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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cat remedy

My cat seems to have picked up a nervous habit of itching and chewing himself every few steps he takes.
Sometimes he scratches his ears, sometimes belly or leg. He does not have fleas, he is an outdoor cat.

Any remedy suggestions?
  riverlily on 2009-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ars Alb did'nt have any effect?
kadwa last decade
Yes I followed your dosage directions and cat seemed peaceful for a week or so and now seems very irritated again. He also is now hissing on occasion as well. This is not his usual demeanor, however he has been behaving this way for several months. He also seems to have picked up the mannerisms of the neighbor cat who died of old age a few months ago.
riverlily last decade
Please repeat ars alb in the manner explained earlier and report back after one week.
kadwa last decade

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