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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cat needs remedy

I am very grateful with anyone who can give me advise on my cat. He is a large frame 11 years old. I have noticed that he has been losing some inches and thought he might be losing some of his fur. Family members notice him thinner too. He has never been a cuddly cat. But the last year or so he has become very aggressive. He will not let us use the computer. He will jump on the table and sit on the keyboard. If you try to use it he will paw/scratch you. I have noticed the last month he wants to eat the plants. I also notice that there has been dirt on the floor. Today I actually saw him eating the soil from one of the pots of a plant. Every night he sits in front of me on the table and yawns first then tries to claw me so I can get the clue to get up and feed him. Any idea to how I could help him?
  penny3 on 2019-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi I saw you previous posts. Seems you have two cats one male other female.
From what I understand if I didn't mix the two it seems he is big built, aggresive, bites scratches, lots of knots at lower end, eyes not centered etc.

Want to ask about his:
Water consumption(little or....)
Wrt eyes which eye is affected. Was it a wound resulted from the two cat fights or what it is.
You said he didn't like to be touched. Is it only at the back or anywhere on the body.
Did he catches cold frequently.(Secretion colour when cold)
Hows his stool and urine
He likes hot weather or cold.As you said once during a hot and humid weather he slept in the other room where there was no cooler.
Hows the stool.
Is he obsessive or what.
Any other disease he got Or gets occasionally.

Animals sometimes eats plants, grass etc when there is some problems internally particularly stomach. Its their way to cleanse their system occasionally.

I might reply a bit late or early depending on my free time.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-02-25 18:49:17]
Soul_Spirit 6 years ago
Lastly eating habits and energy levels(gets tired etc. or active)
Soul_Spirit 6 years ago
Hello Soul_Spirit,
I tried to contact you yesterday but I could not connect with the forum. Let's see, yes Puff is the big built male. He had knots by his checks and all down his back. My son is on top of the knots and cuts them off Puff. Puff fights with my son and bits/scratches him. So my son tries to do the cutting when he is in his deep catnaps. A couple of years ago he never drank water. The last about two years he has been drinking water almost everyday. Like about two ounces . He has not been in a fight with his eyes. They are both misaligned. They were never that way. The last year or two his beautiful deep blue eyes have become dull blue. He used to sit on my husbands lap all the time. Now he sits only when he wants too. His back has always been sensitive. Puff is an indoor cat. We brought him to a vet once and he adjusted his back. But he was so upset about leaving the house that we do not want to bring him back to a vet. At the time he was at the vet he was hospitalized with an respiratory infection and was given antibiotics. They also said Puff has a heart murmur and we need to give him half an aspirin everyday, which I have not done, Puff always slept by himself and was our guard cat at night. Now he does wants to sleep between my husband and me, which he never did before. He lays for a little and gets up and goes to the hall. Then after a while he does it again. He use to eat everything and be overweight lately he is very finicky. he also has lost a lot of weight. He has a cough and crouches and coughs. It looks like a hairball cough at times. I know he likes to sleep near the radiator where its warm. He has been very grumpy and tries to boss us around. He usually hops on the table sits in front of me yawns and then swings his paw/claws at me until I get up and feed him. He also has less energy then a few years ago. I will be waiting for a response. With much gratitude,
penny3 6 years ago
Ok what about his stool and urine. Is it normal.
Soul_Spirit 6 years ago
I am sorry I never saw your response. I think they are normal. He has well formed poop.
penny3 6 years ago
Give him Staphysagria 30 and Cina 30
3 times a day.

How do you administer the dose?
Well I use liquid dose. 2-4 drop in water(very little). Then I fill it in the syringe(pref. 2 ml or 5ml without needle) and give it directly while holding the mouth. When giving he might scratch you as the taste will be no good. If its not possible you might try other ways.
Some use pellets in the food. You might be knowing Homoeo remedies are given on empty stomach or half an hour apart from meals.
Soul_Spirit 6 years ago
Thank you,
I will delute the remedies in water and give it to him when he’s napping. I can scoop some water in a spoon and spoon It into his mouth. Is there premade liquid remedies. If I delute it in water by myself there will not be any bad taste. What do you think and how many times?
With much gaditute:)
penny3 6 years ago
Yes you can do via spoon.
Premade liquid remedies? I couldn't understand what you meant by it. The homoeo medicine are either liquid or globules mixed in that liquid(liquid is not water its the homoeo remedy or say alcoholic dilutions of remedy and this Same dilution is poured on the globules). Both are same. Globules just act as a carrier here. They are Either taken directly or mixed in some water.

I thought of syringe bcoz the alcohol taste makes the cats/dogs run away and they resist. So I hold them by mouth and push the remedy via syringe easily in the mouth.

If you are using spoon when 'sleep' then use less water as it might go in his windpipe unknowingly. Well a spoon is not that much water but do it safely.

If you r using using globules it might not taste that bad in water bcoz of the sweet taste of globules.So globules or liquid mix 2-4 of 'both' Cina 30 and Staphysagria 30 in little water and give him 3 times a day.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-03-06 09:18:49]
Soul_Spirit 6 years ago
And when using pellets/globules do not 'touch' them with hands.
Another way is to mix 2-4 pellets/drops of both medicine in about 3-4oz. of water. Let it dissolve,stir it well and give 1 spoon of it. Throw the rest. There are many ways to administer the dose.

