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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cat needs remedy Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When he was around 5 years old we brought him to a vet because he had a respiratory infection. He was great he said that puff had his lower back misaligned and he was able to align it. Since then he has retired. I know puff does not like anyone touching his lower back. I have a chiropractor who adjusts animals. I am thinking of bringing him there. I am a little bias about the outcome of testing him for FLV. Is FLV a parasite. He is coming up for parasites not a virus. I will keep you updated and thank you for all your support with Puff.
penny3 5 years ago
Reading your aforementioned post is making me think that the 'main problem' of his touchiness and eyes is because of his misaligned back.
Because of this Subluxation and thereby pressure in the nerves in spinal column it lead to problem in his eyes and also because of this he is very touchy with regards to touching his back and also leading to his anger issues.
A good chiropractor will surely be helpful in this regard. Along with this I might include one another remedy that would help him in this regard. In next post include his other 'physical problem'. Like the one in the right leg his gait and is the eye turned outwards/inwards/or is there any bulging.
Regarding FLV I don't know much but it is neither dangerous nor is it a normal thing. It depends from cats to cats as some problem in humans is reacted differently by different people.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Hello Soul-Spirit,
WOW!!! I can’t believe the change in Puff. He seems more content. Now when he sleeps, he sleeps, instead of being restless. Yesterday my daughter was using the computer instead of nibbling on her and clawing her he just sat next to her. He used to always take his anger out on her. Today Puff was sleeping on the same couch where my daughter was sitting. My daughter started petting him. Usually he would wake up and try to bite her or scratch her. Instead he liced her hand twice! His eyes are much better they are more aligned but they still are misaligned. I have given the remedies as you suggested. I started both remedies on Sunday. He also does not demand food every 20 minutes instead of his bowls being full and still demands for food. Let me know what else you feel isbest for Puff. With deep graditude:)
penny3 5 years ago
Give the same way as said for another 3 to 4 days and then on alternate days.
Also tell me where his back is misalinged. In the upper part,middle,towards the tail.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Okay I will continue then I will administer on every other day. His back is misaligned towards his tail so his lower back and mid back.

I was wondering if you can also help my other cat. She is a beautiful petite gray cat. She is a Russian Blue and very devoted with my son. She sleeps right next to him in her own cat bed. She has been doing this for 12 years. She is terrified of loud noises and she runs and hides when the doorbell rings, she also hides when someone other then the family comes into the house. She freezes into a ball during a thunderstorm. When she was 6 her top right canine tooth was misaligned. The vet who visited the house which she was terrified of recommended that her tooth be pulled. He did it during the visit. He said it’s loose and it wouldn’t hurt but it did. It never healed the right way. Now that part of her gum is swollen and her lip on that side is stretched. At around a little time before the tooth was extracted she list we lost her best friend Princess. Princes was the same age and use to clean her and lick her and sniff her and take care of her better then a mother cat. Let me know what you can recommend for her. I am very concern
about her gum/ lip. Also her poops are usually very smelly,
penny3 5 years ago
In the meantime bring:
Chininum Sulphuricum 30 for the male cat
Causticum 30 for the female.

Give Causticum 30(Female) only twice morning and evening and Stop. Wait for 2 days.

When you have Chininum Sulphuricum 30(Male), Stop the two remedies for the time being and give C.S. twice on day one and wait for 2 days.

Report after that.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
The remedies came in the mail yesterday. Today Sunday I gave both cats two doses of the remedy you recommended for each one. I will wait two days which will be Wednesday. What do you want me to do next?
penny3 5 years ago
On wednesday report the effect of remedy on the cats. In the meantime don't give another remedy.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Okay, I understand I will update you on Wednesday.
penny3 5 years ago
Hello,I have not seen any difference with the female. The male is better but he did jump on the table last night. Then he went to nibble on my daughters arm when she was on the computer. But he is that demanding cat that he was before.
penny3 5 years ago
Give Chininum and Cina twice for 4 days then once for the next 3 to 4 days.

Give Causticum twice for two days then once for the coming days.

I just wanted to see if there was any unwanted aggravation in cats. Since it seems close to none continue it for 7 to 8 days and report the effect.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Okay I understand thank you. I will update you in about a week.
penny3 5 years ago
The male cat took chininym and cina twice for 4 days. I have not been home for most of the days. When I was home I see he still is much calmer. But he still tries to distract me from my written work with him sitting on the computer or books and yawning and then clawing me so I get him some food. But it is not as bad as before he was uncomfortable. He seems to be sleeping more and not too much with us. He has been drinking some water. I think his poop is okay. He takes the remedy melted in distill water in a spoon. He licks all the water.
As for the female I was able to give her a dose for two days. After that when she sees me coming with a dropper or spoon she runs under the bed. No matter how hard I tried to trick her she ended up under the bed. I am off for a few days now and can try again if you think this is her remedy.
Let me know what you think:)
penny3 5 years ago

For Male cat:
-Hows his eye.
-Does he still get aggressive when you touch his lower back.
-Overall aggression

