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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

IT IS GOOD TO KNOW THIS - Homeopathic aggravation Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pankaj needs to start a new thread and give it the title of AGGREVATIONS so that he can refer people to that thread on a regular basis.
Pat2006 last decade
It has been my experience and observation that homeoapths don't make a strong enough effort to make sure people know about aggrevations.

Pat2006 last decade
Whilst I will be writing a new thread on Aggrevations, let me tell every one that it is not such a scary matter as made out to be.

Because, if an aggrevation occurs...nature is telling the homeopath that his line of thinking is correct.

Secondly, aggrevations normally die out within a few hours of stopping the med.

Third, thru internet...I have seldom gone beyond a potency of 200c...where chances of aggrevtion are much less compared to higher potencies of 1M, 10M , 50M etc.

Fourth, inspite of that if I am expecting some minor aggrevation...I ask the person to post feed back with in 2/3 days...so that I can suggest remedial measures if required. Just stopping further use of the med is also a remedy against aggrevation.

Some one has got 'aggrevation' by using Sulphur 6c potency and someone seperately e-mailed to me of great discomfiture after taking Sulphur 6X.

In the first place ...I donot know who is advicing patients to take Sulhur in such low potency ...coz ..it immediately goes into provings with such potencies.
Then they have been advised to repeat it often...another incorrect thing to do in case of Sulphur.

Sulphur is best to be used in 200C and higher potencies ...just one dose ...to be repeated only after 5 to 7 days.

Again, I must stress...and I have pointed out this thing in other posts also in the past....deciding a potency comes after long experience and in depth study. There are no standard rules for selection of potency...coz each med has its own rule for the effective potency and / or safe potency.

Also potency has to be changed as per the age / sex of the patient, acute or chronic stage, height and weight of the patient etc. etc.

That is where the judgement of the homeopath comes in to play.

Therefore ...it is important that when patients post their profile..they should give as many details as possible.

I feel frustrated when patients fail to write even their age and / or sex.

May I inform you that there are some homeopathic meds more suited to women and some others more suited to men.

So every little detail helps in a better analysis of the case.

Very important...mentals first and the physical later...that is a rule in homeopathy...so always remember to give your mental (mind) symptoms along with physical symptoms.....like mind -depressed, frequent change of moods, angry when contradicted, depression due to business failure, depression due to broken love affair, cannot get over a bereavement in the family etc etc etc.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Very, very smart indeed.
Pat2006 last decade
very impressive speech.

Should write a book or give classes. Practice giving a class or two at [Moderated: Link removed for being spam]
Pat2006 last decade
Thanks. Just for your information...I am a public speaker for more than 20 years. I am invited by NDTV ...'New Delhi Television' to participate in their discussion programs.

Also invited by leading Post-Graduate educational institutions for delivering lectures on Strategic Management of Corporate and Business Organisations.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Nineclouds and kn3...pl. start new threads for advice....this is a 'No parking area !!'
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj Varma
You Prescribed me ruta g 30 four times a day i took it for 5 days but it was aggrevating my symptoms ...........is this a positive sign and if yes why................?
It looks strange in my case ruta aggrevates symptoms..........can u explain .......I want to know reason of it pls guide me so that i can take maximum benedit from homeopathy.........
pankajnarang81 last decade

no one is parking in your so called 'AREA'. you talk of aggravation and i merely wrote what i saw as aggravation. no one asked for your or anybody's help if u think i am piling my son's history on you. no matter how qualified you think you are, i dont know anything about you to ask for your suggestion. so better think twice before writing such stuff.

if i really need advice, yes i will start a new post. and no thanx to you for being so arrogant.
nineclouds last decade
Nineclouds !

I said that in good humour...and wanted to help you through a new thread....becoz so much other stuff getting posted here...which causes confusion if one is analysing a case.

Try to step into 'my shoes' and understand the problem from that angle.

Pity...that people don't understand good humour and good intentions!!

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
How was I arrogant...I used the word 'pl.' ??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj

Aggravation as I understand is the worsening of conditions before, the remedy kicks in, and treats the patient, so as a general rule of homeopathy, aggravation is a good indication, an indication that the medicine is working, and the patient should be cured. Now I have 2 questions for you, lets suppose a patient was given a medicine which resulted in an aggravation, medicine was continued (same dose), and the patient's condition started to improve, as soon as things started to improve, dosage should have been reduced, which didnt happen in this case, and after a while, the patient was back to square one.....What happened here?

Second question pertains to my treatment, I was advised by a renowned homeopath to take selenium 30, five drops, three times a day for my prostatitis, after 20 days no feeling internally, but, most of the hair on my inner calf disappeared, when reported back to the doc, I was advised to stop the medicine, and was assured that the hair will come back, it hasnt, and its been 4 years.

