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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


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Hi InPainHelp,

Thanks for your kind words.

Please take Nitric Acid 200C, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for your healthy and happy life.

nawazkhan last decade
Thank you so much Nawaz,
So do I start with Thuja just once or once a day and for how long. When will I know to move on to further steps. Thank you so much for your help.
Enzorock last decade
Hi Enzorock,

You need to take only one dose of Thuja 200C to start your treatment.

Please order the following remedies asap.

1. Argentum Nitricum 30C
2. Hypericum 200C
3. Ruta 200C
4. Berberis Vulgaris Q 5. Calc Sulph 200C
6. Nitric Acid 200C
7. Sulphur 200C

'When will I know to move on to further steps.'
Your changing symptoms will tell us what to take at that time.

More prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi nawaz,
Can I take anything for the pain ? It's really unbearable
Thank you
InPainHelp last decade
Hi InPainHelp,

Please take Ruta 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 3 days.

Do you have Hypericum 200C with you?

Also, please list all remedies at home at the moment?

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello nawaz,
Thank you for the quick response
I gave Hypericum200ck instead.Thus is in tablet form not liquid

And I'm going out to the shop to buy nit acid as you have suggested ,
Also I want to mention that pain stats after 30-40 after BM..and today it's terrible

Is it ok for m to do hot packs ? Or will it make things worse in the long run.
InPainHelp last decade
Hi, So, you may take Hypericum 200CK, 4 pellets dissolved in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 2 times a day for pain.

Once the pain goes away, there will be no need for hot packs.

Please try to get Ruta 200C and other remedies asap.
nawazkhan last decade
hi nawaz,
that didt work very well..:(
pain is better but its not doing ant healing.
severe pain after BM still exists.

what shd i do?
InPainHelp last decade
Dear InPainHelp,

'what shd i do? '
Stay on the top of things as your disease is a serious one. Please report on time rather than sitting on the problem.

So, did you take Ruta 200C?

How about the Hypericum 200C?

Please take Calendula Q, 3 times a day, for healing and controlling infection.

More prayers for you
nawazkhan last decade
Hello brother nawaz,
No local stores carry ruta or calEndula q I placed the order
Shd I get ant thing else for remediesv?
Shd I continue with nit acid ?

Right now I gave the following at home ;
Nit acute 200c
Hyper erbium 200ck
Arnica 30c and arnica Montana 200ck from much before
Also I forgot to mention earlier that I take allergy meds and super B complex vitamin every day ..

Will this interfere with homeopathy ?

Many thanks for all yor great help !
May Allah be with you
[message edited by InPainHelp on Sat, 25 Feb 2012 05:13:12 GMT]
InPainHelp last decade
I have been operated on for a anal fistula almost 3 years ago on the right side. Seton was put in and did not work, few months later the opening occurred on the left side and right side closed up. It did open up a couple of times. the fistula is high up and was hard to operate on. I do not want another surgery, I need to try to do this in another way. It is uncomfortable and hurts, I cannot bike ride or exercise as much as I would like to and it is plainly annoying and getting in the way of my life. Please reply!!!

In order to find out that what miasm are you currently in, please answer the following Q's?

1. Please tell us about your pain, if any? How much is the pain and where? ABOUT 6-7

2. Is there any pus coming from anywhere in your body and it's color, quantity and thickness? The color may be yellow, light yellow, brown, dark brown, greenish, white and watery. YES, YELLOWISH, SOMETIMES RED DRAINS ALL DAY

3. What is the color of your discharges, if any?

4. How about the blood discharges, if any? Please describe the color of blood and its thickness? PINK, RED

5. Please tell me about your constipation? NONE

6. How about the itching and burning in detail, if any? NONE

7. How is your energy level and state of mind other than the one you already described?

8. Any other issues right now and in the past other than the one you have already described?
9. What are you taking at the moment (homoeopathic and allopathic) on daily basis?

10. Any other additional information that you would like to mention that might be helpful?

1. ID:patty1207
2. Age 32
3. Sex f
4. Marital Status sINGLE
5. weight 190
6. Height ….5'6'
7. country USA
8. climate NY
9. List of your complaints
CONSTANT ABSCESS FROM FISTULA ON LEFT SIDE, RIGHT SIDE HEALED BUT OPENS UP. I was operated on right side in 2009 and it did not work with a seton

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint?

