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I also have sensativy and some discomfort with a bit of a distended blabber area
Merisel81 6 years ago
Today is Saturday. I can’t get that remedy until Tuesday. Is there anything else I can take?
Merisel81 6 years ago
Mercurius corrosivus or Arsenicum album in 30c, up to 4 times a day.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-06-24 07:16:54]
Tui 6 years ago
I have done well for some time. Now, I have the following:
Difficult in urinating, sometimes it burns. When I get excited my feet get cold and I have to urinate a lot. At night I wake to urinate and it takes a while to start and finish. The stream is weak.
Merisel81 6 years ago
Have you been taking Mercurius corrosivus or Arsenicum album?

If so, for how many days?

Also what do you mean by 'When I get excited my feet get cold and I have to urinate a lot' ?
Tui 6 years ago
I took the Arsenicum Album awhile ago for about 3 days. What I mean about getting excited is that if there is something of interest I get passionate by either thinking or talking about it and it seems to consume my mind, my stomach and my feet gets cold
Merisel81 6 years ago
Please take Belladonna 30c three times a day for a few days and see how you feel after that.
Tui 6 years ago
Hi, I have followed your instructions and I find the cold feet has improved greatly. The urination also improved. After the first day of taking the Belladonna I felt some sensitivity and discomfort in my prostate area. However, the following day it improved. Should I stay on the Belladonna for more time?
Merisel81 6 years ago
Yes continue with Belladonna 30c but just one dose daily until you are about 80 - 90% better.
Tui 6 years ago
i had to move up to 2 per day for now. 1 wasn't enough. I am also starting to hve very dr crusty scalp plus burning in the creases of my groing and legs plus in my under arms.
Merisel81 6 years ago
Have you had the symptom before ? or is it completely a new symptom?
Tui 6 years ago
yes, many years ago
Merisel81 6 years ago
Symptoms that you have had before in the past may recur during the course of homeopathic treatment. This is called the return of old symptoms and usually they will last for a few days to a week (sometimes longer) then recede. Often these symptoms will not return again.

So stop taking Belladonna for a few days and see if your symptoms subside.
Tui 6 years ago
The symptoms have subsided. However when I urinate it burns at the tip of the urethra. Today I say some slight traces of blood in my underwear. I had gall and bladder stones last year. I had surgery to have them blasted and removed. They were 4 in total at 2.5 cm in size. My old naturopathmentio either blood is from scar tissue. When it happened before. Also I am tired a fair bit and my arm mussels and should Oder joint ache.
Merisel81 5 years ago
Please take Sulphur 30c twice a day for 5 days and report back any changes.
Tui 5 years ago
I will. I just realized that when it burns at the top of my urethra I always have dry cracking lips
Merisel81 5 years ago
Sulphur will takes care of that too.
Tui 5 years ago
I finished 5 days of Sulphur 30C 2x a day. When I started wit it I started to feel better. However, at around day 4 the burning came back. I found I had to wake at night to urinate. When I woke I had to wait in the toilet for 30 seconds or more before the stream would start. I had to punch some times to get it started and to keep the flow. I had a bit of lower back pain for the last 2 days also
Merisel81 5 years ago
Any blood in urine?

How is the flow of urination? slow? comes out drop by drop? Dribble?

What is the color of urine?


How is your thirst?
Tui 5 years ago
No visible blood in the urine.

The flow is slow, almost feel like a slight obstruction at the end of my urethra

Urine is slight yellow in colour

Quantity is not much.

No thirst.

Today I was in a meeting, which I was excited about, I started to fell cold and had to urinate frequently. As mentioned before my nervous system seems to be too sensitive and I get overwhelmed easily and my need to urinate increases. Also, lately my joints are painful and it is extending to my arms. It is like pain from having a flu
Merisel81 5 years ago
Please take Staphysagria 30c twice a day for 5 days and report back any changes in 10 days.

1 dose is 2 pills/drops.
Tui 5 years ago
Hello, I followed your instructions and while taking the Staphysagria 30c I did not notice much changes. However, around the second day after I stopped I started to feel better. My urine flow improved and my muscle aches reduced by 70%.

Now I am finding I am straining a bit to pee again. I have paid attention to what has changes in my life, surroundings or food. I think salty foods affects my peeing a bit. I find that when I get passionate about anything my emotions takes over and the frequent peeing starts. If I don't go to pee immediately when I final go it becomes very difficult and I have to go a few times as I don't complete on one attempt to empty my bladder.
Merisel81 5 years ago
You can continue with Staphysagria 200c, once a day for 3 -4 days and see how you feel after that.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-10-14 04:55:22]
Tui 5 years ago
1 pellet =1 dose it just 1 pellet?
Merisel81 5 years ago
My error. Is 2 pellets 1 dose or 1 pellet?
Merisel81 5 years ago
1 dose is 2 pellets.
Tui 5 years ago

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