What happened here ??

sazim last decade
This thread is continued in another thread write to Pankaj for details.
Pat2006 last decade
Hello Sazim,
If the dosage is not progressively reduced after cure sets in.....the medicine will reverse the process..i.e. go into proving...and benefit will be lost....as happened in your case.

Re: Selelnium

I think ..it was not a properly chosen medicine for you. Important smptoms are :

Laschivious thougths
Itching in between toes and fingers , inside of thighs etc.
Headache from sunrise to sunset...but (important) chiefly in left side of the head and temples.

(Have to break this post here..some visitors.....will post more details later).
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Selenium (contd.)

Constipation, rash on skin in area of liver. Liver weak. Important...pulsations in the body at different places and pain in palms..more so in evening and night.

Sexual thoughts (lasciviuos) but impotency, loss or reduction of sexual power.

Sleep of Selenium patient is very light...never deep.

Selenium is also useful in neutralising ill-effects of tea drinking.

Sazim...if these were not your symptoms...then he gave you the wrong medicine.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
yes i did see you use the word 'pl'...and i do know that so many of you here are trying to help people. just as you talk of your shoes, i say the same thing to you. try to be in a mother's shoes and see how it is to see her son suffer so much that she thinks she might just lose him for something as everyday as ECZEMA.

read your post again, its not in good humor, even if you think so.

i dont want to pick up an argument with you which goes on for pages, just wanted to let you know that in ur own thread u talk about how homeopathy looks into the 'mental' state of mind before going to the 'physical' state.....i am sorry to say when you write like what u wrote in response to my first post, its the 'mental state' you are affecting negatively. see it from a mother's eyes.
nineclouds last decade
Hi NineClouds
whatever happned leave it pls dont waste ur energy in these things........I hope u will understand focus your mind on ur target.........everywhere here is to help you
Pankaj Narang
pankajnarang81 last decade
yes, i am not going to go on forever. i just got carried away early in the morning. as you said, my quest for his treatment continues.......
nineclouds last decade
Dear Pankaj

I knew back then that selenium was the wrong remedy, what I am asking, is why hasnt the hair grown back on my inner calf. If the dissappearance of hair was a proving of selenium, are provings permanent or can provings be reversed ?


sazim last decade
Dear Sazim,
You had to anti-dote Selenium ....that time it self...on considering:

1. New symptoms that had developed (one being loss of hair at....)


2. Selection of a med that is an anti-dote for Selenium....namely...Ignitia and Pulsatilla.

At this moment it is better to re-assess the complete case and then consider med (s).

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks Pankaj

sazim last decade
Shivani..pl. read this.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj

This is your first post.


If you are resorting to self medication in homepathy it is good to know this.....

In homeopathy there is something termed as 'HOMEOPATHIC AGGRAVATION'.

Let me explain this: once you start the process of taking the medicine(s)you might notice some thing happenning like a skin-rash appearing somewhere on the body or a sudden onset of cough, even it can be a slight fever or a headache. May be increase in the intensity of the itch etc. etc....this only means that the toxins are being forced to move out from their preferred hiding places.

Such aggravation may appear briefly and will die out on its own in a few hours to 2/3 days. Yet, such onset is a sure indication for a homeopath that the medicine is working.

The outlet for the toxins is the skin. Hence....appearance of a skin rash is significant. If the medicine is working , the rash will subside on its own.

(If the aggravation is severe, it is advisable to skip some doses of the medicine).

For this specific reason ....it is not advisable to take very high potencies of any medicine on your own .....such as 10M and higher, unless your knowledge of homeopathy is vast and honed over the years.
It would be difficult to control the reaction of the 'homeopathic aggravation' on your own in such circumstances.

I beg to differ.

This is not what is meant by 'aggravation'

aggravation means increase of intensity in the existing symptoms.

If the patient is taking the medicine for headache, if the headache increases for a short time, it is an aggravation.

If the patient is taking a medicine for itch, and if the itching increases for a short time , it is an aggravation.

However, if a skin rash appears, which was not there before taking the medicine it is not an aggravation.

If the patient never had a skin rash in his life,and it appears now, it is an accessary symtom of the medicine, which means the dose is exceeded.

It also may mean a partially indicated medicine.

However, if the patient had the skin rash, somewhere earlier in his life, and it is brought out now,that is good. It means,the medicine is acting correctly, and the direction of cure is proper.

We can discuss further.
gavinimurthy last decade
Hello Murthy,
The original post was made in 2003...when we had just started posting at ABC Forum.

If you are adding refinements to it...I am happy...coz it will benefit all readers.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
The original post in 2003...was made by me with the idea.... to alert readers about aggravation ...so that they could read more about it on their own from books and different websites.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Bump up...for new members.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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