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic NO
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt YES
13. Thirst NO
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) 110/65

16. What exactly is happening?
Swelling in left buttcheek and puss constantly. gets worse after some BMs

17. How do you feel? FINE
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like? BAD
20. What comes to your mind? GRRR
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? EXERCISE AND SEX LIFE

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current medicines you are taking? NONE

26. Family Background WHITE
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient POST GRADUATE

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? MANAGEMENT

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem DON'T KNOW

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease LEFT BUTT CHEEK AND SOMETIMES RIGHT
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)

36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc. PUS, YELLOWISH RED

[message edited by patty1207 on Sat, 25 Feb 2012 05:25:02 GMT]
[message edited by patty1207 on Sat, 25 Feb 2012 05:27:18 GMT]
patty1207 last decade
Dear InPainHelp,

When would you be getting your order?

Please take Hypericum 200CK, one dose in the morning, for 5 days.

Also, please take Nitric Acid 200C, one daily dose at bed time.

Report your status of pus, pain, itching, burning, bleeding and constipation every day.

More prayers for you
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Patty, Let's deal with your case on the other thread.

May God Bless You.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi brother nawaz-
My order will be here in 3 days

I will contnue with your remedy
I think my fistula has changed

Yesterday I had bad constipation and I feel like I have another one at 6 o clock and I'm feeling very heavy pressures on it all day as if I have to go BM all day
There is no itching or burning only severe pain
No bleeding also but stools are not soft even with magnesium every night

Pain is bad but at th new place
Thanknu for your help
[message edited by InPainHelp on Sun, 26 Feb 2012 20:16:38 GMT]
InPainHelp last decade
'I think my fistula has changed
Please describe this change in detail.

'I feel like I have another one at 6 o clock '
Sorry to know this. Please be brave.

For constipation, do you have Natrum Phos 6X or Alumina 30C?

What remedy did you take today?
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz Sahab,

I am suffering from a very old (10 years) anal fistula or abcess. Photo is attached. Had tried respected Joe's remedy in between around 5 years ago, but it did not work. I have been able to manage without a cure so far because this wound is not much painful and I have adjusted myself to it. Every 4-5 days I have to drain this fistula/abcess by squeezing it. I keep a small swab of cotton over the wound which lasts for 5-6 hours, then I have to change the cotton swab. I do not smoke or drink. Stopped having non veg food and coffee also. I am not taking any medicine at present other than Silicea 200 (2 pellets a day)and Arnica 30 (liquid form diluted in water) twice a day. Also insert a little bit of Ointment (Betadine-microbicidal water soluble ointment, available in India) in my anus with my finger after BM. Also Answering your questionaire :

1. ID : Megastar
2. Age : 39
3. Sex : Male
4. Single/Married : Single
5. weight : 69 Kg
6. Height : 173 cm
7. country : India
8. climate : Coastal (Bombay)
9. List of your complaints :
Just help me heal and cure this chronic Anal Fistula/Abcess problem of mine. I will be thankful & grateful. I have no other medical problem.

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint : 10 years

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic : NON Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt : I like tasty and spicy food, also like sweet food like chocolates.
13. Thirst: Normal thirst, drink 3-4 litres of water daily. And drink half a litre of Milk.
14. Tongue and Taste : Normal
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine): Normal BP

16. What exactly is happening? : I have explained my anal fistula/abcess problem above.

17. How do you feel? : I feel normal.
18. How does this affect you? : Since it has been 10 years now, I have adjusted myself to live with this problem....provided it does not get worse.

19. How does it feel like? :
Not so good.
20. What comes to your mind? : Nothing
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? : Was affected once 16 years ago from a broken heart (love affair). But I got over that heart break within 2 years.

22. How did that feel like? : Not so good
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation? : Don't remember now, it was so long ago.

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)? : Not sure what you mean by this. I am not making any gestures with my hand at present.

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past? As said above, I take Silicea 200 (2 pellets daily) and Arnica 30 diluted in water (twice daily).

