2, "not obtainable;" 35, Fothergill, works, "cannot find any such symptom;" 36, Fiborg, Diss. de usu cort. Peruv., 1773, "physical effects of powder;" 37, Gesner, Samml. v. Beob, I, 244, "not obtainable;" 38, Greding, Ludw. advers., I, 90, "effects of Hyoscyamus" omitted; 39, Hildebrand, Hufel. Journ., xiii, 1, 142, "as Cleghorn;" 40, Juncker et Fritze, Diss. de usu cort. Per., p. 26, "from China given in gangrene of foot, with Alkermes and syrup of Canella;" 40a, Kreysig, Diss. de febr. quart., "not obtainable;" 40b, Koker, "from China given in cold stage of ague;" 41, Lemprecht, Act. Nat. Cur., II, 0, 129, "as Cleghorn;" 42, May, Lond. Med. Journ., 1788, p. 273, "as Fiborg;" 43, Morton, Opera, II, "observed effects of overdosing;" 44, Murray, App. Med., "as Berger;" 45, Pelargus, Obs. I, 1, 72, "as Baglivus;" 46, Percival, Essays, vol. i, "as Fiborg;" 47, Quarin, Method. Med. febr., p. 23, "as Fiborg;" 48, Raulin, Obs. de M�d., Paris, 1754, "not obtainable;" 49, Richard, Recueil d'Obs. de m�d., II, 517, "as Baglivu;" 50, Romberg, Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. III, ann. 9, 10, 0, 109, "as Cleghorn;" 51, Roschin, Ann. de Heilkunde, "not obtainable;" 52, Schlegel, Hufel. Journ., vii, 4, 161, "as Cleghorn;" 53, Stahl, in various works, "as Baglivus;" 54, Sydenham, Works, I, "observed effect of China;" 55, A. Thompson, Med. Essays and Obs., iv, 11, 24, "as Baglivus;" 56, Thos. Thompson, Med. Observ., xxxvi, "as Baglivus;" 57, Waltl, proving with daily doses, increasing from 2 drachms to 1/2 ounce, A. H. Z., 20, 367; 58, Piper, effects of a clyster of 1 ounce of powdered bark, A. H. Z., 19, 202; 59, Goez, effects of a strong infusion on a sound man, Russ. Med. Zeit., 1851 (from Z. f. Hom. Kl, 1, 117) (60 to 69, Jorg's provings, critical essays, No. 2, from B. J. of Hom., 24, 222); 60, Enders took daily doses, 18 to 120 drops of tincture; 61, Hacker, same doses as last; 62, Franthman, same; 63, Meurer, 2 drachms powder twice in one day; 64, Steinback, as last; 65, Kieman, as last; 66, Guntz, as last; 67, Meurer took within twelve hours and a half 16 ounces (in four doses) of tincture, prepared in proportion of one part cortex to six parts spirits vini; 68, Sternback, 6 ounces in four doses, as last; 69, Guntz, as last; 70, Robinson's provings, "a middle-aged female, gl. 1/20th in 8 ounces water, teaspoonful each morning," B. J. of Hom., 25, 323; 71, "a middle-aged female, gtt. 10 θ, in half wine glass of water, at a single dose," ibid.; 72, "a female, pil. 1/30th, night and morning," ibid.; 73, "in a young female, gtt. 5 θ, three times a day in a tablespoonful of water;" 74, Gabalda, effects of half a spoonful of wine of bark daily, in a person after loss of blood, L'Art. M�d., 5, 278; 75, Berridge, proving on a boy, aged 14, with repeated doses of the 30th dilution, N. Am. J. of H., N. S., 3, 500.
Graph > appendix
1, Hahnemann, Chron. Krankh.; 2, H. and T., ibid.; 3, Kretschmar, ibid.; 4, Nenning, ibid.; 5, Rummel, ibid.; 6, Piper, proving of chemically pure Graphites, triturated with 4 parts of Sacc. lactis, repeated doses, comprising 1/12 to 20 grains of the pure Graphites, for eighteen days, A. H. Z., 18, 125; 7, Storck, effect of 1 and 2 grains, Buchner's Repertorium (A. H. Z., 47, 40); 8, Robinson, a young woman took every second morning a spoonful of solution of globules of 1/200 in water; after five or six days had symptoms, Month. Hom. Rev., 24, p. 514.