Give it 3 times a day.
Soul_Spirit 6 years ago
Hello Soul Spirit,
I just started the cat on the Staphysagria and Cina 30c. I put a few pellets in 3 oz of water. I gave it in the afternoon and evening. I will watch for any changes this week. I am only with him from 5pm to about 10pm. I will give him a dose in the morning and after 20 minutes after he eats when I get home. I will give him another dose before I go to bed. Thank you again for helping the cat and I will update you soon on his attitude, aggression, and appetite.
penny3 6 years ago
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-03-11 07:28:55]
Soul_Spirit 6 years ago
I gave the cat a dose of both rememdies in the afternoon and evening yesterday. He seems more relax and just sleeps. He got up a little last night for some food. He wasn’t agresstive like he always is. He did not greet me today. He is curled into a ball and is sleeping. Should I hold off giving him more? I do want him to get any negative reactions. Let me know what you want me to do wait? Continue? Thank you
penny3 6 years ago
Give him both the remedies in the evening today.
Do not give him other medicines.
There is no negative reaction.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
I gave him both remedies last night. He is now having these sneezing fits. A few sneezes at ones during the evening. I only see the sneezing in the evening because I am not here most of the day. Do you want me to give him another dose? At lease now he is not as determined for more food even when I just had fed him.
penny3 5 years ago
What about his other symptoms. Is there any improvement on that front.
You can stop the remedies now for 2-3 days. Look for changes in his temperament.
His sneezes should go away. Is it d first time he is having sneezes like this. Any allergies.Don't use any other remedies in the meantime.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-03-13 11:26:07]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
No post
[Edited by Oizous on 2019-03-16 20:10:56]
Oizous 5 years ago
Is there something important Oizous. Do you wanna ask something.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Yes I need some advise. But not on the forum.
Oizous 5 years ago
Last night I gave the cat a dose of the remedies. I see the cat more relax and calmer. He did have the sneezing fit before but I have not heard it today. But he does have a cough, starts at different times. Tonight he was resting on the couch and stated to cough while laying. It sounds like a hair ball cough but is a little different. I can still see some whites of his eyes and his eyes are not like a few years ago that beautiful deep blue now they are dull lighter blue. He does not like anyone petting him on his lower back near his tail. He gets upset and bites you. He does not come to my bed that many times at night. When he visits it might be once, or twice, or not at all. He does not have that unbearable appetite that he needs to keep bothering us for more food even though he has some from the time we fed him before. I will give him another dose on Saturday unless you advise me not to.
penny3 5 years ago
Ok give it on saturday Once(anytime) and do the same on alternate days. Means give on Sat stop on Sun, give again on Mon. In the meantime spend more time with him. I don't know but I get a feeling that he thinks he is being ignored. Show love to him whenever you are home these days while giving the remedies. If during these times his eyes are not healed I will look into another remedy for his eyes.I think his touchiness will also improve with the aforementioned remedies. Some days you may try to give the remedy twice a day. Look for this week and a few days added and then tell me the improvements or otherwise.

Oizous I hv send you a mail.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Okay will do. I just want to tell you that his poop was solid then he had some diarrhea in the some bowel movement. As for his temperament he has been horrible today. He consistently wants food which most of the time he won't eat. His bowls are full. He won't sit with me and just attacks the two people that are around. He is angry with my daughter and tends to scratch her or nibble on her arm. She is unable to use the computer because the cat sits on it and is aggressive and wants the attention his tail starts to move and he is ready to attack. but that's all he wants to do. He does the same with me but he always starts sitting on my book or keyboard then his tail moves rapidly and he yawns and then tries to claw me but I get out of the way. He always attacks the same way he sits in front of us moves his tail yawns and attacks. When I see the yawn I know he is ready to attack. My husband is very concern that the cat use to be more robust and now he feels his bones on his back. I hope this additional information will help you. Thank you:)
penny3 5 years ago
I don't wanna change the remedies for now. I think we should give the remedy at least for a week without break.
Give Staphysagaria once during the day any time and give Cina in the night on empty stomach. It will neither overdose him neither it will be less.
Sometimes Staphy. tends to bring out suppressed anger.Though his anger is not suppressed he tends to show it most of the times.
Give it for a week.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Okay I will do what you suggest. I just want to share when I ask his energy by muscle testing why hesangry I get parasites and chiropractor care for front right leg and lower vertebrae. When I question his misaligned eyes I come back with the same answer parasites. Thank you for taking Puffs case on.
penny3 5 years ago
I don't know what the Chiropractor meant by 'parasites'. There can be various reasons for his eye problems and anger issues. If the parasite word for them means Feline Leukemia Virus then it may be one of the cause for his squint eyes which is commonly called as Strabismus. But this FLV has many other symptoms like staggering gait, low energy, weight loss, getting easily infected,recurrent diarrhea etc. Among other causes for Strabisum is some nerve or muscle problems surrounding the eyes.
A good veterinary doctor will know the real cause behind his symptoms but finding good professional in any field is sometimes troublesome.
And why is there a therapy for his right leg and vertebrae. Is there any problem there. Next time if you visit the veterinary you may inquire about this FLV.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-03-17 18:13:39]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
When he was around 5 years old we brought him to a vet because he had a respiratory infection. He was great he said that puff had his lower back misaligned and he was able to align it. Since then he has retired. I know puff does not like anyone touching his lower back. I have a chiropractor who adjusts animals. I am thinking of bringing him there. I am a little bias about the outcome of testing him for FLV. Is FLV a parasite. He is coming up for parasites not a virus. I will keep you updated and thank you for all your support with Puff.
penny3 5 years ago

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