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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Joe,
I could not understand why Nawazkhan is trying to interfere in your treatment though there is lot of improvement on taking your Joepathy. If Nawajkhan want to try his luck he should find patient who hear to him and take his advice. He is really misguiding all your patient. I had earlier also asked him not to interfere but he keep on doing the same and is merly adding pages to this post. Is there any way to expel him from this forum ? I request to all on this forum to send their remark in favor or against of Nawajkhan so that we all do not suffer for his un-necessary interference.
hectech last decade
Hi Nawajkhan,
I do not understand why you are trying to interfere in Joe theraphy. If a patient feel unconfortable with Joe treatment he is writing to Joe directly like I am doing which you can see.If you want to prove yourself you have to find some patient (I think you have find one)who will take you adviced medicine and shall report the result on this forum.But by interfering with Joe treatment and patient you are creating a bad name for yourself as I think and are also adding a lot of page to this forum by un-necssary critising him, hence have requested to all on this forum to give their view about you so that moderator can take proper decision regarding you.
hectech last decade
I think everybody here is trying to help in a very delicate problem. I don`t think Nawajkhan is trying to interfere with joe`s treatment and it`s giving another solution to this problem. For example in my country i didn`t fint the stuff joe told me to buy and i am trying with Nawajkhan treatment. My fistula is preety complicated and internal. Doctors told me that they could operat through stomach. As an alternative to this surgery i`ve taken what Nawajkhan said. I feel kinda ok. The pain is moderate and the puss quantity is low. Don`t judge someone who tryies to help in the way they can. I am sorry for all with this problem and hope all the best.
creieru last decade
Dear all,

Joe and Nawaj are both trying to help people in the best way they can. You may agree or disagree with either one, but remember the spirit their advice is offered in

Joe, Nawaj. That's enough now. You can both state your opinion on the matter in hand but kindly avoid engaging with one another - it helps nobody.

Thank you.

moderator last decade
Many Thanks Simon, Sorry for any inconvenience caused to anyone on this thread. I will only state my opinions as you suggested.

Again, thanks for helping and providing justice.

nawazkhan last decade
Dr. Joe
I took the hamamelis in wet dose today using the 6 pellets method in the afternoon. The hemorrhoids were aggravated almost immediately. It's been paining through out the day and I even have difficulty walking. I read somewhere that homeopathic remedy sometimes lead to mild aggravation initially. Is this true in my case? Or do I need something else? Also I usually take all the medicines with a gap of around 5 minutes or so to save time in the office. eg Hamamelis 200 and nat phos 6x within a span of 5 minutes. Is this alright?

Also, I used to follow a regular aerobic exercise and gymming routine earlier but since the piles, it's been on and off. I still try to do some yoga in the morning and some push ups, but many times I feel so irritated after passing stool that I take a rest for 15-25 minutes before going to work. I get the feeling that exercising will aggravate them even more. Please advice me on this.
anythingoes last decade
Dr Joe
I wanted to inform you that I took some radishes a few minutes ago and got some relief from piles. May be this is irrelevant, but still I just thought that you should know any changes in my symptoms. Thanks again.
anythingoes last decade
To Anything

'I took the hamamelis in wet dose today using the 6 pellets method in the afternoon. The hemorrhoids were aggravated almost immediately. It's been paining through out the day and I even have difficulty walking.'

I find this aggravation very surprising and it is obvious that you stop using it in future.

You can replace it with Nux Vomica 200c which you can make in the same manner preferably using the remedy in Ethanol.

You can take the Nat Phos 6x at any time and it is most effective immediately after a meal to keep your stools soft. The burning you feel after a stool is due to the hard stool further injuring the delicate anal tissue and you can use the antibiotic ointment to keep the bacterial count down.

Continue to eat radish as you have evidence that it helps. I wonder if anyone knows if Radish has been potentized into a Homeopathic remedy. This can be done but the process takes a long time.

Exercise is helpful and you will soon note if you use the AB ointment and the Nux V 200 that your Hemorrhoids will recede.

You can add Arnica 30 to your list of medicines and you can take it within half hour of the other remedies.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe

Thanks for all your help ! Well, I noticed today that after BM there was itching in the Fistula opening and I had to squeeze gently and some kind of PUS came out. I noticed it looked like a few peaces of BM. It was very clear that it was not a regular PUS but BM peaces.

If you remember well, I have asked in the past that is that possible to have some BM go and settle there in the Fistula opening inside and can cause the itching right after the BM ? can you please let me know your views ?

