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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Mr Joe

I had noted (before taking Jeopathy) that whenever i m mentally stressed, the pain in fistula increased. Yesterday i was much annoyed by a person, may be that was the reason for pain and dissipation of pus.

I also want to mention that i was depressed in initial days of using Jeopathy. Nowadays am very delighted as i am recovering, thanks to Jeopathy and dear Mr. Joe.

Lastly, i want to ask that in response to a patient's query u said:
'The fact that the pus is being displaced with blood is a good sign as this shows that the internal pockets are filling up. '

My question is that is my condition better than this patient given the fact that no puss or blood is oozing and the 2 fistula openings located 6 inches above the anal hole have closed; or if blood continue to ooze this indicates that entire fistula is healing not just the fistula openings?

Lots of prayers and thanks
pm lums last decade
To Hectec

Application of the AB ointment internally as you are doing now is the reason for your Fistula not resolving as so many others have done as you can read on this Thread. You must massage the area from up to down with the ointment applied generously on your gloved finger. This massage will expel the pus while the Arnica will replace the tissue.

All I can do is to advise and to guide you but I cannot do any more. It is up to you to follow my therapy and you have already seen the result when you do not.

The pain you report is unusual as the anal area does not reflect pain as the nerves are not distributed in that area unlike other parts of the body. You can consult a Uro Genital Surgeon who can do an internal examination and advice you of the reason for your pain. You can do so after first following my instructions precisely and if you still have pain you can ask for an internal examination.
Joe De Livera last decade

I am glad that you have made this observation on how the mental state reflects on your problem.

You have direct evidence that your Fistula is healing nicely and you do not have to worry as your openings are closed.

It is a great pity that you did not consult me long ago when you noticed the problem as you would not have had to suffer so much as your age.

You are continuing my therapy and this will surely heal you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,
Ok I will follow your instruction of AB message from inside to outside and had done just now.
Shall update you the result in some day.
hectech last decade
Dear Joe,
Just got back from vacation today. Following all the medicinces as prescribed. Not much of of trouble when I Was on vacation except 1-2 days when I ate some red meat. Otherthan that I am doing good.

I shall keep you updated from now on. I am still not out of this issue 100 %. But hoping to get out soon with your help !

rajhomeo75 last decade
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
To Jewish Homeopath

Glad to note that you have logged in to this thread which dates back about 7 years and has been read by about 168200 visitors. I would recommend that you spend some time to read the 61 pages which incidentally is the longest thread on the ABC to appreciate how I have modified and fine tuned my approach to help cure this ailment. You may like to know that I have not had any personal experience with this ailment and all my therapy is based on the reports of patients who did not have any alternative other than repeated bouts of experimental surgery.

You will now get the automatic email alerts to keep you posted with the 'Joepathy' I have used to treat Anorectal ailment which no other Homeopath has cured successfully. You will observe that my therapy
is contrary to the classical approach to healing which you use which could never have resulted in the numerous cures of this ailment as confirmed by grateful patients.

Feel free to post your classical therapy if you feel that you can also assist patients to hasten their cure.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Raj

Glad to note that you are OK except for the red meat when something went wrong.

What did you observe?
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Mr.Joe,

I am just OK but still hoping for complete cure from this. When I ate red meat I have noticed that oozing and PUS started and stayed for a day. After I started working I am noticing that the cycle is starting slowly though not severe.

Is there any chance that it would stop completely ? Or I have to live with this ? Please let me know.

rajhomeo75 last decade
I have to say that NEOSPORIN OINTMENT does work. I used it for a few days only also because POLYFAX is not available here in Orissa. I request Mr. Joe to consider prescribing it since POLYFAX may not be available commonly. I must place on record that Mr. Joe is doing a great service to mankind.
Kanhayalal Sharma
maruvihag last decade
As you can read from the reports of patients on the ABC, some of whom had been in up to 9 surgeries for the same problem which is usually a Fistula, they have invariably been cured since I returned to the ABC after 4 years of boycotting it due to the interference I received from some members who were jealous of my success in curing with my Joepathy which was, according to them, contrary to classical homeopathy. It was the pleas of these patients on this thread that I finally decided to return to help patients like you who would otherwise not have anyone who is dedicated to helping them towards a cure.

You must not worry about your impediment as worry too will bring out the Pus once again. This was reported by PM in a post above.

All I can state at this stage is that you are almost cured but you will never be able to enjoy a strong drink or stop Nat Phos which will of course depend on the consistency of your stools which must never be hard. As you have already seen Red Meat is also strictly taboo and I would like to know the reason why.

You can thank God that you first posted on the H&M Forum and I requested you to join me on this ABC as the other one does not have the automatic email alerts it used to have in the past when it was founded by a friend and me. I was one of the original advisors on the ABC too shortly after it was founded by Simon Broadley.