Lact > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 37, from Journ. f. Hom. Arzneim., vol. 2, collection of Dr. Ed. Seidel.) 1, "S," provings with tinct., 10 to 30-drop doses, and with 3 to 4-grain doses of the extract; 1a, same, effects of teaspoonful doses of the fresh juice of L. sativa; 2, Ernst, effects of 20 drops of tinct.; 3, Espe, 10 drops of tinct.; 4, Theile, 40 drops of tinct., and 2 to 4 grains of extract; 5, Piper, 16 drops to 1/2 an ounce of tinct., and 10 grains of extract; 6, Henke, 10 drops of tinct.; 7, Netolitzky, 4 to 6 grains of extract; 8, Helbig, 40 to 120 drops of tinct.; 9, Preu, 5 to 10 drops of tinct.; 10, a girl of twenty-six, 20 drops of tinct.; 11, a girl of fifteen, 20 drops of tinct.; 12, a girl of sixteen, 1-2 grains of extract; 13, a girl of nineteen, 2 grains of the extract; 14, a girl of twenty-two, 2 grains of extract; 15, a woman of thirty, 2 grains of extract, and 20 drops of tinct.; 16, Andry, Trait� des Aliments de carme, from the exhalations; 17, effects of 10-15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium, Rothamel, Heidelb. Klin. Annal., 5, 2, 277; 18, Tott, Lactucarium virosum, Rust's Mag., 43, 1, 138; 19, Halle, Gift-historie, Berlin, 1787, p. 228; 20, Gmelin, Geschichte der Pflanzengifte, 1777, p. 486; 21, Vicat, Plant. v�n. de la Suisse, p. 209; 22, Wibmer, Wirk. der Arzn., 3. 3, p. 301; 23, omitted; 24, Dioscorides, Mat. Med., L. IV, c. 55; 25, Plinius, Hist. Nat., xix, 8 et 18; 26, Silesius, Kr�uterbuch, 1577; 27, Richter, Arzneim., 2 p. 605; 28, Kolb, Bromatologie, 1829, p. 209; 29, Burdach, Arzneim., 2d ed.; 30, Sachs and Dulc, Arzneim.; 31, Candon, Contr. Med., etc.; 32, Voigt, Lehrb. d. Pharm.; 33, Schroeder, Apothekerbuch, 1686; 34, Francois, Rev. Med., 1824; 35, Dierbach, Arzneikr�fte der Pflanzen, 1831; 36, Glaser, in Brandes Archiv, 18, p. 252; 37, Ganzel, Diss. de Lactuca sativa, 1819; 38, Austrian Soc. Allopath. physicians, Zeit. der Gesell. der AErz. zu Wien., 1847, provings with the extract, 1/2 to 30 grains at a dose; 39, Schroff, Lehrbuch der Pharm., experiments with 2/10 dr. of Aust. Lactucarium; 40, same, experiments on two persons with doses of 1 1/2 dr.; 41, Fronm�ller, loc. cit., effects of doses of 1/2 to 62 grains of Lactucarium, Syrup. Lact. and Lactucin, in several cases; 42, A. Boe, poisoning of a family by eating a salad of L. virosa, Bull G�n. de Th�rap., from Biblioth. Hom., Aug. 1876.
