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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Hello dr. Anuj

in this week my uncle settled down at home.

Right hand is still not well but he use it more than he did before. He has some problems at changing clothes, he can not raise right hand high enough to take off t-shirt for example.
Shaving is also challenge for him but i can also see a bit progress in it.
He is maybe to brave in walking, he goes alone up and down the stairs, he walks in the house and around the house.
With the speech is the same as last week.
We have a physiotherapist who is working with him one hour per day, the rest is what we can do.

Please advise me how to continue with treatment.
Thank you, Shamfe
shamfe 3 months ago
Continue the same remedies.Physio is required in such cases to bring back the strength.It will take six months minimum to restore the movements.
anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Dr. Anuj hello

Thank you so much for the answer. We will continue with bothrops C30 and I will contact you in a week or so.

Excuse me to ask you something else.

I have a friend (67 year old) that has a paresis of left hemidiaphragm. EMG control shows that he has an isolated malfunction of left phrenic nerve. Both hemidiaphragm lies in higher position, but left one lies 4 cm higer than the right one. He has a problem with dyspnoea specialy at an effort. In lower left lung atelectasis is found because of a high position and pressure of left hemidiaphragm.
Do you think that is curable?

Patient has this diagnosis already one year and he is desperate and hopeless. I am not, I still belive that some improvement is possible.
Can you suggest any homeopathic remedy?

Thank you a lot,
Grateful, Shamfe
shamfe 2 months ago
anuj srivastava 2 months ago

my uncle is doing very well.
we are continue with bothrops C 30 and physio.
He is almost independent in most of activities.
I would like to ask you how long he should take bothrops remedy?
I never had a situation to take an remedy for such a long periode.

Thank you for advise.

unfortunately i can not report anything about my friend yet, because he is out of town.
shamfe 2 months ago
Continue for 15 days and give a feedback.
anuj srivastava 2 months ago
Dr.Anuj hello,
My uncle still takes bothrops 3times a day. He is doing well, he has physio 3 times a week. I have to say that in last 2 weeks i can not see any additional progress. His right hand and leg are almost the same as i report before,he still sometimes forget to use it and start to take a glass for exp. with left hand.
I happy with his condition, he can do almost anything by his self.
Should we continue with bothrops or should we stop?
Thank you for your answer
shamfe last month
anuj srivastava last month
Dr. Anuj hello,

seen September 2nd we give to my uncle wet dose of bothrops C200, every second day -single dose at evening.

Genealy he is doing well.
Right leg and hand are still in almost the same condition. The leg I would say is better than the hand. He walks well.
Right hand he uses to les. He still wants to eat with the left hand. The right one is shaky when he hold the spoon. He can not raise it as high as the left one and also can not stretch it out as much.

He follows the conversations and participates in it. But still sometimes can not remember some things, names or what he had for lunch.
He desires an company, needs/demanding a lot of attention.

He says:I feel well and have no pain. I get a bit angry because i can not remember some things :)

By now he took 6 single doses of remedy.

Tahnk you for yor answer
Kind regards, Shamfe
shamfe last month
anuj srivastava last month

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