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my cat is 10 years old. his eyes r not in the center sometimes I can see a little white on the side. He also is becoming mean and does not anyone to touch him. He bites or scratches them. does anyone have any idea how to help him?penny3 on 2017-08-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
They are very similar to humans. If pathogens stay and grow, they show these signs in their behavior. Eye whites is another confirmation.
Please give KALI MUR 30 in the morning and NATRUM SULPH 30 in the evening, every day for a few days and write back after a week.
Please give KALI MUR 30 in the morning and NATRUM SULPH 30 in the evening, every day for a few days and write back after a week.
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
Reva V.
Thank you! Thank you! I will start his remedies today and get back to you next Friday with an update. Thank you again:)
Thank you! Thank you! I will start his remedies today and get back to you next Friday with an update. Thank you again:)
penny3 7 years ago
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
Wow Reva,
He is a much kinder cat. He is not attacking us or the other cat like he used to. He also is not as aggressive to get more food throughout the day. He's been on the remedy for about five days now, but his eyes are still not centered. When Puff was a kitten his fur was never in knots. It seems like the last 4 or so years he has had many knots especially in his lower back by his vertebrae. He also has bad breath. Let me know what you want me to do.
He is a much kinder cat. He is not attacking us or the other cat like he used to. He also is not as aggressive to get more food throughout the day. He's been on the remedy for about five days now, but his eyes are still not centered. When Puff was a kitten his fur was never in knots. It seems like the last 4 or so years he has had many knots especially in his lower back by his vertebrae. He also has bad breath. Let me know what you want me to do.
penny3 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply. You can stop both the remedies for 3 or 4 days and write back.
With Gelsemium 30 he should be good with the eyes. Let us watch for a few days before starting a new remedy.
[Edited by Reva V on 2017-08-11 04:10:15]
With Gelsemium 30 he should be good with the eyes. Let us watch for a few days before starting a new remedy.
[Edited by Reva V on 2017-08-11 04:10:15]
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
Hello Reva,
Here's an update on Puff. He still seems much nicer then before. He is not attacking anyone. Hurray!! I was wondering if he needs anything for the pathogens, like black walnut hull. I will let you decide. As to the cat's additional information since all this started about a couple of months now he lays down on the floor with his head down on the floor. He is also lapping some water which he never use to do. Kind of like a puppy dog when it is not feeling well. I have the Gelsemium 30 which I hope will give him more energy and help balance his eyes. Thank you for your time Reva!
Here's an update on Puff. He still seems much nicer then before. He is not attacking anyone. Hurray!! I was wondering if he needs anything for the pathogens, like black walnut hull. I will let you decide. As to the cat's additional information since all this started about a couple of months now he lays down on the floor with his head down on the floor. He is also lapping some water which he never use to do. Kind of like a puppy dog when it is not feeling well. I have the Gelsemium 30 which I hope will give him more energy and help balance his eyes. Thank you for your time Reva!
penny3 7 years ago
Please give Kali Mur 30 in the morning and Natrum Sulph 30 in the evening for another one week.
These are more effective and lasting results that black walnut
These are more effective and lasting results that black walnut
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
Hello Reva,
I gave Puff the Kali Mur and Nat Sulph for a week now. What I have seen is that he is not as aggressive but he still is aggressive. He gets very aggressive when any body touches his lower back. His fur on his lower back ALWAYS gets knots in it. IT is soo bad that we try to cut his fur when he is in deep sleep. He is throwing up now also, this morning he threw up all his food. Usually its food sometimes its liquid. He has been drinking water this pass month. My cats are always given moist/wet food not dry food which could make them thirsty. My cats never drink water even though the bowl of water is always out for them. In addition, I know about six years ago a vet said he had a murmur. What do you think?
I gave Puff the Kali Mur and Nat Sulph for a week now. What I have seen is that he is not as aggressive but he still is aggressive. He gets very aggressive when any body touches his lower back. His fur on his lower back ALWAYS gets knots in it. IT is soo bad that we try to cut his fur when he is in deep sleep. He is throwing up now also, this morning he threw up all his food. Usually its food sometimes its liquid. He has been drinking water this pass month. My cats are always given moist/wet food not dry food which could make them thirsty. My cats never drink water even though the bowl of water is always out for them. In addition, I know about six years ago a vet said he had a murmur. What do you think?
penny3 7 years ago
Here is some more information he baths himself by licking. He seems to be licking his lower back all the time. He also has bad breath.
penny3 7 years ago
Please give him Ipecac 30 to fix his throwing up now and write back after a few days. You can give Ipecac 30, twice a day for 3 or more days, even after he stops throwing.
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
Next time he starts to throw up a lot I will give him the Ipecac, but he is not throwing up today. Do you want me to give it anyway or do you have another recommendation?
penny3 7 years ago
penny3 7 years ago
Hello Reva,
Puff's hair has not been laying down correctly. I know he grooms himself but his fur looks dirty and not healthy. His left eye is moving more to the outside then before. Last summer I started him on the remedies you recommended and we were going to give him gelseminum30 but you told me to wait and he was never given the remedy. Please let me know what you advise for my Puff.
Thank you,
Puff's hair has not been laying down correctly. I know he grooms himself but his fur looks dirty and not healthy. His left eye is moving more to the outside then before. Last summer I started him on the remedies you recommended and we were going to give him gelseminum30 but you told me to wait and he was never given the remedy. Please let me know what you advise for my Puff.
Thank you,
penny3 7 years ago
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