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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Vahboy,
You sure are a lucky boy. I have been taking Joe's therapy of arnica 30c and silicea 6x and antibiotic ointment for the last six months and have not been cured yet. The cycle of drainage keeps recurring every two weeks or so. Any suggestions? Send some of your luck my way also please so that I also get cured.

Megastar last decade
well, I nver had any drainage issues; that happened at the beginning - and as i mentiond before, it was just drops.... never had any inflamation or pain at all. I just knew that i needed to see a doctor because I was operated before for fistula... and this was in another location. So I guess I am lucky. All I know is that I did the following: no meat, no alcohol, washing at least twice a day (specially after BM) for over 5-7 months in total. Good luck to all yee!
Vahboy last decade
My husband has had five painful surgeries for this condition, some have absessed, but it is always the same outcome--hever heals and continually drains. He is scheduled for another surgery next month, as he says if he doesn't keep getting cut open, he has no hope. This has been going on for years and has affected his and our lives tremendously. Please can someone give me some hope or ideas. He is a fairly heavy drinker--could this add to the condition??
juneymonk last decade
I can only imagine your frustration,and yes your husband's drinking will definately be contributing to his not getting well.Alcohol is a major irritant to the bowel lining(only as thick as several layers of wet tissues.)

I have Crohns-chronic inflammation of the bowel, and unless you beat the inflammation that weakens the lining, which can result in your husbands ongoing condition never healing, I don't believe he will ever stop needing these surgeries.

So sorry to sound so harsh but these are the realities a doctor should be telling your husband about.

I know the pain after having suffered and recently opted for surgery.You can read my post on page 31.

All the very best,Poppy
pastelpoppy last decade
I need some help please!!! In June of 2006 I developed a deep abcess/infection. Was in the hospital for 3 days. Had surgery to drain in 2 locations. 2 months after surgery I developed a fistula. 4 Weeks ago I had a fistula plug. I believe the plug has failed. Yesterday the area filled up and burst. Today it's much better. I've seen multiple entries for Joe's prescription, but I'm confused on it. I went to the health food store today. They only have the Arnica Tablets. Am I supposed to dissolve 3 tablets in the spring water? (the bottle says to take 3 tablets a day) i just want to make sure I'm taking the proper amount! Any suggestions for this and anything else I should be taking would be greatly appreciated!!!!
TRKirch last decade
I found your site at a homeopathic search engine. I would like to inquire
about some alternative healing methods.

Similar to many of your patients, I have had two surgeries for a fistula
(6/7 years ago), and it has been recurrent on & off with blood & puss.
Recently I had a recurrent episode in which the fistula was inflamed with
more blood than usual, with pain shooting down my leg & into my lower back.
I decided to get a referral to a colon & rectal surgeon, who advised that
the next course of action for me is surgery. He explained that he may or
may not be able to find it during surgery. If he does find it he will place
a string through the fistula, which will remain in place for five weeks with
a secondary surgery thereafter. At that point, dependant upon the healing
process, further assessment will be made at that time.

After reading some of the posting in your site, I would like to ask for your
advice on alternative treatment for my condition. I read about the use of
different herbal remedies, but I do not know the specific herbs & doses, as
well as where to get them. Please advise your recommendations as soon as

Thank you in advance.
hapkido last decade
I had the same problem like HAPKIDO and they scheduled surgery. It was after the fact, so the hole closed itself. Now new occurrence and I walked into the surgeon's office in So Cal and his nurse was nice enough. So do the doc he took time to see me. He drained it and finally found the hole and put a catheter. It’s past 2 weeks now. I found Joe Deleveras post and now taking “Arnica 30c to heal inside the lesion
Silicea 6x to expel the puss and Nat Phos 6x to keep the stools soft”. The Nat Phos is helping me with the constipation. It’s too early for a verdict on the other two. I am waiting. Hopefully after surgery I can slam dunk the problem? I don't know how long I have o take Arnica and Silicea. Nat Phos for ever I guess. I don’t know whether any side effects for these meds.

