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Hypotonia Treatment.... Page 5 of 5

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Ok. Calcarea carb 30 one dose and no other medicine for one day. If seizure do not come back do not give any medicine. If they come back you can give seizure medicine. Update next day.
Not a doc1 last month
Nisa reduced medicine to 1ml and given calc carb 1 dose jerks were seen in afternoon so again put 2ml of Lacotab to her

Nida is also getting jerks after reducement of allopatic medicine is there any medicine to reduce myoclonic jerks its coming frequent.
vafiansari2014 3 weeks ago
Can you do a video of both the girls when they are having jerks and send to my email address?
Please answer: Where do the jerks begin? Do they close their fists when jerks come?
Not a doc1 3 weeks ago
Will take plz send ur email address.
vafiansari2014 3 weeks ago
You will get my email address in my profile.
Not a doc1 3 weeks ago
Not able to see ur email id in ur profile plz want to send u the video of Nisa getting jerks it’s intensity is getting increase day by day.
[Edited by vafiansari2014 on 2024-09-08 08:56:09]
vafiansari2014 last week
Forum does not allow email address to be posted. To see it do the following : ,click my name > another screen will come. Go to the top, you will see my name. Click on it. Another screen will come. Scroll down till you find Forum and email address. Click on the red letters saying edit.
Not a doc1 last week
Next time they get jerks give Belladonna and see if that stops the jerks. You can give more than one dose if the first dose dose not work. However if it works do not give the second dose.
Not a doc1 last week
If i am clicking your name pic attached is coming not able to go to this step :Go to the top, you will see my name.

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vafiansari2014 last week
It seems forum does not allow members to see other members email.
Not a doc1 last week
yes at the rate gmail.com
[Edited by vafiansari2014 on 2024-09-10 09:49:02]
vafiansari2014 last week
I have seen the pictures and medical reports. Do you have any mentally retarded relative on both your as well as your wifes side?
Not a doc1 6 days ago
Fathers side :
1. father died by high diabetes heart attack
2.Mother died by can*er liver and other organs
3. Fathers brother(uncle was physically retarded) was having polio or other things don’t know he also died due to heart attack but he has 7-8 children’s all are good only last one is getting fits dr said her due to weakness but she is not suffering from hypotonia

Mother side
Father died by heart attack.

Nobody mentally retarded but in both sides.
vafiansari2014 6 days ago
Please buy Baryta Carb 30 and give one dose to each when there are no jerks. Do not give medicine when there are jerks because it may increase the jerks.
Not a doc1 5 days ago
How are the girls? Did you give them Baryta carb?
Not a doc1 yesterday
No sir jerks are coming to both Nida jerks intensity was very high today morning Nisa when wake up at morning jerks is been seen but intensity is low.

Do u want to put belladonna to them plz say the frequency if it’s continue after one dose?
vafiansari2014 yesterday
Did you give Belladonna?
Not a doc1 19 hours ago
You may use Belladonna maximum 3 doses at 10 mi utes interval. If it doesnt work do not use anymore. Did you but Baryta Carb?
Not a doc1 19 hours ago
Not given belladonna still.

No didn’t buy Baryta Carb still if jerks stops completely 5-7 days will buy I am getting difficulty to give them as you said it will increase the jerks as the intensity is!already high what will happen if more intensity gets high due to baryta carb.
vafiansari2014 18 hours ago
Try belladonna first
Not a doc1 13 hours ago

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