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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
this is an Update,
My husband is responding well,the oozing is almost once in 16 to 18 days that too just for a day . Joepathy is helping plus I would recommend others to kindly keep the area very clean, sitz bath , cleaning with Betadine lotion,using AB ointment without fail,and FOLLOWING JOEPATHY.HAS HELPED A LOT .
shiath last decade
Hi Joe,

If the below answer if for me :

' note that you have not followed my instructions and continued with the Arnica which I recommend for life. As far as I remember I instructed you to stop the SIlicea and to continue with the rest of the therapy, perhaps omitting the massage. This is the reason why you are still experiencing the discharge of pus.

Return to the therapy I prescribed originally and report progress.

As you are aware I am treating many patients on this thread and it will help if you can copy and paste my last post with instructions on how to proceed.

You can also use the Tennis Ball technique which has helped some patients to squeeze the pus out. '

I have some Qs in this :

1. I just missed to note about Arnica but I am taking it regularly.

2. Did you mean, I should stop AB Ointment massaging ?

3. When you say Return to original Theraphy, did you mean start all including Silicea, Ferr phos, Nat Phos, Arnica and AB Massage ? Please let me know.

Thanks for all your service !

rajhomeo75 last decade
To Overalready,

Thanks for your response. I shall try it in Walgreens and let you know.

Also, I always wash with Water after BM and never use paper as Mr. Joe had mentioned.

May be after wash with water I can use this witch hazel solution. Can I also apply this over the fistula opening in regular interval? Day time I cannot do it as I am at work.

Also, I am not overweight but skinny.


rajhomeo75 last decade
Hi Raj.....in my case, I cleaned up after a Bm with the witch hazel because I was not only dealing with the abcess/fistula but hemorrhoids too which I acquired from the birth of my son. The witch hazel shrinks inflammed skin. I did use the witch hazel overnight on a cotton pad which did soften the skin like Mr. DeLivera noted. For me it helped because it made the abcess exude all the puss much like if you placed hot compresses on a blemish to make it come to a head and burst. I would follow Mr. DeLivera's recommendations and abstain from leaving the cotton pad over night. I am not a physician and only tried this method by trial and error. I wouldn't want to aggravate your problem further, but periodically swabbing the area shouldn't hurt at all and will probably soothe it. Best of luck!
Overalready last decade
To Raj

1 OK but you must understand that when the patient reports that the main component of my therapy is not being used, I as the prescriber feel that you the patient, is not interested in being cured.

2 'Return to the therapy I prescribed originally and report progress. ' This clearly requests you to do so and to continue with the original therapy prescribed which includes the internal massage.

3 Yes

You will have to make up your mind whether or not you are interested in curing yourself. As you may perhaps be aware, this therapy I have prescribed to you and to many other patients who suffer from Anal ailments has not been equalled in the world where the standard therapy is surgery followed by repeated surgical experiments which can result in serious consequences.

In your case as also in the case of other patients I have always tried to help you towards a cure but unless you are serious, I regret that I will be compelled to withdraw from your case as at my age of 81 even though I am a very patient person, your very casual attitude irritates me.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have got AB now polyfax..so im starting from today..one question..do u i have to use gloves to insert cream inside after BM or i can use finger?
fortjames last decade
hi joe I have got AB now polyfax..so im starting from today..one question..do u i have to use gloves to insert cream inside after BM or i can use finger?
fortjames last decade
Hy Joe. I have the same problem as many on this forum. I had a anal fisure operation and after two month of pain i`ve consulted other doctors, some said that it`s an abces, and some that it`s an fistula. I decided myself to follow an homeopatic treatment because i`ve read that many people didn`t solve their problems with surgery. I`ve been to a homeopat doctor that gave me this treatment.Nitric Acidum 5xglobules in the morning and Fluoric Acidum 5xglobules in the evening, half hour before i eat. Can you tell me if i should stop with this treatment and follow yours. After 3 days since i`ve started the treatment pus is coming out. Until now it never did. Just on the stool. Please help me. I`m desperate
creieru last decade
To Fortjames

Using a finger cote or a glove is more hygenic and it is perhaps smoother inside the anus. There is however no objection to your not using one if you do not wish to.

Remember NOT to use toilet paper after a BM as this can exacerbate the lesion.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Creieru

Surgery for the 3 Anal ailments does not usually lead to a cure. If you read the hundreds of posts on this thread you will have ample evidence of this fact.

If you would like to use the therapy I have formulated during the past few years you are advised to read the cases on it to give you an idea of the many problems that will stand in the way of an eventual cure which in some cases has been relatively fast while in others it is a long process.

In any event the therapy I prescribe is far safer than surgery which is usually never ending and can result in severe discomfort and even danger from the Anesthetic use for surgery.

I shall now copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka 'Joepathy' have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.

I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:

Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
If this is not available the Dry dose in pellets may be use but this is not as effective as the remedy in the original Ethanol pack which can be ordered from the ABC.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

It is understood that if you decide to use my therapy that you will not use the remedies that you are currently using as they will antidote my therapy. You may like to know that patients who have used the remedies that classical homeopaths prescribe which you too are using today have not confirmed that these remedies have cured them.

