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, Rad.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Radium in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Skin; out-breaks on skin; acne; chronic, especially nose and cheeks

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Radium

Corn-f > general
30 grains pulv. cort. rad. Cor. flor. Pulse 62, soft, natural at time of taking.

Tell > general
Marked skin (herpes circinatus), spinal, eye and ear symptoms. Very sensitive back. Pains all over body. Offensive discharges. Slow development of symptoms ( Radium.) Sacral and sciatic pains.

Rad-b > general
An important addition to the Materia Medica, especially since the provings by Diffenbach have precisionized its use. Radium Brom. of 1,800,000 radio-activity was employed. Found effective in the treatment of rheumatism and gout, in skin affections generally, acne rosacea, naevi, moles, ulcers and cancers. Lowered blood pressure. Severe aching pains all over, with restlessness, better moving about. Chronic rheumatic arthritis. Lateness in appearance of symptoms. Ulcers due to Radium burns, take a long time to heal. Marked increase in the polymorphonuclear neurophiles. Great weakness.

CORNU > general
30 grains pulv. cort. rad. Cor. seri. Pulse 70, naturally full, on taking.

Rad-b > general
Radium Bromide. Ra Br2, 2H2O. Trituration.

Bar-c > relationships
Compare: Digitalis; Radium; Aragallus; Oxtrop; Astrag.

Carb-s > relationships
Compare: Potass. Xanthate - (Similar in action. Acts on cortical substance; loss of memory, marked blood degeneration; impotence and senility. Tuberculin; Radium; Carbo; Sulph.; Caust.; Salicyl-ac.; Cinch. In eye symptoms compare: Benzin. dinitric. Thyroidin (progressive diminution of sight with central Scotoma).

Rhus-v > relationships
Antidote: Clematis. The California Poison-oak (Rhus Diversiloba) is identical with it. It antidotes Radium and follows it well.

Tell > relationships
Compare: Radium.; Selenium.; Tetradymite - crystals from Georgia and North Carolina containing Bismuth, Tellurium AND Sulphur - (coccygodynia, ulceration of nails; pains in hands, in small spots, ankles, heels, and tendo-achilles); Sep.; Arts.; Rhus.

Rad-b > relationships
Compare: Anacardium (the ulceration produced by it is like Radium. It may appear elsewhere than on place of contact and appear late).

Rhus-t > general
with the increased virulence of the plant at night and in damp atmosphere. (One prover of Rh. ven. was not influenced by contact with the leaves when his skin was dry, but only when perspiring; and the worst poisonings with Rh. divers. happened to persons when moist and heated.) Millspaugh relates instances of Rhus poisoning Out of ten men employed to clear a piece of land of shrubs among which the Poison Vine greatly predominated only four escaped "Most of the men soon began to show signs of being tired, and at the end of the fourth day six of them were flat on their backs too sick for anything." Actual contact with the plant is not necessary in order to produce its effect. One sultry day in June a young lady drove a croquet ball across a lawn to a clump of Poison Ivy that grew beside it. Knowing her susceptibility she reached under the plant and drew out the ball without touching a leaf. During the evening of the same day her face began to itch and burn, and in the night it swelled so that the eyes were not merely closed, the lashes even disappeared in the swelling. It took nearly two weeks for her to recover. Millspaugh summarises the effects of Rhus (the majority of poisonings have been caused by Rh. rad.) as follows First redness and swelling of the affected part, with intolerable itching and burning, followed by vertigo, weariness, and a sort of intoxication. Infiltration of face and eyes, and agglutination of the lids after sleep.

Rhus-t > general
The American provings were made with Rh. rad., and the majority of the poisonings have occurred from this plant. Though it is not certain that Hahnemann used Rh. tox. at all, or exclusively, Jahr gave a separate presentation of the Rh. rad. symptoms. H. C. Allen (quoted Critique, vi. 409) notes in Rh. rad. a periodicity which marks it as a great antipsoric. It is, he says, on deeply psoric or tubercular constitutions that its toxic effects are most felt and longest lasting, and these constitutional effects "seem ineradicable without the antipsoric." One case of his showed a return of symptoms at 12.45 a.m. on July 5th, each year during sixteen years, except the year 1898, when the previous use of Tuberculinum, a dose once each month, prevented an attack.

Rhus-t > general
and modified the 1899 attack. Guernsey considers Rh. rad. deeper acting than Rh. tox., being indicated in phlegmonous erysipelas, especially where it begins in ankles and moves gradually up the leg, moving in the deeper tissues, no fever.

Rhus-t > general
and for axillary glands when the swelling is very deep and hard. Farrington gives as distinctive indications for Rh. rad.

Rhus-t > general
Occipital headache with rheumatic stiffness of nape. Drawing tearing pains in legs. Pleurodynia when the pains shoot into the shoulders. Mahony (M. A., xxvi. 109) reports a case of eczema on perineum and scrotum with sweat in cleft of nates, both relieved in a week with Rh. rad. 12, twice daily.

