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Natrum Sulphuratum

Natrum Sulfuratum, Sulphide of Sodium, Natr.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Natrum Sulphuratum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Sodium sulphide, Na2S.

Preparation, Triturations, or solution in distilled water.

Authority. Chantourelle, Acad. Royal. de Méd., 1825 (Orfila's Toxicologie), effects of 45 grammes, given by mistake for Natrum Sulphuricum Natrum sulfuricum, to a girl of twenty-five.

Great heat of the mouth, fauces, oesophagus, and stomach.

Sensation of constriction in the throat.

Swallowing painful.


Great efforts to vomit (immediately).

Constant ineffectual efforts to vomit; she vomited some whitish liquid, with streaks and clots of blood, and a thin semitransparent piece of membrane, which seemed to come from the lining of the stomach.

Burning pains in the epigastrium.

Frequent colic pains.

Sensation as though she would suffocate.

Pulse strong and rapid (after some hours).

Pulse irregular, small, and slow.

Patient very weak and pale.

Skin cold.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Natrum Sulphuratum

Bor > general
Natr. sulph. produces yellow discharge, and so does Borax.

Bor > general
Natr. sulph produces yellow discharge from the nose, even yellowish-green.

Bor > general
This remedy has cured gonorrhoea. Wherever there is mucous membrane you may expect to find the aphthous patches. There is another feature like Natr. mur. and Natr. Carb.

Cic > general
Convulsions generally take the place of the ecstatic or cataleptic condition. Natr. m. is somewhat similar to the mental condition of this remedy, as the Natr. m patient goes about doing all her household work and other functions and next day knows nothing about it. Nux mos is another remedy that has such a complete blank when going about doing things, a complete abstraction of mind.

Nat-c > general
the herpes family is especially, related to Natr. carb.

Nat-c > general
but most Natr. carb. and Natr. mur eruptions are of the vesicular form. Tingling, biting, itching, changing place, now here and now there.

Nat-c > general
head troubles are not worse from cold in Natr. carb.

Nat-c > general
Natr. carb. is ameliorated by eating.

Nat-c > general
he gets hungry at 5 A.M. and 11 P.M. 5 A.M. is the favorite time for the Natr. carb aggravation.

Nat-m > general
Both Natr. carb. and Natr. mur. have the general nervous tension of Natrum, but one is a chilly patient, the other warm, blooded.

Nat-m > general
This remedy and Natr. sulph were used by the homoeopaths to clear up chronic diarrhoea, the old army diarrhoea.

Nux-v > general
wants to force things his own way. Driven by impulses to commit acts that verge upon insanity - the destruction of others. Natr. sul. has a strong impulse to destroy himself. Arg. nitr., also, particularly by jumping from a height, but he avoids placing himself in such a position.

Apis > relationships
Concordances Acet. ac. (dropsy); Acon., Anac. (urticaria); Apocyn. cannab. (dropsy); Arnic. (bruised sore); Arsen. (typhoid forms; gangrene; dropsies scarlatina; urticaria; chills); Bellad. (meningitis, especially of cerebral meninges; faucitis; erysipelas; scarlatina; glandular organs, etc.); Bromin. (swelling of ovary during menses); Bryon., Cantharides (erysipelas, urinary symptoms); Cinchon., Colchic. (rheumatism, etc.); Crot. tig. (urticaria); Euphr. (conjunctiva); Ferrum; Graphit., Hepar; Iodium (swollen knee); Laches. typhoid states; gangrene); Lycop. Mercur.; Natr. ars.; Natr. mur. (chills; urticaria; tension in ovarian region, etc.); Pulsat.; Rhus tox. (eyes, but Apis has less suppuration; vesicular erysipelas, but darker than in Apis, and spreading left to right; typhoid states; restlessness, but, in Apis more fidgetiness, etc.); Rumex crisp. (painless, greenish-yellow diarrhoea); Sabin. (ovarian and uterine symptoms); Sepia; Silic. (ovary and inverted nipple); Sulphur (tubercular meningitis; cheeked eruption, especially urticaria; asthma; hydrothorax); Tereb. (urinary symptoms); Therid. (vertigo); Thuja (sycosis, evils of vaccination); Urt. ur.; Zincum; Calc. iod. (which has relieved conical cornea and staphyloma); Guarea (has cured conjunctivitis with marked chemosis).

Kali-c > relationships
Kali carb. is frequently suitable after Bryon., Lycop., Natr., mur., Natr. ac.

Nat-c > relationships
Natr. Carb. follows Sepia well.

Nat-c > relationships
Natr. Carb. antidotes Cinchon.

Nat-c > relationships
Antidotes to Natr. Carb. Camphor., Spir. nitr. dulc.

Nit-ac > relationships
Nitr. ac. follows well after Calc. carb., Hepar, Kali carb., Natr. carb., Pulsat., Sulphur, Thuja.

Ust > relationships
Compare Mel., Med., Mez., Psor., Vinc. m., in crusta lactea and other scalp affections of childhood; Bry., Ham., Mill., Phos., in vicarious menstruation; Agar., Mur., Sep., in bearing down and uterine collapse; Helon., Lys., Natr. h., Sec., delayed subinvolution; Malan.., Sec., affections of the hair and nails; Act., Caul., Thuj., Sul., Vib. o., in left ovarian pain; Bov., Elaps., Graph., Ham., in intermittent flow; Sang., Urt. ur., pain and rheumatic affections of right shoulder; Sang., left inframammary pain extending to scapula; Lac c., Kali bi., Puls., erratic rheumatic pains; Sul., faint all-gone sensation at 11 A. M.; Cob., backache and seminal emissions; Bov., flow midway between the periods; Canth., Pyr., Sec., in expelling foreign bodies from the uterusp

Sep > general
holds the chest during the cough (Bry., Natr. sulph., Phos).

Natrum Sulphuratum is not available to buy over the counter.
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