411411 last decade
Hi Poppy:
I really appreciate you replying to my desperate plea. I approached my husband on the alcohol problem and perhaps seeing a herbalist to just try for one month and get his body cleansed. Not a very good outcome--he has packed his bags and left, much to my dismay!!! I keep doing research, as will not give up. Thanks again!!
juneymonk last decade
It is Juneymonk. Has anyone heard of the product anoratab for fistula treatment. Claims are made on their order site that it has a 98 percent rate but costs 180.00 per month and I think they want you to use it for 2 months. Am leary about diving into this.Any comments?
juneymonk last decade
Hi juneymonk,

Firstly,I can't believe your husband's reaction to your trying to support him in a better lifestyle.It's very selfish of him in my my opinion,he is,afterall,the only one who can take responcibilty for his own health.

As for the anoratab,I too read about it but after checking the ingredients decided against it because I'm not keen on camphor,menthol or eucalypti.In fact, they upset my breathing so I'm not confident in spending such an ammount on something that may not do me any favours.

As before,I dont think it will matter what your husband does or takes,until the drinking stops he is only creating a non-healing environment.

pastelpoppy last decade
Thanks Poppy:
Ya, I am pretty crushed about my husband leaving. We have been married for 35 years, so I am going thru quite the emotional ordeal.
Of course, there are underlying issues to this, as it always takes two, but I do feel I have tried to support him in every way and he won't talk to me, says he wants to be left alone. I feel like I am being held in an emotional hostage situation, as he will let me know if and when the break up is on. Thanks for the tip on anoratab.
juneymonk last decade
Hi... I had had a perianal abscess drained about 3 years ago. Before tat i was perfectly fine. Just after that for nearly 6 months i was fine but then i started developing problems. I had pinching pain while passing stool. When i got it checked, the doctor said that it was an incepient fistulla, not totally developed, just the opening. For atleast 4 months i was on antibiotics, but as soon as i used to leave them, the problem used to reoccur.

My life had become hell and i just could not concentrate on anything. But then i heard of homoepathic remedies. I took to homeopathy and i started observing the difeerence in just 2 weeks. The severe pain was gone. The irritation was gone. The docotr too said that there was no opening any more. Probable my fistula was a smallone, or in other terms, in the beginning phase, since i never discharged pus nor was there ever a second opening.

But after many months, i had constipation for a few days and have developed some pain and irritation again. Though it is no where near to what it was earlier, but still it scares me.
a) I want t ask whether homeopathy permanently cures this fistula or not?
b) If yes, then is it a time takingprocess? I mean how long does take to permanently get rid of this prob?
c) I drink a lot of water. But do i need to totally quit eating non-veg and drinking alcohol?
Please help someone. I want to permanently get rid of it w/o going for surgery. Just tell me whether homeopathy is a premanent solution or not?
shorun last decade
Shorun,constipation is your worst enemy-avoid it all costs.

According to some posters on here,they have been cured.It didnt work for me and I opted for surgery 5 weeks ago now.

Homeopathy is different for evreyone,much like some surgeries are successful and others are not.I'm hoping mine is going to serve me well.

According to Joe,foods to avoid are chocolate,cured meats,limit red meat.Alcohol is an irritant. I guess it depends on how much you drink and how often and how much you want to be rid of your fistula as to how much you are willing to give up.

I hope some of this helped.
All the best.
pastelpoppy last decade
Hi poppy... Thanks for the wonderful piece of advice. Just another thing? Wanted to ask whether u had a fully developed fistula or some other prob? Also, if i keep constipation under control, will that help in avoiding all such probs(fistula, fisuure, piles, abscess)????
Just yesterday i got it checked again with a surgeon andthis time it was diognised as a 1st degree haemorrhoid (internal pile or something). Dunno how the same thing be diognised as sometimes incepient fistula, sometimes pile, adn at other times fissure????

Is avoiding constipation at any costs the best solution? Coz i heard from as friend of mine that even if one gets cured by either surgery or homeeopathy, still if one constipates ion future for a long time, the prob might reoccur. Is it true?