Rhus-t > general
Miss M. was severely poisoned by Rh. rad. (it is called "Ivy") in July, 1895, during her menstrual period.

Rad-b > general
The discovery of Radium and its properties in 1898 by Pierre Curie and his wife set many persons thinking, and among them, naturally, those who are engaged in the healing of the sick. Curie himself made the first "proving." He put a tiny bit of Radium salt in an indiarubber capsule and fastened it to his arm, leaving it there for ten hours. When he took it off the skin was red, the place turned into a wound, which took four months to heal, leaving a white scar the size of a shilling surrounded by discoloured puckered skin. On another occasion he left it for half an hour. A wound appeared at the end of a fortnight and took another fortnight to heal. On a third occasion, left for eight minutes only, two months later the skin became red and a bit sore, but it soon passed off.

Rad-b > general
In 1904 I began to make a few provings with the 30th, and in 1908 I published them in Radium as an Internal Remedy, along with some observations by Dr. Molson, experienced by himself when making triturations, and by Dr. Stonham with the 30x. A full account of these will be found in my book. By far the most important proving is that by Dr. William H. Dieffenbach, of New York City, published in The Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, August 1911, and afterwards reprinted in pamphlet form the same year. Dieffenbach had the co-operation of Drs. R. S. Copeland, W. G. Crump, H. C. Sayre, and Guy B. Stearns in his proving, and this leaves little to be desired. It was carried out on both men and women on a much more heroic scale than mine, with 30x, 12x, and 6x, in repeated doses, but the 6x produced such severe symptoms that Dieffenbach warns against its use medicinally. Pure Radium is a white metal which "oxidises in water, burns paper, turns black on exposure to air, and has the property of adhering firmly to iron." This last quality is not without significance, and shows a close affinity with Ferrum. Its atomic weight is 225. It is found in the ore pitchblende, and Drs. E. Stillman Bailey and F. H. Blackmarr, of Chicago (J. A. I. H., September 1911), have used triturations of this combined with Thorium for radio-treatments. Although Dieffenbach used much more crude preparations than I did, his results confirm most of mine, and also greatly extend them, the eyes, skin, joints, and alimentary tracts being particularly affected. Dieffenbach quotes Professor William His, of Berlin, who published an article on the "Use of Radium in Gout and Rheumatism." His used Radium emanations (inhalations of the gas), Radium injections into joints and muscles, and the drinking of Radium water. The provings show the homoeopathicity of the drug to these conditions, although His used it empirically. Dieffenbach, who had been investigating Radium for ten years before he published his pamphlet, records that as a result of former X-ray and Radium-ray experiments one prover's hands had, when the proving commenced, eczematous eruptions, cracks, scaly excrescences, and wart-like outcroppings. After his proving with 6x these gradually disappeared. This is confirmed by a case reported to me by Mr. E. S. Pierrepont. A girl employed in the X-ray Department of the hospital with which he is connected developed dermatitis of the r. hand and fingers. An ointment was prescribed without benefit, and cracks appeared on the skin. Two doses of Radium b. 30 were given, on Mr. Pierrepont's suggestion, one in the morning and one in the evening. The following day the patient came out in a rash, which the matron mistook for measles, eyes watering, fingers very sore, and she felt very ill. By the following day the rash had disappeared and she felt well. The fingers were now better, and they got quite well, except that a sore feeling was left after washing.

Rad-b > general
Among the most successful local uses of Radium may be mentioned cases of lupus, epithelioma, carcinoma of the cervix uteri, and urethral caruncle. That Radium, like X-rays, can cause as well as cure cancer is on record. I have quoted a case (H. W., August 1923) in a practitioner who contracted squamous-celled carcinoma from a careless handling of Radium tubes. Cases of cure of skin cases with Radium in potencies are numerous. T. Simpson (H. W., April 1923) records one such. A retired excise officer had an intractable eruption on the genitals, inner surface of thighs and legs, which had prevented him getting any refreshing sleep for three years. One tablet of Rad. b. 30 each morning was prescribed for a month. All conditions were vastly improved, and the patient got well without further medication. I have recorded another (H. W., May 1924). A young unmarried woman, after the application of a Belladonna plaster to the back for lumbago, developed an oedematous rash involving the whole face and neck, extremely irritating, agg. at night, preventing sleep. At the back of the neck was a sore, oozing patch. After temporary relief from some remedies, there still remained an irritating oozing rash, sore eyes

Rad-b > general
lids swollen, oozing from corners, lips hard, swollen. One dose of Rad. b. 30 was given. The result was dramatic. The first night she was able to sleep with only once waking. Two days later the rash had nearly gone, and the eyes had ceased to water. In a few days all had vanished, and the patient could enjoy open air. In H. R. (April 1923) Dr. S. L. Guild-Leggett records the case of a girl aged 2 1/2 years who had shifting rheumatism

Rad-b > general
knees, ankles, feet. could not walk, had to lie down," Rad. b. was given, and cured entirely. Other of my cured cases will be found in the Schema marked (°). I have also distinguished the symptoms from my proving with the letter (C) appended to each symptom. All the rest are from Dieffenbach. This enables a comparison to be made between the two. Peculiar Sensations are As if skull too small.