Lob > appendix
1, Dr. Cutler, Mem. Am. Acad. vol. 1, p. 484 (1785), effects of chewing leaves and of holding them in the mouth for some time; 2, Cutler, in Thacher's Dispensatory, p. 146, took three doses of one tablespoonful of tincture each, at intervals of ten minutes, for asthma (which it cured); 3, Samuel Thomson, New Guide to Health or Botanic Physician (from Dr. Jeane's collection, Trans. Am. Inst. of Hom., 1, p. 171, effects in a man of eating a sprig); 4, Dr. Randall, in Bigelow's Am. Med. Bot., 1, p. 813 (1817), general effects; 5, Dr. Bradstreet, from Bigelow (loc. cit.), effects; 6, Bigelow (loc. cit), effects of one teaspoonful of an infusion of 2 ounces of dried plant in 1 pint of diluted Alcohol; 7, Samuel Thomson caused the death of Ezra Lovett (who had a bad cold), by large and repeated doses, Tyng's Mass. Reports, vol. 6, p. 134; 8, Boston Med. Intell., vol. 2 (1824), effects of 2 or 3 drs, in a woman, taken for an emetic; 9, Chs. Whitelaw, Lancet, vol. 23, 1833, general statement of effects (10 to 15, proving by Dr. Noak, Hygea, 1841); 10, Kermes, a young man, aged twenty-six, took 30 drops of tinct., in the morning; 11, Noack, took first day, tincture, 10 drops in morning, 20 at 11 A.M., 50 in P.M., after two days took 80 drops morning, 100 at 3 P.M.; 12, Birkner, 4 drops tinct. first day, 8 drops second day, 16 drops third day; 12a, same, subsequently took 10 drops first day, 20 drops second day; 12b, same, third proving, one dose of 30 drops; 13, Dr. Moerz, repeated doses of tinct., 20 to 150-drop doses; 14, Laura G., aged twenty-one various doses, 6 to 40 drops; 15, Dr. Piper, repeated doses of tinct., 2 to 20 drops; 16, Norton, Br. J. of Hom., 17, p. 464, took 1/2 dr. tinct. first day, 1dr. second day, 2drs. third day, 2 1/2 drs. fourth day, 1/2 ounce fifth day; (17 to 25, from Dr. Jeane's collection, Am. Inst. of Hom. Trans., vol. 1); 17, Dr. Jeanes; 18, Williamson; 19, Link; 20, Geist; 21, Z---s, took a teaspoonful of tinct. every quarter of an hour, till he had taken an ounce; 22, Dr. Caspari, gave (?) to a lady who had not menstruated for four years, for pain in right shoulder, which it relieved; 23, Dr. Gosewich, effects in a lady in last stage of consumption; she had not menstruated for six months; 24, same, effects in a lady over fifty, who had long ceased to menstruate, for a cough; 25, same, effects in a boy, of a "Thomsonian emetic;" (Nos. 26 to 36, provings on healthy persons, "medical students and naval surgeons, at the Medical School of Toulon," by Dr. Barrallier, "Des effects physiol. de la Lobelia Inflata, Paris, 1864"); 26, man, aged twenty-one, pulse 72, took 5 drops of tinct.; 27, man, aged eighteen, pulse 74, took 5 drops; 28, man, aged twenty-one pulse 58, took 5 drops; 29, man, aged nineteen, pulse 74, took 5 drops; 30, man, aged twenty-five, pulse 76, took 10 drops; 31, man, aged twenty-eight, pulse 70, took 10 drops; 32, man, aged twenty, pulse 72, took 10 drops; 33, man, aged twenty, pusle 70, took 10 drops; 34, man, aged forty-seven, pulse 68, took 20 drops; 35, man, aged twenty-five, pulse 72, took 20 drops; 36, Dr. Barrallier, aged forty-seven, pulse 66, took 40 drops.
CIN > appendix
1, Rust, effects, Rust's Mag., 12, 3 (in Noack, Hygeia, 16, 148); 2, Berandi, effect of 15 to 20 grains, Omad, Annali di Med., 1829 (ibid.); 3, Barbier, effects of 4 to 8 grains of pure Cinchoninum, Trait� El�ment de Mat. M�d., 1837 (ibid); 4, Madam M., suffering lately from catarrhal cough (cured by the proving), and occasional leucorrhoea, took (first day) 1 grain, (second day) 2 grains (ibid.); 5, Julian P., aged 25, complains of oppression of chest, want of breath, and weeping mood, took 1 grain (ibid.); 6, Wilhelmina Deitz, a healthy girl of 19, took 2 grains, on the first and fourth and ninth days (ibid).; 7, Wilhelmina Walter, girl of 17, never menstruated, but lately has had periodic menstrual colic, has just recovered, took 2 grains (ibid.); 8, Fritz, aged 25, took (first day) 1 grain, (third day) 4 grains (seventh day) 6 grains (ibid.); 8b, same prover took 12 grains at once (ibid.); 9, Dr. Otto Piper took 8 grains (ibid.); 10, Birkner, aged 23, took (first day) 4 grains, (sixth day) 8 grains (ibid.); 11, Dr. Geyer took 2 grains (ibid.); 11b, same one took 4 grains, second proving (ibid.); 12, Dr. Noack took 4 grains (ibid.); 12b, same prover took 10 grains (ibid.); 13, Bouchardt and Delondre, Experiments, l'Art Med., 13, 3; 14, Dr. Elson, experiments on the pulse, Am. J. M. S., N. S., 52.