Please note that yesterday I had to strain a little for the BM though I had NatPhos. In an unavoidable circumstance I ate a few peaces of red meat (Goat)yesterday. Could this have caused this so soon ? I have no clue.

But right after that came out no itching and also no PUS.

Really need expert advise and views on this.

Mr. Nawaz, can you also please let me know your views in this from your experience ?

Thanks in advance everyone for your time and effort !

rajhomeo75 last decade
Dear Joe,

Just wanted to add to my previous post,

When I had my MRI taken 2 months back it was confirmed that Rectal opening was not connected with Fistula. But still the Surgeon said that there is a possibility that a few of the BM might get in there into the Fistula opening durong every BM and that could cause the itching right after BM. he said the surgery can be done and as the track is visible clearly in MRI, he also said that the track can be removed completely so that it would not recur.

However, as I am not still conveinced in surgery and I am not going for it.

I am still looking for you people suggestions and guidance to get out of this Ailment. PLEASE HELP !

rajhomeo75 last decade
Dear Raj, Please describe the color of the pus that you think were BM pieces.

How long the itching continued?

How are your Hemorrhoids healing?

Is there any blood coming?

Is there any burning in the rectum?

I pray for your good health soon.

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Mr. Nawaz,

Thanks for your response.
The color of the PUS was
yellow and its not just liquid as I could see some solid particles as well like in BM.

Also, Here is the response for your Qs:

How long the itching continued?

1. How are your Hemorrhoids healing?

- Its healing almost as I am taking Hamemmellis 200C unbtil last week but not now. At times I feel itching inside the anus still.

2. Is there any blood coming?

No blood as such. I have not noticed any.

3. Is there any burning in the rectum?

Yes, sometimes when I had to strain for BM. Right after that I feel the burning pain for an hour and slowly fade away.

Please let me know if you need any more information.

rajhomeo75 last decade
Dear Raj, Thanks for the info.

You asked 'Mr. Nawaz, can you also please let me know your views in this from your experience ?'

Yes, there have been cases where stool passed thru fistula.

In my opinion, you may take Silicea 200C, one dose per week that is 4 pellets under your tongue. If it is in the liquid form, then, please take 4 drops in 2 sips of water weekly before going to bed at night?

In addition, you may take Hypericum 200C, 4 pellets under your tonge, one dose daily.

Many many prayers for your speedy recovery.

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz,

Thanks for your response. Is this something weird and serious that Stool is passing through Fistula ? I am little more concerned about this.

Well, coming to the medicines you have prescribed - Before I buy this let me wait for Mr.Joe's response as well and proceed from there.

Thanks much for your time and suggestion !

rajhomeo75 last decade
Dear Joe,

I am just started taking Hamammellis 200 C again. I feel once I stopped taking it the Piles is bothering me now. How long I should take this ? Please let me know.

Also, I am waiting on your feedback on my previous posts. Please let me know.

rajhomeo75 last decade
To Raj

You will have to make up your mind as to which therapy you will use as it is not possible to mix the therapy prescribed by 2 or more homeopaths for the same ailment.

You have been using my therapy for some months now and I would prefer that you use Nawaz's therapy to evaluate which of the 2 therapies will help you best.

You refer to your previous posts and as far as I am aware, I have replied them all.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hey Raj, Please do not worry, it is the location of anal fistula that also makes possible for formed stools to be passed through the fistula sometimes along with puss. Therefore, this is not weird or serious.

Again, no need to worry, we all have to fight it for complete cure.

Please take your time and always do the right thing.

nawazkhan last decade
Dr Joe
I have been taking nux vomica 200 and other remedies prescribed by you for a few days now and thankfully have noticed a marked reduction in the intensity and frequency of pain and irritation in my piles. My sleep is also better and smoking has reduced to about 4 cigarettes a day from 9. I am very thankful to you and the other doctors here for the help. I shall complete my week long prescription and then report back to you.

I was also curious as to whether my piles will ever be cured completely, as I frequently feel frustrated when at the end of a perfectly pain free day I suddenly start feeling the irritation again. I mean, will I have to always keep it in check or am I going to be free of piles someday.

Dr Nawaz
I also would like to thank you for your support though I have decided to follow Dr Joes remedies completely at the moment. Please don't take this the wrong way, I just want to be sure that nothing goes wrong, as I am aware that mixing different remedies might lead to complications. However I thank you all the same and respect your knowledge and opinions.
anythingoes last decade
Dear Joe,

I was waiting for your responses on these posts :

ear Joe

Thanks for all your help ! Well, I noticed today that after BM there was itching in the Fistula opening and I had to squeeze gently and some kind of PUS came out. I noticed it looked like a few peaces of BM. It was very clear that it was not a regular PUS but BM peaces.