Rad-b > general
as if something dropped into trachea. Knees feel as if the bones would protrude. Intolerance of tobacco was produced. The Conditions of Radium are very marked in the general amel. by motion, agg. by warmth of the bed, and amel. in open air.

Anac > relationships
Relatives Anac. occid., Comoc., Rhus glab., Rhus rad., Rhus tox., Rhus ven.

Sang > relationships
Sanguin. antidotes Rhus rad.

Rad-b > relationships
Rad. bro. is antidoted by Rhus and Nux mos. (dry mouth); Rhus ven. acted promptly in my cases. Dieffenbach used both Rhus ven. and Rhus tox. with success, and the homoeopathicity is evident enough. Rad. is followed well by Rhus; (in some cases I have given intermediate doses of Rhus v. 3x without interfering with the curative effects and avoiding unpleasant aggravations); by Kali iod., Sep., Calc.

Rad-b > relationships
Compare Cancer nosodes, Hydrast., Con., Cundur., Uran. (Rad. is found in pitchblende, which is an Uranium ore. Tellur. is also associated with Rad. in origin, and its symptoms are closely similar in many respects). Lyc. corresponds in r. to l. direction, flatulent symptoms, and sudden pains; in stomach symptoms, Cad. sul., Ornith., Arg. n., and Uran. n. are allied; in sclerotitis, Act. r.; alternate constipation and diarrhoea, Ant. c. Rad. b. has warming sensation down oesophagus, Manc. has the same sensation rising up oesophagus. Carb. an. has agg. by shaving. Causation.

Rhus-t > head
Headache in occiput (Rhus Toxicodendron Rad.); painful to touch

Rhus-t > head
Occipital headache with rheumatic stiffness in nape (R. rad.).

Rad-b > skin
Eczematous dermatitis of hands caused by Radium and X-ray burns disappeared in the proving.

Rhus-t > chest
Pleurodynia, chest pains shoot into shoulders (Rh. rad.).

Rad-b > extremities, limbs
Irritable patch appeared on r. foot in patient taking Rad. bro. 30 fourteen days after the dose (C).

Rhus-t > general
recurring, in addition to the colic and cutting pains in the abdomen. Rather copious secretion of palish urine continues. Rheumatic pain in the lumbar region and through the hips. Nausea, want of appetite, and loathing of food on rising in the morning, and colic and griping, etc., continue, but better after moving about during the day. Tongue still more coated. Itching of the hands and face still continues, and more extended. Took a dose of Bryonia, and it is proper to remark, that I inhaled Bryonia rather freely the evening of the exposure, otherwise I would probably have suffered still more, as I had done two or three times in as many years before. Fourth day, symptoms all materially relieved excepting the eruption, which is more extended. Fifth, sixth, and seventh days, first eruption drying up, but coming out on new spots. From a boy up to 1842, I had always been able to handle this and the Rad., and be among it, without experiencing any inconvenience,.