For Female:
-Try to give her the remedy via mouth. If its not possible put the pellets in the food/treats as the last resort. Does the two doses you gave produced any minor changes wrt fear and the swellings.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
I am a little concern about the male. He does not sleep on our bed with us now. He sleeps in the closet. He makes a terrible sound before he throws up which usually is a fur ball with some foam/mucus. He is more picky with his food. He usually lays on the bathroom rug and his head down on his chin. His eyes are better but still a little misaligned. He has some dark around is left eye lid and some near and on his nose. His aggressiveness is near nothing right now. But I really think he probable does not fell himself and is nausea. I was going to give him some nux vominca but did not want to mix remedies and so I will wait for your reply,
As for the female I do not think there was a change in her mouth. The fear is about the same. Last night we had a terrible thunder storm that shook the entire house. She was horrified and tried to find a safe place to hind. She was shaking with fear which we haven't seen before.
penny3 5 years ago

For male cat:
I think since he seems bit better then before wrt his aggressiveness and eyes. I would say to stop the remedies for some time and focus on his nausea. After I may continue only Chinninum in infrequent doses for his eyes.
As of now give him Kreosotum (I think you have it, as per your previous posts you gave to the female one).Give him twice a day for few days. As and when you see some improvement in his nausea and vomiting decrease the frequency to ones a day and slowly discontinue. Nux Vom may antidote Chininum. Don't use it for now. I think he has vomiting problem for quite some time as seen from previous posts. Kreosotum will help here. Stop other remedies. Update after a week.

For female cat:
I see you have given her Phosphorous before. It is usually given when someone who is terrified during thunderstorm and also for gum problems. Also here you wrote that it was top right canine tooth and there lower right canine tooth(topic:cats inflammation). Well what was th effect of phosphorous then. And did your cat got dental fistula after extraction.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
As for the female cat, she has not left the house due to her fear issues. The vet came to the house said it was a easy job and told us it will heal by itself after the tooth was pulled. Unfortunately it was a horrible screeching sound from a painful tooth pulling and it never healed. The tooth area is very inflamed and the cat never got a dental fistula. I do not remember the effects of phosphorus, I will try to see if I wrote it down in the journal and let you know if I saw anything.
As for the male cat, I am glad that I did not give him any Nus Vom.
I will start him on the Kreosotum as you recommended. Twice a day a day for a few days then ones a day before discontinuing.
Please let me know if you want me to administrate the phosphorus to the female. Thank you!
penny3 5 years ago
Just give a bit more info on your female cat:
1) Her present age and in which age was tooth extracted.
2) Was she always a fearful cat.
3) Is it in upper jaw or lower jaw.
4) Do you think there is pain there.
5) Color of the swelling in contrast to rest.
6) Are stool always smelly. Its color.
7) What did the vet say with regard to her inflamation.
8) Is there any 'bleeding' or any 'secretion' or any 'pus' formation.(Now and Before)

9) Lastly do you think there is numbness in the swelling part.

He might have used anesthesia. Did he used injectable anesthesia.
Any other homoeo remedy you tried on her.

Don't give her anything as of now.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-04-15 20:07:01]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Female Cat
She is now 12 and the tooth was pulled around 7.
She was always fearful and very committed to my son. They are best of pals. It is her right lower jaw tooth.
I do not think so and I hope not but it is very inflamed/swollen. I would like to sent you a picture of her mouth so you can see it also. The last two days my son said that she has been leaving her mouth a little open and when she addresses it to the cat she then closes her mouth. I believe her color is the same as her mouth but ypou can look at the picture and see for sure. My son cannot send the picture to this site, Do you have an email that he can send it to? She has always had the smelliest stools, the color is usually dark. The vet told us once the tooth is pulled that the inflammation should subside. There is nothing that is coming out of her gums. I do not know if there is any numbness.
I hope you can help this beautiful caring creature. She should not have this going on in her mouth for close to half her life. I will be waiting to hear your response.
penny3 5 years ago
Its been almost about 5 years!
Bring Sulphur 200 & Silicia 30

-When you have it give Sulphur 200 'Only Once'. Try to give her on an empty stomach just the way you give it to your male cat. If its almost impossible to give it through mouth then the last resort will be to give the remedy in some treats.

-Do not repeat. Wait for a week and update here.

-Regarding Silicia I will tell you the dosage after a week.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Okay, I am going to the store this morning. Hopefully they will have Sulphur 200. If they don't I will have to order it from ABC homeopathy.Thank you!
penny3 5 years ago
Also Silicea 30. I might use it after a week.
Hows the vomiting of male cat.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Hi Soul_ Spirit
Can u please advice me on my forum?
provision 5 years ago
Is this the forum you want me to respond to. Sorry I have not been able to get back to you any sooner. I gave the remedy twice and the cat has stopped throwing up. But now he is very passive and sleeps all day. He gets up at night to eat. He has lost his appetite and might nibble a little. My husband feeds him with a spoon or by hand and he tends to eat a little more. He did come to the table this evening when I was working. But I fed him and he did not bother me and left and went back into the bedroom to sleep. I am concern about his poor appetite and lack of energy:(
penny3 5 years ago
If he is not throwing up then stop Kreosotum. If there is problem again then give it only once.
And Did the loss of appetite and lack of energy happened after Kreosotum?
Hows his thirst?
And lastly he was suffering from vomiting from how many days?
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-04-20 08:57:56]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Hi Soul_ Spirit
Sorry to interrupt here.
Can u please advice me on for Heel and lower back pain ?
[Edited by provision on 2019-04-20 09:39:53]
provision 5 years ago

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