I am glad that it gives me the opportunity of helping many patients with my Joepathy and as you have seen, many have been cured of their ailments and this does not include Ano Rectal ailments only as many patients who have presented other ailments too have been cured.

Continue the therapy and report your progress from time to time for my advice.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Kanhayalal

Thank you for the information that Neosporin is available OTC in Orissa. I live in Sri Lanka and am unable to advise patients on what the availability of AB ointments in their countries.

Thank you for your kind words about my Joepathy.

It seems such a shame that some classical homeopaths still insist on criticizing me but at my advanced age of 81 years ( I shall soon be 82 next month ) I am still able to take the barbs aimed at me, as to me even one patient's cure makes my efforts well worth suffering these barbs which are directed to me by junior 'homeopaths' who have the impression that merely because they have that piece of paper which certifies that they have a degree in Homeopathy which I do not, they still insist that only their classical therapy must work even though they have ample evidence from the response of their patients that it did not.

It is the humility that they lack.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

Thanks for all the encouraging words from you. I am sure I shall continue the theraphy and update you accordingly. The prolonged sitting is also aggrevate this ailment I belive. But people like me who do work on computers, there is no opther option I guess. Is there anything I can do to overcome this while continue my job.

rajhomeo75 last decade
To Raj

The answer is obvious.

Sit on a hollow rubber cushion which will take the pressure on the delicate area away.

Some patients are using an inflatable rubber tube used on Bajaj 3 wheelers.

This can make a big difference for you and will hasten your cure.
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe my last post was the following:

Joe in my past 2 posts I have reported 99% complete recovery. No pain, fistula or anything. I am still taking

Arnica 3x a Day
Nat Phos after meals
Rerrum Phos 2x a day ( you said it was ok to still take it.)
AB ointment after BM


I have had no issues with this thing now for 2 months. I was feeling great. All of a sudden when I went to get up from my recliner to go to bed, I had pain in the rectum, same place as where the fistula forms. I have constant pain and burning sensation within the tissue ( not on the anus itself). I can feel a slight swelling of tissue in buttock and outside the anal opening, like a canal that is very small. It doesn't protrude through the skin, and so far hasn't gotten any bigger. I am running 99.8 fever.

What can I do? I have been taking the Nat Phos after meals, Arnica in morning and at bedtime, and taking the Fer Phos 2x a day to aid in the tissue healing.
helpthisguy last decade
To Help T G

I cannot account for your temperature which seems to have coincided with the new development in your Fistula after 2 months of bliss. It is possible that the flare up was due to some food you ate or any alcohol that you drank. Someone reported that he ate some beef and that this caused a flare up.

The problem with a Fistula is that there is really no guaranteed cure and all we can do is to take every problem as it occurs and treat it as best as is possible.

You can increase the internal massage with the AB ointment to twice daily. If there is any discharge of pus you can add the Silicea 6x to help to expel it.

Report progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
Well I don't drink alcohol at all, and I haven't touched red meat in months, only chicken and fish, so it can't be that.

There is no pus, just pain and fever. Do I have to wait for it to fester enough to a head to take the Sillicea? By this time I may be in terrible pain and forced to surgery.

Can you tell me, do I just take the Arnica and Ferr phos and hope for the best, or can I add something else to help get rid of it before it festers worse?

Thanks Joe.
helpthisguy last decade
You will note that I have advised you to take the Silicea if you see any discharge of pus.

You can however start on it even immediately as it can only help.

'I may be in terrible pain and forced to surgery. '

Think positively.
Joe De Livera last decade
We must look into the use of Silicea 200C, one dose per week and Myristica Seb. 200C, one dose per week.

Please consider.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Joe,
I have been taking the joe pathy for about 1 month now..at first the openings were dissapearing and i had pain relief as well. But, unfortunately, for the last 3 days the sinus have swollen up again and a lot of discharge as well. I do not know what to do the pain after BM is unbearable and leaves me suffer for 6 hours ...please help joe??
fortjames last decade
hi joe...it's been 1 month now i hv been taking joepathy..at first i had good recovery..but again for the last 3 days i have my fistulas opening protruding and also discharging pus...i also have very strong pain after BM for 6 hours..Please advise me if i have to take something else..im taking all joe pathy also using polyfax after BM as well.
fortjames last decade
To Nawaz

I have prescribed Silicea 200c to a few patients long ago and the results were dismal.

The Myristica 200 is positive in its effects but it may only be used when the Silicea 6x does not work. As you are aware Myris is considered as the Homeopathic Knife and it should only be used when a pocket of pus refuses to be expelled by the Silicea.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Fort

Please list the therapy you are using today with all details of how and when you do so.

'i also have very strong pain after BM for 6 hours.'

This is due to the bacterial action on the damaged tissue and it is up to you to use the Nat Phos to keep your stools soft and do the internal massage immediately after. In your case you can redo the massage 4 hours after to ensure that all is well and that the bacteria are under control.
Joe De Livera last decade
Fistula comes back as it is happening to your patients that is why it is named fistula? It is a 3rd stage of piles.