Acon > appendix
44, H. C. Sherwin, Lancet, 1836-7 (2), p. 13, a woman swallowed a mouthful of the tincture; 45, Richard Dix, ibid., 1838-9 (1), 905 a child, aet. thirteen months, ate some of the root; 46, Pharm. Journ., vol. v, 1845, p. 140, Dr. Dale, for rheumatism, had taken the tincture in 5-drop doses, twice a day, for several days without very marked effects, then he took 10 drops, death; 47, John Tophan, M.D., Lancet, 1851 (2), p. 56, a woman, aet. twenty years, took about 15 minims of the tincture; 48, Times (Pharm. Journ., 13, 1853-4, 294), Jos. Russell, was poisoned by the roots; (49 to 51, Pereira's Mat. Med. and Therap., vol. ii, 1854, p. 1088, effects on Mr. and Mrs. Prescott, aet. fifty-seven years, and a child, aet. five years, of eating two roots); 49, Mr. Prescott, death in four hours; 50, Mrs. Prescott; 51, the child; 52, H. Simpson, Lancet, 1855 (1), p. 467, a girl took about 2 drachms of tincture; 53, Dr. Mackinlay, ibid., 1856 (2), p. 715, a child ate the leaves, and died in twenty-one hours; 54, W. H. Bone, M.D., ibid. (1), p. 369, a man took a fatal dose of Aconite; 55, J. Massey, M.D., ibid. (2), p. 100, a man ate the leaves, death; 56, Mr. Halfield, ibid., 1857 (1), p. 349, a man aet. sixty-four years, took the root; 57, A. F. Squier, M.D., Pub. Mass. Hom. Med. Soc., vol. iv, p. 122, Wm., aet. twenty-one years, took a mixture containing Aconite; 58, Prof. O'Connor, Dubl. Quar Jour. of Med. Sci., vol. xiii, 1857, p. 224, a woman, aet. seventy years, took a liniment containing 1 oz. tincture to 8 oz; 59, same, a woman, aet. forty years, took a wineglass of same; 60, Dr. Alderson, Lancet, 1859 (2), p. 561, a man, aet. fifty-eight years, ate the root, death; 61, Dr. Isaacs, N. Y. Journ., vol. vii, 192 (Pharm. Journ., Second Series, vol. i, 1859-60, p. 482), a druggist, was poisoned by the inhalation of the dust of the root, which he was pulverizing; (62 to 65, T. Ogier Ward, M.D., Brit. Med. Journ., 1860, p. 939, a family were poisoned by eating pikles containing the root); 62, the mother, who ate but little; 63, the eldest daughter; 64, the eldest son; 65, a daughter, aet. eighteen years, suffering from anomalous dyspepsia, ate the pikles and drank the vinegar; 66, S. Thompson, Pub. Mass. Hom. Med. Soc., vol. iv, p. 638, took 4 drachms of 3d potency, run up in distilled water; 67, J. B. Brown, Lancet, 1860 (2), 344, four persons ate the root; 68, D. D. Hanson, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., vol. lxv, 1861, p. 155, a boy, aet. five years, swallowed a large dose of the tincture; 69, Wm. Noble, M.D., Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journ., Dec., 1861, p. 147, a woman, aet. fifty-seven years, took between 2 and 2 1/2 ozs. tincture, death after three hours; 70, John M. Strachan, M.D., Edinb. Med. Journ., vol. i, 1861-2, p. 259, Mr. V., aet. fifty-seven years, took a small teaspoonful of Fleming's tincture, death in two hours; 71, Dyce, Duckworth, Brit. Med. Journ., 1861, p. 224, Dr. Nivens reports a case of a young lady who swallowed a fluid drachm of the officinal tincture; 72, same effects in two cases of applying to the conjunctiva about 1/40 gr. mixed with water; 73, John W. Kay, Lancet, 1861 (2), p. 170, a lady, took two teaspoonfuls of the tincture; 74, L. Atthill, M.D., Dubl. Med. Journ., 1861 (2), p. 14, a man took a tablespoonful of liniment containing about 45 minims of the tincture; (75 to 79, from Hottat, L'Aconitine et des Effects Phys., Paris, 1863); 75, Schroff, effects of introducing a solution of 2/10 centigram into the eye; 76, Hirtz, Union Pharm., 1861, effects of 2 to 3 centigrams of the alcoholic extract of the root; 77, same, effects of 1/2 centigram; 78, Devay, Journ. de Chim. Med., 1844, a man aet. thirty-five years, took 40 grams of the extract in soup; 79, same, a person ate some salad; 80, H. W. Robinson, Brit. Journ. of Hom., vol. xxiv, p. 513, a young woman, gl. 3/12 (L. and R.) in a wineglass of water, at a single dose; 81, same, a middle-aged woman, gl. 1/30 (L. and R.) in 8 ozs. water, with a few drops of spirits of wine, a dessertspoonful every half hour for three hours; 82, Jas. Easton, Lancet, 1866 (2), p. 34, a girl, aet. seventeen years, swallowed 3 drachms of Fleming's tincture; 83, Dr. Johnson, ibid., 1867 (1), p. 238, a man, aet. sixty-one years, swallowed about a tablespoonful of the tincture; 84, omitted; 85, Dr. A. Stephens, Pharm. Journ. and Trans., vol. x, 1868-9, p. 181, J. H., aet twenty years, took and unknown quantity of the tincture; 86, J. P. Morrison, M.D., Med. and Sur. Rep., vol. xx, 1869, p. 157, Mr. R., took a swallow of tr. Aconiti rad. (300 to 400 drops), and immediately ate a hearty dinner, recovery; 87, omitted; 88, B. W. Richardson, Med. Times and Gaz., 1869 (2), p. 709, Miss B., aet. twenty-five years, swallowed two tablespoonfuls of an Aconite mouth lotion; 89, H. W. Brown, M.D., Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., vol. lxxxiii, 1870, p. 41, Mrs. M., aet. thirty-one years, took twenty-five drops of the fluid extract; 90, Wm. Dobie, Brit. Med. Journ., 1872 (2), p. 683, a man swallowed 1 oz. tincture; 91, E. W. Berridge, M.D., North Am. Journ. of Hom., 1873, 501, Mr, ---, took a dose cm. (F.); 92, same, Am. Hom. Obs., 1875, 307, took 200th; (93 to 98, from Dr. Jas. Lillie; ibid., p. 434, six persons put a few globules of the decillionth on the tongue); 93, Dr. Warren; 94, Dr. Davis; 95, Dr. Heacock; 96, Dr. Anderson; 97, Dr. Dodge; 98, Dr. Gilley; 99, Thomas Waddel, M.D., Cincin. lancet and Obs., vol. xviii, 1875, p. 427, J. R., aet. thirty-four years, took 1/3 teaspoonful of the tincture, death; 100, G. F. Schreiber, M.D., Philad. Med. and Surg. Rep., 1876, p. 125, a man, aet. thirty-six years, took two teaspoonfuls of tr. Aconite root; 101, T. D. Nicholson, M.D., Month. Hom. Rev. 1876, p. 765, observations on sphygmographic tracings; 102, L. H. Jones, Brit. Med. Journ., 1877 (1), p. 258, a man took a large dose of the tincture; 103, Dr. De Mussey, Bull. Gén. de Thérap, 1877, vol. xcii, p. 326, a woman took 4 drops, and repeated the dose; 104, C. G. Bacon, M.D., Philad. Med. and Surg. Rep., vol. xxxvi, 1877, p. 114, Mrs. D., aet. forty-three years, took a teaspoonful of the tincture; 105, Dr. Sturgis, Lancet, 1878 (2), p. 917, Clara B., aet. twenty-one years, swallowed a wineglassful of the liniment; 106, F. H. O'Brien, M.D., Med. Rec., vol. xv, p. 128, Miss M., aet. twenty-four years, took 1/2 drachm of tr. Aconiti rad., and repeated the dose after an hour; 107, Dr. Deschere, copied from MSS., a fraction of a drop of the tincture was taken by touching the tip of the tongue with the stopper of a bottle, at 5 P.M.

