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Hypotonia Treatment.... Page 2 of 5

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Give her Belladonna one dose. If the fever goes away do not repeat. If it doesnt go away in three hours give another dose. However if she falls asleep do not wake her to give medicine.
Not a doc1 2 months ago
Elder daughter Nida fever has come down by belladonna.
No other changes physiotherapist told she was dull today.

Nisa - Everything alright not sleeping at night no changes.
vafiansari2014 2 months ago
What was the last medicine Miss had?
Not a doc1 2 months ago
Nida last medicine yesterday was belladonna

Nisa last medicine was 2 days back Calcerea Carb 30
vafiansari2014 2 months ago
You can give one dose Calcarea carb to both of them if they are not asleep.
Not a doc1 2 months ago
given calceria one dose Today morning...

Nida elder daughter got a bump below her hip on the legs Please see the pic attached

Nisa nothing good or bad
vafiansari2014 2 months ago
No picture. How did she get the bump?
Not a doc1 last month
Dont know

Pic attached
vafiansari2014 last month
Still no picture. However dont worry if there is no pain. It will go away without medicine.
Not a doc1 last month
ok i am attaching why its not coming dont know

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vafiansari2014 last month
It has come this time. Looks like there is pus in it.
Not a doc1 last month
Yes latest pic of the bump.

Both - No improvement in muscle mass and tone also.

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vafiansari2014 last month
Dont worry. That is an attempt by the body to throw away toxins. After the pus is discharged it will heal on its own.
For muscle tone to improve it will take atleast a month. It may take longer. You will have to have patience.
Is there no mental improvement?
Not a doc1 last month
Nida is crying she was not crying much before this course

Nothing in Nisa small daughter
vafiansari2014 last month
She is crying probably because of the abscess. If she is crying much give her one dose Belladonna.
Not a doc1 last month
Nida (Elder daughter): Abscess has been removed automatically.
Nida has a history of pneumonia for 2 times and was admitted in hospital for that.
After that in every season mucus forming , coughing has become normal routine for her due to forming of mucus and for every bit of food she coughs , sometimes her mucus is white and sticky like gum threads, sometimes it is yellow, it increases in the rainy and winter season, she coughs and cant spit, we will help her to spit it out, most probably in this cold seasons, wheezing sounds comes while breathing, we will always give her steams and nebulizer, make her drink hot water and make her cough to breath comfortable, please help her to make here pharyngeal muscle tone to get correct and she must cough independently and if anything is formed she must clear it independently or formation of mucus is less.
vafiansari2014 last month
Have patience. Everything will be fine in time.
Meanwhile please buy Calcarea Carb 200.
Not a doc1 last month
Any other medicines you want to keep with us other than this as we live in Nalgonda and we have to go to city Hyderabad everytime to buy homeopathic medicines.
vafiansari2014 last month
Is this medicine correct HAH is extra

calc-carb-hah-dilution-200-ch-otc335826" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.1mg.com/otc/dr.-reckeweg-cal...
vafiansari2014 last month
I dont know about this. You can buy online from Healthmug. This is a good organization which provides prompt service. It is from South India.
If price is not a factor then buy Reckeweg. It is one of the best available in India.
Please let me know if there is history of Tuberculosis in the family both you and your wifes side.
Right now no other will be needed.
You can get the medicine from Amazon also.
Not a doc1 last month
NO TB in my side or wifes side.

My wife has 2 more sisters both have healthy babies
at my side my sister is marriage have 2 healthy babies
vafiansari2014 last month
Not a doc1 last month
Will be getting calcerea carb 200 by today.
vafiansari2014 last month
We have received the cal carb 200
vafiansari2014 last month
How are they now?
Any change in their behaviour?
Not a doc1 last month
In Nida Elder daughter mentally 0.5 - 1% improvement but not much improvement and due to cold and mucus forming wheezing sound from chest is coming as its very rainy and cold outside temperature in our place.

Nisa small daughter no improvement physically or mentally

asked physiotherapist any improvement they are seeing while doing physiotherapy they said nida is responding if her name they are calling so thats the reason i have given 1% improvement
[Edited by vafiansari2014 on 2024-07-23 10:16:51]
vafiansari2014 last month

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