Also, if i take isabgol regularly, wll it be a prob????
shorun last decade
yes it would reoccur.
darkpaladin last decade
Guys.... finally i a have realized that i have pain and probems only on those days when i constipate and when the stool is soft, there's no prob. side by side i am taking homeopathy by dr. batra's too which has atleast relieved my pain to some extent.

My main concern is that i am taking isabgol on a daily basis at night, but still, the next day, the initial stool is hard. i drink lots of water and a lot of fibers. can anyone please suggest any other remedy for keeping the stool soft? any safe remedy? and waht s this nat phos? is it safe?
shorun last decade
Fibercon is good.
411411 last decade
Hi shorun
Try 4 Fibercon AM and stool sofntner 2 Fibercon lunch 4 at night with SS Take Konsyl. I take 3-6 grams one AM Noon & PM. It has psyllium. Buy from Iherbs generic.Psyllium AKA isabgol or isabhghula
411411 last decade
Hi Shorun,yes nat phos is safe,its only a cell salt.I believe water soluble fibre is better than anything when it comes to keeping stools soft.Oat bran is great.

Contrary to belief,water only flows one way-down your urinary tract,but dont stop drinking it anyway.

Also try canned peaches and other stone fruits.Whatever you use,keep it regular and you should find it will work for you.

Yes,mine was a fully blown complex fistula.It was nasty.

pastelpoppy last decade
i have anal fistula, it cause tiny wet spot on the tissue, happens once week. no irritation, no pain, no abscess development, should i look for treatment or can i just ignore it?
darkpaladin last decade
As I promised, 1 month later and I am completely healed. Thank You for the support. The only thing I can express is Thank God!!! I am finally finished with this issue that has been dominating my everydat life. The Best Part about me being healed is that I have 200 percent more energy. Dealing with the fistula left me drained and sooo fatigued. I have regained my energy and so much more. I had no idea Life was sooo good without pain in the butt area. My pain is gone. My energy is back even more than before. I had no idea going through an everday healing process like a fistula could take so much energy. Most say that a fistula can never heal. I am an example that it can. Your body can heal itself but maybe these medical creams everyone seems to be taking might actually be slowing down the healing process. Think about it. If your going several weeks with no improvement, then you need to change your approach.

Thanks again everyone.
Paininthebutt last decade

I am much more conscious of my hygeine in that area and I am much more regular since I changed my diet because of the fistula. I am much more conscious of what I eat and I take great care in keeping myself regular and I grately appreciate my bathroom time now where as I use to dread going when I had a fistula. Life is soooo much better without a fistula. I can't even seen to express my relief and happiness to be over this.
Paininthebutt last decade
what did you do to solve your anal fistula problem, please share the secret.
darkpaladin last decade
Hi Paininthebutt....

what medicines did u take and what all precautions too? And did ur fistula cause a pain? I mean ususally they say that fistullas are not painful? My conditon has defintiely improved after a 2 months of medicine but not totally gone. as u said, 5% might still be left so hopping for the best. It'll be great if u could suggest what u took.
shorun last decade
Has anyone heard about the new medical breakthrough to cure fistula called anal fistula plug (AFP) method. This painless and non invasive procedure is proved to have more than 80% success rate for complex (high) fistula. The procedure can be done quickly and the patient can go back to work on the next day. There is only relatively little information now on the internet. I think this method will become standard in fistula treatment in the near future. Does anyone know what hospital in Canada or US perform the AFP method? I feel that most surgeons just want to layopen the fistula. It's probably the easiest way to make money for them.
Anal Fistula Plug last decade
Dearest Mr.Joe De Livera,
I read some months ago your cure for fistulas.
I had a painful abcess that after many excruciating days it broke. I went to doctor and he drained it completely ( or I think he did).
Nevertheless, he said he wanted to operate because it was his opinion it was a fistula.
Needless, to say I never returned to him.
I came upon your cure in this forum and followed your words
and instructions word by word.
The fistula was HEALED!
Thank God for angels of kindness like you in this world.
Mr. De Livera my sincerest thanks to you.
I still follow the one cap full in water of Arnica before I go to sleep. As I understand this I must do for life.
I call it the 'angel's water'
in honor of you.

Ms.Victoria last decade

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