Rhus-t > appendix
"A," Barton's collection for a Materia Medica, 1795, effects of applying 2 or 3 drops of the juice from a leaf-stalk to the wristband of the shirt (Nos. 1 to 26, from Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 2, 357). 1, Hahnemann; 2, Fr. H-n; 3, Franz; 4, Hartlaub and Trinks, Hufel. Journ., 614, 28, effects of handling plants; 5, Hornburg; 6, Lehmann; 7, Michler; 8, Rückert; 9, Schreter; 10, Stapf; 11, Alderson, in Samml. br. Abth. f. Pract. AErzte, XVII, 1 (symptoms observed in patients, -Hughes); 12, Annalen der Heilkunde (not accessible, -Hughes); 13, Cavini, Orfila, Toxicologie, 1, 596, 597 (should be Lavini, from 2 drops of juice, applied to fingers, for two minutes only, -Hughes); 14, Dudley, in Du Fresnoy (observations, -Hughes); 15, Du Fresnoy (Des caractèRes, du traitement, et de la cure des dartres, etc., par l'usage du Rhus radicans, observations, -Hughes); 16, Du Roy, Harbkesche Baumzucht, II, p. 308 (not accessible, -Hughes); 17, Dossie, Institue of Experimental Chemistry, 1759 (not accessible, -Hughes); 18, Fontana, in Edin. Med. Comment., II, 11 (from handling leaves, -Hughes); 19, Gleditsch, in Beschäft. d. Berlin Naturf., Fr. IV (p. 300, observations, -Hughes); 20, Jos, Monti, in Act. Inst. Bonon. Sc. et Art, III, 3, 165 (observations, -Hughes); 21, Nasse, in the preface to Du Fresnoy (observations, -Hughes); 22, Sherard in Du Fresnoy (effects of smoke from burning Rhus, -Hughes); 23, Sybel, in Med. Annalen, 1811, July (not accessible, -Hughes); 24, Wichman, Ideen zur Diagnostik, T. I, p. 74, etc (observations, -Hughes); 25, Van Mons, in Du Fresnoy (observations, -Hughes); 26, Zadig, in Hufel. Journ., V. III (p. 196, effects on a patient, -Hughes); 27, Helbig, Heraclides, 1, 53, symptoms by "Mllin;" 28, same, symptoms by "N. K.;" 29, same, symptoms by "G. K.;" 30, omitted; 31, Bigelow, Am. Med. Botany, 3, 1, p. 27, general statement; 32, Notizen aus den Geb. d. Nat. und Heilk, 1832, p. 208 (A. H. Z., 1 144), a man cut some stems in winter; 33, Dr. A. A. Gould, Medical Magazine (Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1832), a boy was poisoned by R. rad.; 34, Bartlett, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 18, 303, 1833, a man working about the ivy cut his leg, but continued his work; 35 to 37, omitted; 38, Hasford, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 19, 256, effects to chewing the leaves; 39, Toothaker, ibid., p. 190, effects of exhalations from the uprooted plants; 40 and 41, Puche, Journ. de. Conn. Med., 1840 (S. J., 34, 23), poisoning of two children; 42, same, effects of rubbing the roots on the forearm; 43, Rau, Nouvel Organe, p. 55 (B. J. of Hom., 1, 299), effects of expressing the juice from the leaves; 44, Hom. Pioneer, 1, 44, 1846, effects four years after the poisoning; 45, Western Journ. of Med. (Bost. M. and S. J., 39, 326), a man drank a gill of a strong decoction of the plant; 46, J. E. Norton, Hom. Times, 2, 82, effects of a lotion of R. tincture (one-tenth), applied to a sprain; 47, Cincinnati Journ. of Hom., 1, 124, 1851, effects of exhalations of the plant, in a woman; 48, Clarke, Bost. M. and S. Journ., 53, 163, effects of application of juice to hands; 49, Robinson, Br. J. of Hom., 25, 330, proving on a woman, with a globule of the 1000th in 8 ounces of water, a teaspoonful every third morning; 50, same, proving in a woman, with 200th dil. in water, every second morning; 51, same, proving in a woman, with 200th dil. in water, night and morning; 52, same, proving in a woman, with 200th dil. in water, every morning; 53, Chapin, Bost. M. and S. Journ., 59, 258, effects of poisoning in a woman; 54, N. M. Payne, Am. Hom. Rev., 1, 251, effects of application of tincture to a finger; 54a, same, effects of gathering the fresh plant; 