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Hypotonia Treatment.... Page 3 of 5

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In Nida Elder daughter mentally 0.5 - 1% improvement but not much improvement and due to cold and mucus forming wheezing sound from chest is coming as its very rainy and cold outside temperature in our place.

Nisa small daughter no improvement physically or mentally

asked physiotherapist any improvement they are seeing while doing physiotherapy they said nida is responding if her name they are calling so thats the reason i have given 1% improvement
[Edited by vafiansari2014 on 2024-07-23 10:16:51]
vafiansari2014 last month
Give Calcarea Carb 30 one dose to both of them.
Not a doc1 last month
30 or 200 u said to buy 200 potency one.
vafiansari2014 last month
We will use Calcarea carb 30 a few more times before using 200. I asked you to buy it because you may need it suddenly and if you dont have it with you then there may be unnecessary suffering.
Not a doc1 last month
OK thanks for the clarification.
vafiansari2014 last month
Given one dose of calceria carb 30 yesterday night.
vafiansari2014 last month
Latest pic of both

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vafiansari2014 last month
Any sign of improvement? They look weak, what do they eat?
Not a doc1 last month
Are they exposed enough to sunlight?
Not a doc1 last month
everything rice roti dal but in semi solid state due to the swallowing problem in nida 3 times food 1 time fruit snack
vafiansari2014 last month
not much from 10-15 days no sun is coming very cold and raining from past 2 weeks cold breeze are going on if nida is taken out her wheezing sound is getting increased a lot so mostly we doesnt take them out.
[Edited by vafiansari2014 on 2024-07-25 10:07:52]
vafiansari2014 last month
When the weather gets better expose them to sunlight for atleast 30 minutes in the morning daily.
Not a doc1 last month
till jan feb now it will be a issue getting sun in our area if sun comes also there will be breeze that will increase the wheezing sound and breathless will start so the dr told them to give d3 sachet
vafiansari2014 last month
Nida is looking good now before 6 months after she got pneumonia and got admitted and came got more thin and was like a raagging doll no support nothing
vafiansari2014 last month
both are getting some improvement 1-2% as per physiotherapist regarding the muscle tone and Nida is responding when her name is been taken but muscle mass is not been increased.

Nida Elder Daughter dont use to cry but she is crying sometime in night

Nisa not much of improvement said by the mother.

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vafiansari2014 last month
Give another dose calcarea carb 30 to both of them.
Not a doc1 last month
Again Nida Ansari elder daughter got a bump on his leg please see the pic attached

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vafiansari2014 last month
It is an attempt by the body to throw out poisonous material from inside. Do not attempt to treat it. If there is pain or fever you may use Belladonna again.
Not a doc1 last month
Given a dose 2 days back

Nida Elder daughter is suffering breathlessness today?
vafiansari2014 last month
Is there asthma in the family on either side? When does she become breathless?
Not a doc1 last month
nobody on either side.

Whenever this weather change happens, mucus formation is very high due to the tone being on low side She cant cough much and then breathlessness starts
vafiansari2014 last month
Rhus tox 30 is there for cold
Do u want to put a dose for less mucus formation?
or anything else.
vafiansari2014 last month
Ok. Give Rhustox 30 one dose only.
How is Nisa?
Not a doc1 last month
I am the mother of both till today father was talking

Nisa is getting Jerks sometimes fits after waking up when she has not completed her sleep
vafiansari2014 last month
Before 6 months Nida got fever nida has lost muscle bulk, hands and legs and body became very thin, when we take her in hands we can feel her bones and she became very weak
vafiansari2014 last month
When we are decreasing the dose of allopathic medicine fits are coming if increasing development is coming down very much in distress what to do

Nida is taking thaska (choking cough) while eating and some food or water Going in lungs and wheezing sound is coming
vafiansari2014 last month

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