If you remember well, I have asked in the past that is that possible to have some BM go and settle there in the Fistula opening inside and can cause the itching right after the BM ? can you please let me know your views ?

Please note that yesterday I had to strain a little for the BM though I had NatPhos. In an unavoidable circumstance I ate a few peaces of red meat (Goat)yesterday. Could this have caused this so soon ? I have no clue.

But right after that came out no itching and also no PUS.

Really need expert advise and views on this.

Mr. Nawaz, can you also please let me know your views in this from your experience ?

Thanks in advance everyone for your time and effort !

Report post to moderator

re: anal fistula- fissure From rajhomeo75 on 2010-10-14
Dear Joe,

Just wanted to add to my previous post,

When I had my MRI taken 2 months back it was confirmed that Rectal opening was not connected with Fistula. But still the Surgeon said that there is a possibility that a few of the BM might get in there into the Fistula opening durong every BM and that could cause the itching right after BM. he said the surgery can be done and as the track is visible clearly in MRI, he also said that the track can be removed completely so that it would not recur.

However, as I am not still conveinced in surgery and I am not going for it.

I am still looking for you people suggestions and guidance to get out of this Ailment. PLEASE HELP !


rajhomeo75 last decade
Dear Nawaz,

Thanks for the response. I shall decide soon and keep you updated.

rajhomeo75 last decade
Dear Anythingoes, You are more than welcome.

Please follow Joepathy, I have no problem with that.

The objective is to completely cure your sickness. We all are trying our best to please our creator without any worldly gains.

Many prayers for your good health soon!!!!

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Raj, In my considered opinion, please change your pilesremedy Hamammellis 200 C after a meaningful discussion and permission from respectful Joe De Livera. As you are stating today as following.

'Dear Joe,

I am just started taking Hamammellis 200 C again. I feel once I stopped taking it the Piles is bothering me now. How long I should take this ? Please let me know.

Also, I am waiting on your feedback on my previous posts. Please let me know.


But, you mentioned in your post today that there is no bleeding.

Hamammellis 200 C is given when bleeding is there from anus in stool etc. This is from ABC Homeopathy website.

'Anus feels sore and raw
Hemorrhoids, bleeding profusely, with soreness
Pulsation in rectum.
stool; bloody'

You may consider and discuss with Joe, Aesculus 30c remedy for piles when there is no blood.

A lot of prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Joe,
you have advised about 3 weeks ago (for surgically opened anal fistula and other problems:
'Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily..
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily ..
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals..
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily..
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax'.
I have been able to get Arnica 30c tablets only today, so I have used Arnica D6: 2 tablets x 3p/day.
I do not have any discharge any more (except for 1-2 drops of yellowish 'stuff' once in 3 days; anal cramps stopped after a week of using your remedy, so I went 3 times for a short (3km) run (usually I run 7) and cramps returned at 50% intensity. It is 4 days since I exercised and cramps start to go away.
Is it OK to make 'Wet dose' of 5 tablets of Arnica 30C in +/-450 ml of spring water?
I must add, that I generally feel (and sleep) better. Thank you from my hart for your caring attitude and help. Regards. Kondola
Kondola last decade
To Raj,

Please follow the therapy that Nawaz is prescribing as it seems to me that you need a change of therapy to cure your ailments.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Anything

Glad to note that my Joepathy has helped you, another chain smoker, to wean yourself away from cigarettes and that you also enjoy the bonus of deeper sleep. It is this deep sleep that will eventually cure you but you must QUIT SMOKING. I note that you are fighting the urge and that you still smoke 4 cigarettes daily but it is up to you to make up your mind which you value more :-

To be cured of your Ano-rectal ailments OR suffer from them for the rest of your life.

Many have been CURED of their Hemorrhoids as you can read from the posts of patients on this thread but they were NOT SMOKERS.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Kondola

I do not recollect treating you in the past and I note that you have copied my therapy as prescribed.

You do not state what you suffer from and this is obviously essential for me to help you.

Arnica tablets cannot help you as well as the remedy in Ethanol can. It is up to you to get it as we are otherwise only wasting time and effort if you cannot follow my therapy precisely.

You cannot confuse Arnica D6 with 30c.
Joe De Livera last decade

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