55, Dr. B. F. Joslin, Am. Hom. Rev., 1, 553, proving of R. radicans, took 3d dil. in water, repeated doses; 56, same, ibid., vol. 2, p. 325, effects of preparing tincture; 57, same, proving, took 2d dil. first day, 3d dil. three times ninth day, 30th dil. fifteenth and nineteenth days, 50th dil. twenty-second day, a mixture of all dilutions between 30th and 50th dils. (except 39th and 40th dils.) twenty-fourth day; 58, same, a week after last symptom of last proving, took 50th dil. at intervals of five minutes first day, 50th a dose at 6 A.M., and a dose of 6th at 7 P.M. second day; 59, Behr, Virchow's Archiv, 1862 (S. J., 115, 168), "effects of the California variety of Rhus;" 60, Hamburger Garten and Blumen Zeit, 1863 (S. J., 119, 289), effects of handling the plant; 61, Journ. de Méd. de Toulouse, 1863, effects of handling the plant; 62, Trousseau et Pidoux, Traité de Mat. Méd., effects of applying tincture to finger; 63, Maisch, Am. J. of Pharm., 1866, effects of distilling the plant; 64, Moorman, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1866, 1, 560, effects in two children, of eating nearly a pint of the fruit; 65, Stokes, Med. and Surg. Rep., 1867, p. 372, poisoning of a boy by drinking a tea made from the root; 66, Sanders, Edin. Med. J., 1868, p. 715, effects of handling the plant; 67, Brown, Pharm. J., 1868, vol. 6, 172, general effects; 68, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Hom., N. S., 3, 501, proving with the 200th (Lehrmann); 69, Farrington, Am. J. Hom. M. M., 4, 107, effects of handling plant; 70, Du Fresnoy, Br. J. of Hom., 1870, from Thèse, at Paris, effects of handling the plant; 71, same, effects of taking an infusion of the leaves for an eruption on the face, in a woman; 72, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Hom., 1871, p. 56, Mr. --- (a patient) took a dose of the 2000th (Jenichen); 73, same, Mrs --- (a patient) took several doses of the 200th (Lehrmann); 74, same, a man took the 200th (Lehrmann) on two occasions, each time same effects; 75, Gruner, Hom. World, 6, 177, effects of handling the plant; 76, Caroline Le Beau, M.D., N. Am. J. of Hom., 1871, p. 572, effects of a dose of the 75m (Fincke) of Rhus, in a girl five years old, with ptosis of right lid; 77, Ward, Hahn, Month., 7, 344, effects in a woman, of handling the leaves; 78 to 80, omitted; 81, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Hom., 1873, p. 499; Miss --- took several doses of 2m (Jenichen); 82, Dr. Jas. C. White, N. Y. Med. J., 17, 229, effects on self, of handling the plant and rubbing the juice upon the hand; 83, same, effects of gathering the autumn leaves, in a young lady; 83a, same lady, the following year, effects of plant rubbing against the leg; 83b, same lady, poisoned three years later; 84, same, poisoning of a man by the vine; 85, Busey, Am. J. Med. S., 1873, p. 436, effects on a woman of receiving (by contact?) the poison from her husband; 86, same, effects of handling the plant; 87, same, in their child, who was not near the plant; 88, same, effects in a man exposed to the plant; 89, same, in a lady; 90, De Witt, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1874, p. 116, two cases of poisoning; 91, Matheson, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1874, p. 118, a boy poisoned; 92, Humphreys, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1874, p. 160, a man poisoned; 93, same, another man; 94, Hammond, Med. Invest., 11, 603, a man poisoned; 95, Sapp, O. M. and S. Rep., 8, 36, a man poisoned; 96, Yandell, Louisville Med. News, 2, 32, poisoning of men employed in cutting trees; 97, same, effects on self of rubbing the bruised leaves on the hand; 98, Dr. John S. Linsley, MS. proving to editor, took about 20 minims of 3d cent. dil., at 8 P.M. (next day a dose of Bell. 200th as an antidote).

