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When we are decreasing the dose of allopathic medicine fits are coming if increasing development is coming down very much in distress what to do

Nida is taking thaska (choking cough) while eating and some food or water Going in lungs and wheezing sound is coming
vafiansari2014 last month
We need something for to recover from weakness specially Nida

Nisa is ok but no development for her after Physiotherapy also after waking up cries a lot opening her mouth
vafiansari2014 last month
Ok. Give them one dose each Calcarea carb 200 tomorrow.
Not a doc1 last month
Same 1 dose as u said for cal carb 30?
vafiansari2014 last month
Yes, same.
Not a doc1 last month
Given cal carb 200 2 days back

Nida weight has become 10kgs gone down by 3 kgs in 4 months
vafiansari2014 last month
Is there diabetes in the family?
Not a doc1 last month
his grandfather had diabetes
vafiansari2014 last month
Please have her blood sugar checked soon.
Please buy Tuberculinum 200.
Not a doc1 last month
Doctor said as she is taking tashka (choking) due to that maybe she is not eating well and getting enough food and nutrients so the body is taking energy from muscles so may be muscles are coming down due to this

Will do the test and let u know the reports.
vafiansari2014 last month
Blood sugar is 100 checked this morning.
vafiansari2014 last month
Any improvement after Calcarea carb 200 ?
Not a doc1 last month
How did this problem develop? Did she suffer from any disease (including skin disease) prior to this weakness? Did this come after vaccination ?
Not a doc1 last month
Just after 2 days got fits to nida after vaccination we thought that is the reason and dint given vaccination to Nisa then also fits came to her we came to conclusion vaccination was not the reason.
vafiansari2014 last month
No improvement said by mother

We have a doubt is the dose enough for them 30 or 200 potency in half cup and then only a teaspoon of this concentration.
vafiansari2014 last month
Plz see the pic attached

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vafiansari2014 last month
2nd file this both files are of Nida see the pic attached.

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vafiansari2014 last month
Does the mother have warts on any part of body?
Not a doc1 last month
Are the girls taking any other medicine for anything?
Not a doc1 last month
Nida is taking 3 medicine for fits
Nisa 1 medicine for fits
I told you na if we are reducing medicine they r getting Jerks and if medicine is given dose said by Dr then the improvement is stopped.

Now the Dr gave MCT oil and vitamin b but didnt started that Dr is saying due to less tone in the pharyngeal muscles she is not eating sufficient food for his body so the body is taking energy from muscles so thats the reason she is geeting weight less
vafiansari2014 last month
Please provide the names of the medicines the girls are taking.
Not a doc1 last month
Nida is taking this 3 medicine plz see the attached pic
Nisa is taking only lacotab syp

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vafiansari2014 last month
Father has something on his back pic attached.
Mother has no wart but a black colour big birth mark on his leg.

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vafiansari2014 last month
Both the cases are quite serious and in my opinion should not be treated in a forum unless there are compelling reasons for doing so.
As you have mentioned seizure medicines cannot be stopped and they are stopping development it is obvious that they must be stopped if positive result are desired. Therefore as one time measure stop all medicines for one day and give Calcarea carb 30. If seizures do not come do not give seizure medicine and repeat Calcarea carb 30 once.
Not a doc1 last month
Mother we were thinking what to do sorry for the late reply Hello sir, I want to ask if Calceria carb helps in reducing epilepsy also for my younger daughter Nisa, as she is on only one medicine, type of seizure is jerk type and it comes after wakeup, and usually it happens more, when she doesnt have deep sleep at night. she doesnt sleep overnight, she dont like to sleep in dim light, and if we close the light at night after sleeping, she cries when she she wakeup, she wake mostly around at 3 am, another reason for crying, as she cant talk and express, some times we give her stomach ech medecine, ear drops, so as to relief her, I feel like bcz of not completing her sleep at night seizure getting triggered, giving alopathic medecine already to my elder daughter nida is bound with 3 types of medecine, and stopping 3 medecine at a time is very challenging for us, we both parents saw our both daughters suffering from sevier seizure, and we saw alopathic medecine stops seizure, even though it is not a permanent cure, despite having side effects, its a bit tough for us to dare stopping medecine, as in homeo we dont have emergency services, inspite of all this circumstances for Nisa I want to try homeo medecine, if Nisa will get better and free of seizure, Ill be confident to start for Nida also.
vafiansari2014 last month
Ok. Calcarea carb 30 one dose and no other medicine for one day. If seizure do not come back do not give any medicine. If they come back you can give seizure medicine. Update next day.
Not a doc1 last month

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