26. Family Background : Normal middle class
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient : College graduate

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? : Trader in Stock market so basically have to sit in front of the computer only.

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food : I like tasty, spicy food. Usually prefer cold items (like cold milk shakes, ice creams etc.) rather than hot items (hot milk, coffee etc).

30. Name of foods which increase your problem : Chillies, I think.

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections. : I am normally easy going and calm, a natural leader with good communication skills.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases) : Problem gets aggravated if I eat chillies, I think.

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional): Yes, photo of affected area is attached. Pls have a look at it.
34. Location of the disease: Near Anus, on the left side.
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body) : Left side
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc. : Yellowish/light brownish pus like discharge from the abcess, followed by blood (red color)comes out when I squeeze the abcess to drain it.

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Megastar last decade
Dear Megastar,

Please take Berberis Vulgaris Q, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Also, wash the anal area after each BM with Calendula Q, 10 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of warm mineral water. This is for external application.

Down the raod, you will be needing Calc Sulph 200C, Alumen 3X and 200C, Sulphur 200C, Thuja 200C and Lycopodium 200C.

Please stop all other remedies including external applications.

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz Sahab,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Will get all your named medicines tomorrow itself and begin your treatment immediately afterwards.

I'll keep the medicines which you said I would need down the road ready also. I'm assuming I will need them after the initial 5 days of Burberis Vulgaris Q use? So this means I should report to you after 5 days now? ..... May God bless you.

Thanks & regards
Megastar last decade
Hi, You are welcome.
'I'm assuming I will need them after the initial 5 days of Burberis Vulgaris Q use? So this means I should report to you after 5 days now? '

Please do not assume anything as it is not in your hands to change internal systems. Your bleeding may stop in 2 days or the pus color may change from yellow to white/watery in 1-3 days... So, who knows what will happen in the next 5 days?

Your next remedy will depend on your changing symptoms, therefore, you must report when the change occurs.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz Sahab,

I will be buying the medicines prescribed by you for the first round of treatment, i.e. Berberis Vulgaris Q and Calendula Q today. The reason I asked you the last question was because I wanted to know whether I should buy the medicines that you said I might need later (Calc Sulph 200C, Alumen 3X and 200C, Sulphur 200C, Thuja 200C and Lycopodium 200C) also today itself? Or should I wait to buy those medicines after seeing the changes that might occur with the use of tht first round of medicines? Pls advise.

Thanks & regards,
Megastar last decade
'should I wait to buy those medicines after seeing the changes that might occur with the use of tht first round of medicines?'
Yes, indeed, you may buy later.
nawazkhan last decade
Great. I've got the medicines you said for the first round of treatment. Will begin it from tomorrow morning. Will report to you as soon as I notice some change in the condition or at the end of 5 days, whichever happens earlier. Thanks & regards. God bless :)
Megastar last decade
Good luck to you!
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Nawaz Sahab,

I took the medicines which you suggested Berberis Vulgaris Q internally and Calendula Q externally, as per your instructions. I'm happy to report that there seems to be some improvement in my condition after 5 days of your treatment (today is the 5th day).

Earlier, the abcess/fistula used to swell up with pus every 3-4 days, but since the start of your treatment there has been no accumulation of pus in the affected area and I generally felt better. Meaning there was less discomfort in the area. Only a very small amount of blood came out on squeezing when slight discomfort was there.

Is it that my problem is related to sitting long hours in front of the computer? Also want to tell you here that this fistula/abcess first developed 10 years ago after my first LONG DISTANCE international flight. I am telling you this so that you can pinpoint the root of the problem.

Please advice me whether to continue with the same medicines now or do you want to change them?

Thanks & regards,
Megastar last decade
Hi Megastar,

It is indeed a comfort to know about your improvements.

How is the bleeding now? How many drops approx?

What is the color and quantity of pus now?

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
The improvement is thanks to you, Nawaz Sahab :)

There was no bleeding for the first 2-3 days. Only yesterday and today there were a couple of small drops of blood when I squeezed the area due to little discomfort. The area is not swelling up with pus as it used to. There is no pus, I think. The quality of the blood was thin.

Pls tell me what to do next.

Megastar last decade

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