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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cat needs remedy Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Soul_ Spirit
Sorry to interrupt here.
Can u please advice me on for Heel and lower back pain ?
[Edited by provision on 2019-04-20 09:39:53]
provision 5 years ago
Yes, his appetite got worst after the last remedy for the throwing up but his appetite has not been too good even when he was aggressive. He wanted food at that time and demanded for me to concistently get up and feed him but he was not too interested in the food. He would take a couple licks and then go after me for something more or something else.
He had increase his drinking of water at that time. But he doesn’t drink as much water now.
As for the female I walked up to her as she was pooping she had a few well form poops which were dark. Then I notice right before she was almost done she had a few wet drops that really smelled. The drops were like a burgany color. She started to cover the poop before I could notice anything else. I hope this information helps you. Thank you and with deep gratitude!
penny3 5 years ago
Kreosotum is not that deep acting. At least his vomiting has gone. You may wait for a few days to see the effect. Lets see if it somehow help in his appetite though appetite got worse after using it.

Are you talking about the female after giving Sulphur?
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Thank you the female will begin her remedy when it comes in. I had to order the 200 I only have the 30.
I want to ask you if you can suggest a remedy for my daughter. She went to Florida for a three day trip and she got burnt. Her face just peeled. She still is pink and her skin still feels warm. Her skin where her arms bent is hot pink and painful. Her belly is also pink and not. Her second layer of skin on her face is also painful pink hot and painful. So far I gave her arnica as soon as I saw her. Then she started taking Cantarsis. I think I am going to give her Urtica urens.
penny3 5 years ago
Burned by what. Are you talking about sun burn?
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-04-21 12:51:50]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
If its sun burn you may give Urtica. And if you could find 'Sol' 30 then it is also very good in cases of Sun burn.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-04-21 13:02:12]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Are suggesting Solaninum, if so I would have to order it through another company. ABC homeopathy does not sell it. She is also tired and cold most people of the times.
penny3 5 years ago
Yes I was talking about Solaninum but I think give few more doses of Cantharis. It will prevent further aggravation. After it if you may think of other remedies.Well if you want you can go for Sol.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-04-21 16:08:19]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
I also want to point out that many remedies comes with name Solaninum and this remedy only comes with the name Sol.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
I am still looking for SOL do you know where I can purchase it from?
penny3 5 years ago
It seems its very difficult to find because of the way its made. I have one but don't remember from which site I buyed. I think its better to use other remedies as its a hard find now.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago
Please help the male cat. At 11:40pm he threw up his whole can of cat food. Before he threw up he was howling as he was in discomfort. After he threw up he lay down his chest was rapid and his breathing was rapid and heavy. He went into closet to rest or hide and threw up again.
penny3 5 years ago
Give him arsenic alb 30 or 200 if you have twice Only.
You might also show him to a vet. He might have some problem in stomach area. Just to be sure.

If you don't have arsen. then give him Nux vom. Though I told you not to give it before but you can give it now. If problem is more then Give nux two times half an hour apart. Then give it after few hours once if you think no effect is seen.
[Edited by Soul_Spirit on 2019-05-06 08:22:18]
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago

I would also check the food brands, google and see
If people are reporting problems. I have 2 cats
And had been giving fancy feast chicken/ turkey
Only as the vet said other things are not designed
For cat digestive system. Also, I did not know that
If cats go for only one day without eating? Their
Liver starts to malfunction and they get very sick.

Both my cats began throwing up food- the problem
Was the fancy feast brand as they started changing
Something- probably using another supplier .
I saw after researching that others were reporting
The same thing.Purina Mfr would not respond
To this. Many of my neighbors cats were having
The same problem - and expensive vet tests.

Make sure cats do not go 24 hours with no food.
Treatment was appetite stimulant , antibiotics,
And new brand of food. However, the vets at the start
Did all kinds of tests- and were wanting to do more.
Because I researched the food after the first vet
Appts., I figured out what the cause was, but I am glad
I learned about what happens after 24 hours of no food.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-05-06 15:03:10]
simone717 5 years ago
Rightly said simone. It may be the case.
I thought of vet because I think he have long history of appetite problems. So a second opinion would have been good. Problem is animals can't narrate their problems so its sometimes difficult. Hope he get well soon.
Soul_Spirit 5 years ago

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