Rhus-t > appendix
99, Dr. D. S. Kimball, Hempel's Jahr's New Manual, Appendix, p. 1041, effects on Dr. K. of gathering and preparing some of the Tox; 100, J. H. Sherman, M.D., New Eng. Med. Gaz., vol. xi, 1876, p. 407, a lady was poisoned; 101, H. M. Logee, M.D., Cincin. Med. Advance, vol. vi, 1878, p. 168, Mrs. W., a healthy woman, aged sixty years, drank a cup of sassafras tea, in which were some roots of Rhus rad., Friday evening, and rather more than a cupful the next morning; (102 to 105, from J. Murray Moore, M.D., Annals of Brit. Hom. Soc., Aug., 1878 (Amer. Hom. Obs., vol., xv, 1878, p. 465), effects of Rhus diversiloba); 102, Dr. Max Werder gives a case of poisoning; 103, E. B. M., a lady, aged twenty-five years, was poisoned by exposure to the shrub; 104, John W., aged twenty-three years, lay down among the shrubs while sweating, and once or twice relieved his bladder there; 105, Wilson K., aged ten years, plucked some leaves.

Squil > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 23, from Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 3, 265) 1, Hahnemann; 2, Becher; 3, Hartmann; 4, Hornburg; 5, Mossdorf; 6, Stapf; 7, Teuthorn; 8, Walther; 9, Wislicenus; 10, Bergius, Mat. Med., p. 278 (observation, -Hughes); 11, Caspari, Diss. de Scilla, p. 11 (observation, -Hughes); 12, Cohausen, Commerc. Lit. Norimb., vol. xii (p. 399, observations on patients, -Hughes); 13, Crantz, Mat. Med., ii, p. 83 (observations, -Hughes); 14, Home, Clinical Exper., p. 394 (observations, -Hughes); 15, Lange, Med. Dom., Brunsvic, p. 176 (effects of a spoonful of powdered Squills); 16, Ludwig, Adversaria Med., vol. ii, p. 713 (observation, -Hughes); 17, Muzell, Wahrnehm., ii, p. 34 (observation, -Hughes); 18, Schulze et Schroeter, Diss. Asthma, rad. Scillae usu sublatum, Halae, 1735 (observation on a case of anasarca, -Hughes); 19, Tissot. Epist. Med., pract. edit., Bald, p. 207 (statements, -Hughes); 20, Valentine, Hist. Simpl. Reform, lib. ii, sect. 2, cap. 34 (observation, -Hughes); 21, Wagner, Observ. Clin. Lüb., 1737 (observation, -Hughes); 22, Weikard, Vermischte Schriften, i, p. 245 (observation, -Hughes); 23, Zwelfer, Pharmac. Regia, p. 146 (statements, -Hughes); 24, Voigtl (Arzneimittell), from Wibmer, effects of exhalations of fresh Squills; 25, Prof. A. T. Thomson, Lancet, 1836-7 (2), p. 851, alarming symptoms caused by the ordinary medicinal dose of the tincture or by the powder of the dried Squills; 26, Dr. Wolfering, Med. Corr. Blatt. Bayerischn. Aerzte, No. 5, 1842 (Lond. and Edinb. Month. Journ. of Med. Sci., 1843, p. 79), a laborer, aet. fifty-eight years, digested some Squills cut in small pieces in 280 grams of white wine, and took over half of the mixture, death on the second day; 27, Austrian Soc. Allop. Physicians, Zeit. Gesel. de. AErz. zu Wien, 1847, proving of the extract, beginning with 1/4 grain and increasing to 19 grains; 28, William A. Hammond, M.D., Am. Journ. Med. Sci., 1859 (1), p. 275, 2 grains of the dried bulb three times in twenty-four hours; 29, Dr. Pieper, All. cent. Zeit., 1865 (Monatblatt, vol. xiv, p. 46), a young man took at first 3 grains four times a day; 29a, same, subsquently took doses of 1/2 to 1 scruple; 30, Berridge, New York Journ. of Hom., vol. ii, 1874, p. 311, Miss --- took a dose of 1m (Jenichen).