The pain is severe and unbearable that forces patient to go for surgery, but, after a long time it may reappear and the surgery is complex. Therefore, surgery is not recommended. For pain, one must consider Calcarea Sulphuricum and ofcourse Arnica.

Now, why do we get fistula? It is due to the mal-function of the Liver that leads to constipation and other problems in the rectum area. Therefore, when we are correcting local problem of fistula, we must address the liver problems (Root Cause) with remedies like Natrum Sulph, Lycopodium and chelidonium etc.

Reading these posts, it appears Silicea 6x has failed, therefore, Silicea 200C and Myristica 200C are recommended, these 2 remedies have worked on other patients with no harm.

Good Luck to all patients.

nawazkhan last decade
To Nawaz

I note your persistence on using Silicea 200 in spite of my reply to you that I had already prescribed it and that it had not helped patients at all. I have confirmed that I have sometimes prescribed Myris 200 but only when the Silicea 6x was not able to open up the pocket of pus locked in internally which was not expelled even with the internal massage with an AB ointment.
You state:
'Fistula comes back as it is happening to your patients that is why it is named fistula? It is a 3rd stage of piles. '
Is this your theory? I do not agree. Hemorrhoids and Fistula occur in the same ano-rectal region but the causative factors are totally different.

'Now, why do we get fistula? It is due to the mal-function of the Liver that leads to constipation and other problems in the rectum area. Therefore, when we are correcting local problem of fistula, we must address the liver problems (Root Cause) with remedies like Natrum Sulph, Lycopodium and chelidonium etc. '
Is this again your theory? How can you pontificate on the etiology of a Fistula in the manner you have done above? Surely you do not expect me to prescribe the 3 remedies you suggest 'Natrum Sulph, Lycopodium and chelidonium etc. '.

You may like to know that I have been involved in Homeopathy for the last 30+ years and have practiced this Science without any charge to my patients as I am not a professional homeopath. Homeopathy to me is only a hobby as I am 82 years of age and it is the satisfaction in helping anyone that impels me to accept the challenge of healing with my therapy aka 'Joepathy'. I have been an advisor on this ABC forum since it was first founded by its owner Simon Broadley. I have been treating Ano Rectal ailments since 2005 and feel that I have sufficient background experience and the authority to give you the information below on the Etiology of a Fistula based on my own research. I am doing so to clear the picture for you and others who may read this post which as I state is based on my research in the treatment of hundreds of patients whose reports are all collected on this Thread, as I have not suffered from this problem personally.

A Fistula is the fourth stage of this common Ano-rectal ailment which affects about 12% of the world's population living in the developed world. It starts with a hard stool which injures the delicate inner lining of the Ano-rectal muscles and passage. The bacteria present in this area cause irritation and with every passing stool this irritation leads to infection when a lesion is formed leading to an Abscess which can be considered as the second stage.. The abrasion which results with the passage of every stool leads to further infection and a Fissure is formed which can be considered as the third stage. The daily cycle with every passage of a stool results in the infection creeping upwards resulting in a Fistula which is defined as follows copied from Medline:
'A fistula is an abnormal connection between an organ, vessel, or intestine and another structure. Fistulas are usually the result of injury or surgery. It can also result from infection or inflammation.'
In my experience a Fistula in Ano usually results with the external opening appearing as far away as 6 inches from the anus. The standard distance is around 1 inch and it is in the internal passage that Pus and fecal matter can stagnate thereby giving rise to infection.

It is unfortunately true that modern medicine and surgical procedure do not seem to have any CURE for this ano-rectal problem. I have treated and CURED many patients who have confirmed their response to my therapy aka 'Joepathy' which defines my own therapy which is invariably different from the standard Homeoapthic therapy as although I use standard Homeopathic remedies I prescribe them in a manner that does not conform to the classical homeopathic dictum of treating 'the totality of the symptoms presented by the patient with one remedy'. I do not agree with this classical viewpoint.

Surgery is never the answer to a Fistula and many patients have recorded on this thread that they have suffered from many (up to 6) surgical experiments with no end in sight as one surgery invariably leads to another. They were all cured by my Joepathy.

The CURES that have resulted as a result of my approach can be read by you or any other interested member by clicking on my name when you can study the almost 7000 cases that I have treated on this ABC Forum alone.

If you still have any questions on my Joepathy for Ano-rectal ailments, please feel free to ask.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Nawaj,
From your post it seem that you do not have any knowlege about fistula or the reason for its development. Fistula is no way connected with pilesand your post is very misguiding regarding the same. Please refrain from giving such post.
I have taken the medicine prescribed by Joe and had found the same quite useful. I had also recommended the same to some of my relative and they too have benefited which show that Jowpathy is working.
I once again request you not to misguide the patient in this way.
hectech last decade

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