Many who have used my Joepathy have confirmed their cures as you can read from the many posts on this thread.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Joe for your quick answer! I will try your Joepathy. I`m not thinking of surgery. Is it ok to interupt imediatly the cure i am using now and start yours? Or take a break between them to take effect?
creieru last decade
It will take you a couple of days to collect the remedies that I have prescribed and about 3 days will be sufficient for the change over.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you. The only thing i don`t understand is... The bottle with the Arnica, after put the drops in... and i taka a capful thrice daily, from the same bottle ? Until i finish the bottle. And then i prepare another one? Sry... My english is poorly.
creieru last decade
You have understood the therapy correctly.

400ml water should last you about 2 months at the dosage indicated.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you very much. I really apreciate what you are doing. With respect, Andrei.
creieru last decade
thanks..i bought latex gloves...i use baby wipes which are wet..is that ok...if u say no..then i will use water to wash my bottom
fortjames last decade
Baby wipes are OK but they are not as good as the water spray which you can get at the nearest Wall Mart and you can fit it yourself DIY.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe
I am suffering from Anal fistula surgically operated twice 10 yrs back, but occasional bleeding from one eye (opening) still persists. i have started taking Silicea 3X (once a week), followed by E chinacea 30C on alternate days for 2 weeks. Pus flow has ceased to maximum, only stains being found on the undergarment along with greater reduction in pain. Should i continue the same for the next week till the flow stops completely.

Plz suggest.

apurba last decade
I shall copy the therapy I have prescribed to another patient above which will also follow:

re: anal fistula- fissure From Joe De Livera on 2010-07-31
To Creieru

Surgery for the 3 Anal ailments does not usually lead to a cure. If you read the hundreds of posts on this thread you will have ample evidence of this fact.

If you would like to use the therapy I have formulated during the past few years you are advised to read the cases on it to give you an idea of the many problems that will stand in the way of an eventual cure which in some cases has been relatively fast while in others it is a long process.

In any event the therapy I prescribe is far safer than surgery which is usually never ending and can result in severe discomfort and even danger from the Anesthetic use for surgery.

I shall now copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka 'Joepathy' have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.

I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:

Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
If this is not available the Dry dose in pellets may be use but this is not as effective as the remedy in the original Ethanol pack which can be ordered from the ABC.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

It is understood that if you decide to use my therapy that you will not use the remedies that you are currently using as they will antidote my therapy. You may like to know that patients who have used the remedies that classical homeopaths prescribe which you too are using today have not confirmed that these remedies have cured them.

Many who have used my Joepathy have confirmed their cures as you can read from the many posts on this thread.

If after reading and using the therapy outlined above you still wish to have any question answered please feel free to ask.
Joe De Livera last decade
One more question. Does it matter when you take the treatment? Before or after you eat? Or not...
creieru last decade
Homeo remedies are best taken first thing in the morning and last at night. Since however you will be using a number of remedies daily, it is really not relevant as to when you take them as long as it is taken about half hour before a meal.

You can also leave about this same time between each remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe;

I am suffering from anal abscess since February 2010. I had it on both sides (HoreseShoe). It was connected by my groin area. I could not bare the pain. I had it drained in emergency room. Soon after my right side kept leaking pus and I went to a Surgeon and he thought I had fistula and performed a surgery. However after the surgery he told me it was not an fistula rather whole bunch of abscess that were communicating. Now i have cut on both side and draining. Now on the right side right next to my cut i formed another abscess and it is very painful. And this new abscess i think have nothing to drain from since i don't have a cut there. I went to a homeopath doctor 4 days ago and he gave me

Detox KIT
Heaper Sulf
skin Formula 60ml

I don't know if they are working i need to get rid of this pain fast I don't know what to do with the abscess. Please let me know as soon as possible I am very miserable. And what Med i can take to over come the pain and the abscess and don't have any fistula cause by it in future. Thank you very much i Will be waiting for your answer
ruben9 last decade

Just to mention i am also taking 2 advil pm's every night to get rid of the pain but the pain don't fully go away.
ruben9 last decade
Ruben9..your story is similar...to get rid of pain i must say you should take sits bath 2 or 3 times daily...this helped me...also...i do not use tissues any more after BM. Work with joe therapy it will help...keep the bottom very clean....also make sure u do not get constipated...if drink alcohal give up..
fortjames last decade
To Ruben

Please read the Posts by patients on this thread to give you an idea of the therapy that I have prescribed to help them. I shall copy my standard instructions below to help you with your Abscess which from your report has been badly mangled by your surgeon and may take some time to heal.

I shall now copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka 'Joepathy' have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.

I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:

Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.
Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose, a capful taken every 4 hours to alleviate the pain instead of the Advil.

Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart. You can fit it DIY basis.
No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
If this is not available the Dry dose in pellets may be use but this is not as effective as the remedy in the original Ethanol pack which can be ordered from the ABC.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

Report your progress in a week or earlier if necessary.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe;

How about the pain I cannot bare it no longer. Please give me solution for it.

I am ordering the following off ABC Site

500 Tablets Calcarea Phosphorica 6X, $10.29
500 Tablets Silicea 6X, $10.29
500 Tablets Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X, $10.29
1 Ounce Liquid Arnica Montana 6C, $18.49
1 Ounce Liquid Hypericum Perforatum 200C, $29.09

Please let me know if these are correct as for the Arnica 30C SHOULD i get that or Arnica 6c and take directly before bed time. If i get 30c then i just drink the whole bottle for the whole day 3 times right. Thank you
ruben9 last decade

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