Sumb > appendix
1, Lembke, A. H. Z., 34, p. 273, repeated doses of 2 to 20 drops of 2d cent. dil.; 2, same, 10 drops of 6th dil. at one dose; 3, Mr. H. Cattell, Brit. Journ. of Hom., vol. 9, 1852, p. 256; began, August 1st, with 10 drops of mother tincture of root at night, 20 grains in the morning; no symptoms for one or two days; 1/2 ounce night and morning, and then every four hours; afterwards the dose was divided into 2 drops every hour, then 1/2 ounce of 1st dil.; mother tincture, 1/2 ounce, in 2 ounce doses, night (eleventh day); 2/15 at night (twenty-ninth and thirtieth days); 5 drops, fasting, in the morning; 5 drops of tincture, fasting, at night (fortieth day); 5 drops of tincture, fasting, in the morning and 10 P.M. (forty-first day); same in morning and at night, fasting (forty-second day); 5/5, then 2/0, 5/5; after 10 P.M., 3/0, 5/5, fasting (forty-third day); 5/3 noon, medicine discontinued (forty-fourth day), took Spig. 3/3 in nine doses, 1/3 three times a day sixty-first day); Spig. 1/12 night and morning, six doses (sixty-seventh day); Sumb. 1/3 (one hundred and sixty-ninth day); Merc. 1/5, without effect (one hundred and seventy-second day); Thuja, in water, a tablespoonful very hour (one hundred and seventy-fourth day); Phos. ac. 1/3, 1/9, alternately with Thuja, every three hours (one hundred and seventy-sixth day); Nitr. ac. 1, in water, every four hours (one hundred and seventy-eighth day); Nitr. ac. in water (one hundred and eightieth day); Nitr. ac. night and morning (one hundred and eighty-third day); the symptoms in this group are probably some of them due to the remedies used (Nitr. ac. and Thuja), and are therefore of secondary value (one hundred and ninety-second day); 4, A.M. T., a woman, aet. twenty, dose 3 φ at night; 3/5 morning, from September 8th, at night; September 22d, dose, at night, gtt. 1/3 trit.; morning, 3/4 from trit.; September 30 th, medicine discontinued; 5, Murawjew, Med. Zeit. Russ., 1853 (Hierschel's Archiv, vol. 1. p. 241), 20 to 30 drops of tincture of the resin and decoction of Sulphur several times a day; 6 to 13, from Dr. Altchul, in "a small work" (Brit. Journ. of Hom., vol. 11, 1853, p. 678); 6, Dr. Altschul, subject to rheumatic affections and catarrhal diarrhoeas, especially if he gets his feet wet, took 10 drops of mother tincture in distilled water; tincture prepared by macerating a drachm of Rad. sumbul in 1 ounce of alcohol twenty-four hours, at a temperature of 18° R., then pressing fluid out of root and filtering; an aqua destillata was prepared by putting 1 part of root in 12 parts of water, letting it macerate twelve hours, and distilling a fourth part of it; 6a, same, ten days later, took 20 drops of tincture, with same symptoms as before, and additional ones; 7, Mr. K. Fahrn, aet. forty-two years, took 10 drops of mother tincture; 8, Mr. Sowornoradt, aet. twenty-two years, thin, nervous, pale, took 6 drops of tincture; 9, W. A. Kalmus, aet. twenty-one years, in robust health, took 8 drops of tincture in 1/2 ounce of distilled water; 9a, same an infusion of 1 ounce of sumbal in a pint of water and poured it into the water when he was taking a bath; 9b, same, swallowed an infusion of 1 drachm of root in 1 1/2 pints of water; 9c, same, chewed the root and swallowed the saliva; 9d, same used same dose as a decoction; 9e, same, took 12 drops of mother tincture; 9f, same, took 1 scruple of tincture in 1/2 ounce of distilled water, in the afternoon; 10, a friend of Mr. Kalmus made an infusion of 1 ounce of Sumbul in 1 pint of water and poured it into the water when taking a bath; 11, Dr. Altschul and Mr. Kalmus, each took 20 grains of powder of root and had same symptoms as before, but in a greater degree; 12, B. Fischer, aet. seventeen years, of unimpaired health, except diarrhoea, to which he is subject when he gets his feet wet, took, in the morning, fasting, 8 drops of tincture in 1/2 ounce of distilled water; 13, a lady, aet. thirty-two years, subject to hysteria, frequently ill, took 10 drops of tincture; 14, symptoms by Engelmann, as quoted by Hencke, Supplement to A. H. Z., vol. 55, 1858, No. 4, provings of tincture and 3d dec. dil.; 15, omitted; 16, Mr. J. Morgan, in Med. Press and Circular, as quoted in Med. and Surg. Reporter, No. 886 (Am. Hom. Obs., vol. 11, 1874, 416), a young man took 1/2 ounce of tincture during the night.

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